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Please post a comment below if you need any assistance. We do ask that before you post, you review the...
The Columbus (OH) Dispatch recently concluded its 2009 Holiday Art Contest. Entrants were invited to create angels using an outline provided by the paper; there...
This is an item I have cooked two or three times, including this evening, and I will tell you, it is both simple and...
Am I the only one who feels lost at this time of year?
I never used to feel this way because it was always all...
I am better than I was before. Bigger, stronger, faster.
I am the $6 million skunk.
And a secret superspy.
Oops, I shouldn't have told you...
This morning after my husband and I walked our little dog, and while my husband was on the phone, an unfamiliar vehicle pulled into...
The Real Cost of War
Hi all!
How many of you remember George Carlin? He was a great comedian and social commentator. I identified with him, and I...
Just so you know, there are trolls from HuffPost lurking on this site and reading our comments, and they have made comments on HuffPost...
I just read Pepe's article about his daughter reading the Oz books and thought I would share something neat with all you beautiful people...