God explained that he doesn't have a Twitter account but wouldn't have replied to Trump anyway, saying he just found it amusing to see someone who thought he was the center of the universe.
Trump reacted to being barred from re-entering the U.S. under his extreme vetting plan, "That Executive Order is only supposed to keep hateful extremists out of America! Okay, but I'm white so why is it being used against me?!"
As a follow-up to Hate in America, did anyone see the DKos diary on the group in Texas called Repent Amarillo? http://www.texasobserver.org/dateline/he-who-casts-the-first-stone What’s next for Repent? They’ve posted a “Warfare Map” on the group’s Web site. The map includes establishments like...
Your religion does not define my beliefs nor our government.
Trump's begrudging statement today about the horrifying events in Charlottesville was delivered stiffly like a disinterested 5th grader reading out loud to his class, with none of the emotion and vehemence of his attacks on the press, Nordstrom and Kathy Griffin.
Trump's supporters no doubt actually believed his surface con about making the economy better for them. After all, Trump loves the poorly educated and they apparently love him. But we all know his real con is to Make America White Again.
There's been a campaign going on around the blogosphere for awhile, advocating that MSNBC ban Pat Buchanan from appearing on the network. Buchanan is a political analyst, who, in the wake of the tragedy in Norway, wrote an editorial, which...
Walking around a store with an unloaded air gun that's for sale at that store when you're black allows police to legally murder you. Walking around a store with real and loaded weapons when you're white is exercising your 2nd Amendment rights.
What we've witnessed since President Obama's election has been an unending parade of thinly veiled and outright racism spewed by mainstream media channels and pundits, Republican politicians and the GOP army trolls at most blog sites. The march of racism hasn't ended so the march against it can't either.
Trump is a thug and a bully. He insults, mocks, belittles; and now, damns and curses anyone who disagrees with his methods. He reminds you more of a schoolyard bully that loses their nerve if you challenge them.


Democracy Or Autocracy: Which Do You Want?

If Trump manages to win, Trump’s retribution will not be limited to what he does here in the United States. He will partner with Putin, Xi, and Kim Jong Un, and the world order as we currently know it will for sure become the despotic nightmares we read about back in High School in 1984, Fahrenheit 451, The Hunger Games, and Handmaid’s Tale.