It's like the Republicans have built a scale where the fulcrum is so far to the right that conservatism would be in the center and issues most Americans support are "far left".
After having to cave, how small does Trump look now to his rabid cult (at least his tiny fingers now look proportionate to them)? Trump failed and was beaten by a woman which to misogynist believers in Trump, is a double whammy.
For a little perspective on 2018, we invite you to take a stroll back through some of the events of this year through a gallery of graphics that were on PlanetPOV. Enjoy!
Tomorrow will be a defining day in American history. You need to be a part of that history and help to determine what path our country will take. If you haven't!
Trump's bill redefines "rape, molestation and sexual abuse" as "horseplay" and changes the unwilling restraint of women from "kidnapping" to "playing house". "Pedophilia" will be downgraded to "youthful indiscretion" but only for Republicans running for office.
Can anything be done to stop Kavanaugh if he does get on the SCOTUS? Yes, there are three scenarios that could limit the damage that this radical, dishonest and possible sexual assaulter could do over decades on that court.
Scientists explain that from now on, whenever Trump experiences such fears as Proof of Russian Collusion, Mueller Knocking on His Door or Seeing a Black Man in Real Life, a personalized algorithm will automatically create and post a defensive or deflecting tweet on his account that responds to that fear.
Trump successfully leveraged the racial resentment of President Obama and the social progress under him to build a rabid Coalition of The Spiteful that have come to revere Trump like he was Jesus. Actually, more than Jesus. They follow his commandments over the teachings of Jesus.
When Trump campaigned on "bringing back" law and order, he meant authorities should have more power to dominate and abuse minorities. He didn't intend for them to be more empowered to pursue crimes that rich, white men commit.
Customs officials have discounted witness claims that he was walking on the surface of the river as he crossed it. "The Rio is very low at the point this person crossed, it may have appeared he was walking on water but it was just an optical illusion," explained ICE spokesperson, Leticia Zamarripa.