A STUDY IN CONTRASTS President T.T. Trump (Twitter Teleprompter Trump) visited El Paso and Dayton, Ohio, today but apparently could not make a big speech in an open venue for fear of being booed. In Dayton, his staff made him...
Unfortunately for reprobates like Alex Jones, compensatory and punitive damages of any amount will not stop a congenital liar like Jones. He and others like him are amping up their game, and frankly, they don’t give a damn who gets hurt in the process.
Gun violence in America is so out of control now, that homicide by firearm is an every day occurrence. It's gotten so bad now, that the shootings where only two or three people are killed, are not even front page news on the national scale.
On August 8, in the wake of two mass shootings, a young white male in his twenties, showed up at a Walmart Superstore in Springfield Mo. dressed in body armor and military fatigues, carrying a rifle and handgun along...
The "world's greatest deliberative body" chose to deliberately deny the will of the people in a vote that kept a vote from happening. Cowardice. Craven cowardice.
Walking around a store with an unloaded air gun that's for sale at that store when you're black allows police to legally murder you. Walking around a store with real and loaded weapons when you're white is exercising your 2nd Amendment rights.
Time to call a death cult for what it is and kick over the propaganda they use to excuse their sociopathy. The Republican Party is Pro-Death and must be stripped of its power to inflict more unnecessary death on innocents.
Apparently, revolution and guns are only good things when in the hands of white people. Can you imagine what would be happening in Ferguson, MO right now if those protesting over the murder of Michael Brown openly carried rifles and hand guns in their protests?

Castling in Black

I get, pardon the pun 'triggered' when people boil down mass shootings to mental illness. Or even just the weird quiet kid. Are there cases where mental illness plays a part? Without a doubt. People that could have been helped.
"The best way to fight fire is with fire," NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre explained. "So we are also advocating that fire departments around the country replace the water hoses on their firetrucks with flamethrowers."