Some possible team names that have been floated by Donald Sterling and Cliven Bundy for their new racist basketball league include, "The Charleston Chattel", "The Houston Butlers" and "The Tennessee Involuntaries".
In the end, no one can maintain their power because of the inverse property of power, every action creates an equal and opposite reaction. And that is our eternal job as the majority of human beings on this planet, to be that equal and opposite reaction to those who accumulate power and use it to gratify themselves at the expense of the lives and well being of others.
For many people whose childhood hobbies didn't include playing the drums with their head, it's been hard to understand why so many people in the GOP are supporting such candidates as Donald Trump and Ben Carson.
"Have you seen what the Antifa radicals have been doing to these helpless symbols of white supremacy? I mean, 'our heritage'? It's disgusting. They've thrown paint on them, pulled them down, even moved one into the corner of my office," Trump complained until being told he was pointing at Mike Pence.
The first question that comes to mind is why these Republicans, especially those in The South, think that panicking after a terrorist attack and proclaiming how fearful they are, comes off as macho in the supposedly "macho" Republican community.
Trump is a thug and a bully. He insults, mocks, belittles; and now, damns and curses anyone who disagrees with his methods. He reminds you more of a schoolyard bully that loses their nerve if you challenge them.
"IF YOU CAN KEEP IT” is the equivalent of the robot in Lost In Space saying "Danger Will Robinson!", and we need to pay attention to the warning about the ongoing campaign to erase civil rights.
Trump's begrudging statement today about the horrifying events in Charlottesville was delivered stiffly like a disinterested 5th grader reading out loud to his class, with none of the emotion and vehemence of his attacks on the press, Nordstrom and Kathy Griffin.
Rush Limbaugh: "n Obama's America, the white kids now get beat up with the black kids cheering." Glenn Beck: "So here you have Barack Obama going in and spending the money on embryonic stem cell research. ... Eugenics. In...
Well folks, now we have it, a bonafide all white basketball league trying to start playing as early as this summer.  The league is being put together by Don "Moose" Lewis as "fundemental basketball" as opposed to the "street ball"...


Democracy Or Autocracy: Which Do You Want?

If Trump manages to win, Trump’s retribution will not be limited to what he does here in the United States. He will partner with Putin, Xi, and Kim Jong Un, and the world order as we currently know it will for sure become the despotic nightmares we read about back in High School in 1984, Fahrenheit 451, The Hunger Games, and Handmaid’s Tale.