Scientists explain that from now on, whenever Trump experiences such fears as Proof of Russian Collusion, Mueller Knocking on His Door or Seeing a Black Man in Real Life, a personalized algorithm will automatically create and post a defensive or deflecting tweet on his account that responds to that fear.
"I realize the tragic significance of the atomic bomb... It is an awful responsibility which has come to us... We thank God that it has come to us, instead of to our enemies; and we pray that He may guide us to use it in His ways and for His purposes". President Harry Truman, August 9, 1945
The story over at Boeing came out after the first crash. Of course the second crash need never have happened. Hundreds of people were killed for no good reason. They died, human beings ripped to shreds, and burned to charred husks, for ego.
The real problem is not whether machines think but whether men do. ~B. F. Skinner   The year is 2110. IBM has just completed work on the most advanced A.I.(Artificial Intelligence), in history. At 12:10 P.M. the A.I. is loaded onto servers....
I have extreme doubts but I sincerely hope Andrea Rossi proves us all wrong with his device.  With his "energy catalyzer" (called E-Catalyzer or E-Cat) Rossi claims an energy multiplier of 30X.  I would guess if something is happening...
This post is a rarity here at PlanetPOV, our posts always present original content but this remarkable episode of Vice reveals such a major breakthrough on the prospects of not treating but curing cancer, it deserves to be seen by as many people as possible.
Why have a basic understanding of cryptography? Take those Mayan priest-rulers for an example: they coded religious texts so that they would be the sole keepers of the knowledge. So that they could control people, 'en masse'. Their subjects didn't understand either the code or the process. They were virtual slaves, for their lack of knowledge.
I don’t worry about that despite the warnings from nervous people on what they have to say about Siri and Alexa. I frankly don’t care if these paired-down AI functions are collecting information. What they would get from me would be tedious and confusing at best.
According to sources close to Trump, he will spend the rest of his time in office, immersed in a virtual reality where all Americans look at him with love and trust and his hands appear much bigger.
I think that I can shed a little light on what happened in Iowa. And provide a solution or at least a framework for one.


Can Netanyahu See Beyond The Boundaries?

"Therefore, to see beyond boundaries to the subtle heart of things, dispense with names, with concepts, with expectations and ambitions and differences."