Unfortunately for reprobates like Alex Jones, compensatory and punitive damages of any amount will not stop a congenital liar like Jones. He and others like him are amping up their game, and frankly, they don’t give a damn who gets hurt in the process.
Because in the Heller decision the majority extended a right to keep and bear arms to individuals outside of the context of a well-regulated militia, Americans are killing themselves and others with guns at a rate of nearly 40,000 annually, yet lawmakers cannot or will not regulate gun ownership and possession because Heller says they can’t.
Have you ever been to a party, just sipping a drink, munching on snacks, chatting with whoever you came with, and checking out some...
Time to call a death cult for what it is and kick over the propaganda they use to excuse their sociopathy. The Republican Party is Pro-Death and must be stripped of its power to inflict more unnecessary death on innocents.
Money is a figment of our collective imagination. Its value is what we say it is, it is its utility that is being undermined by hoarders.
Bad guys with guns are always on offense and can kill anyone at any time. Good guys with guns are necessarily on defense and rarely in the vicinity of bad guys with guns...and they could only act AFTER the bad guy has pulled out his gun and shot someone. So no, they don't stop the bad guy from killing.
A war is being waged against us; a real war effectuated by the slaughtering of unarmed civilians by heavily armed ultra-extremist sociopaths supported by the Republican Party and the lobbyists bought and owned by the gun industry.
Tomorrow will be a defining day in American history. You need to be a part of that history and help to determine what path our country will take. If you haven't already...vote!
Yesterday's shooting at a school in Colorado and the daily shootings at the nation's schools, in our streets and in our homes should be instructing us and yet we continue to ignore the lesson.
Gun violence in America is so out of control now, that homicide by firearm is an every day occurrence. It's gotten so bad now, that the shootings where only two or three people are killed, are not even front page news on the national scale.