Speakers' Corner

This category is for more personal posts about the lives and interests of members at PlanetPOV

I had a gay cousin who was murdered back in the mid-90’s, I loved my cousin despite his sexual preference. I’ve been asked by some Japanese colleagues my opinions on the gay issues. Here’s my dilemma...am I, anti- gay...
So what if the older gentleman that lives next door is three years younger than I am? It matters not, I am the rock n' roll generation. Rust never sleeps, rock and roll never dies it just gets a little gray.
Let me explain. The rhetoric from mainstream climate groups (and many scientists) over the past few years has sounded something like this: ‘if we don’t seriously reduce our carbon dioxide levels, our grandchildren will be in big trouble by 2100’. With that deadline 84 years away, the tendency is to become complacent. But nearly all such assertions about a 2100 deadline are based on carbon dioxide concentrations alone.
I was to be a Dad at a circus food stall with hyper kids wanting everything in sight. Behind me is my parked car and on taking a quick glance around, see to my unbelieving eyes, an Elephant smashing the back of it.
IRA Conducts Daring Air Raid I used to be a member of the Irish Aero Club, which operated out of Dublin Airport for many years. One day, in the early 1970’s in the middle of the ‘Troubles”, I was filing a flight plan for a local trip, when someone I had never met before came into the Club to retrieve his Cessna which had been serviced.
With all of the hoopla surrounding the films screened in the Obama White House, I got curious about what the past presidents watched. What follows is by no means complete, but an interesting bit of history.
The film is a truly great mixture of drama, resistance to the forces of politics, the adroit combination comedy, and love story, in a culinary battle for the utmost Michilin Star rating for an established French fine dining enterprise that is a mere 100 feet apart from a brand new (to the village) Indian restaraunt.
This Year's The Academy of Motion PIctures Arts and Sciences offered up what it believes to be its best. So For Your Consideration.......
May the world experience PEACE! May all people think about others and help those in need. I wish for love and peace to out pace and overrun war and discourse. I wish for cures for cancer and all the rest of deseases. Equality for women, and all minorities. That all people care about and love one another.The end of GREED!
Fellow Planeteers, you greeted my article on my Dad with such kindness that I thought I would do something extra, which was to include my Mum. Here's a wonderful video tribute to my Dad, shown on what would have been his 100th Birthday in 2000 on Irish Television. She is featured prominently, with all her stories!


I Believe in God, But I Hate Religion Part 2

The thought of eternal suffering is a significant motivator for those who are strong in their religious beliefs. It is also conducive to those who push various religious doctrines on their congregants to keep them in line.

People Are Stupid

“Democratic republics are more likely to perish through misuse of power than through lack of it.” — Tocqueville Democracy in America . It’s as if Tocqueville looked into the future.