I know what you're thinking, "What's a Rocky III?". I would ask that those people stop reading this post immediately as you are too...
In this article, we will look at the next step to finding the way out of that quagmire - the Business Plan.
The Business Plan - Nonsense or Good Sense?
When you thought of starting this business, what did you imagine your life would be like?
What did you dream of having?
Do you have the family or fun time you thought you’d have by this time?
Are you any closer to fulfilling your dreams than when you started?
Is there still time and the will to save her? I think there is still time, but our leaders and the people in this...
While I am happy that Gabby Gifford was able to receive the help she needed, I’m disturbed by the story of the boy who was not provided
Breaking up with a blog site is hard to do.
Rather than speaking of "American Exceptionalism" as de Tocqueville described the experience, they applied the purely Palinesque definition of the phrase - in other words, the "dumbass definition."
The rally against the Kochs represented a dent in their stature and power and a validation of the unity and power the other 99% in this nation can have. With it, they can indeed take their democracy off the auction block.
Over the weekend Charles and David Koch, the Tea Party's silent financial backers, threw their annual confab. We were there in opposition!
Tune in to this post to watch the Uncloaking the Kochs rally live! (Image of the oily Koch can is courtesy of Oil Watchdog)