Just back from two rallies, One at midday and one in the late afternoon. Very hot, humid, threat of rain. 100's attended both. At the urging of the Rev. Al Sharpton, “Justice For Trayvon Martin” rallies were held in 100 cities across the nation. St. Louis did it's part in gatherings organized by civil rights activists and church leaders.
Whether it's John Roberts justifying his gutting of the Voting Rights Act or the Right Wing zealots spiking the football on Trayvon Martin's grave, the refrain we hear from those who aid and exhibit racism in our nation is, "I don't see any racism."
It might be ironic if Fundamentalist Christians made the decision to divorce from Republicans over the issue of protecting marriage.
The shootings at the Oak Creek Gurdwara are reminiscent of the story of Bhagat Singh Thind who caused the United States Supreme Court to define "white" in the same way that inspired the murderous Wade Page.
Mitt Romney seems not only to be from Central Casting in appearance for the role of president, his stonewalling against revealing who he really is and what he’d really do as President makes him also look like he’s auditioning for the lead role of The Manchurian Candidate.
Romney's new campaign of "Going after Obama's biography" is code that's not that hard to break. Let's see...he's not American, he lived in Indonesia, his Father was Kenyan and Muslim, Reverend Wright led his church, he smoked pot as a teen and had an afro...where exactly is all of this leading? It's so bewildering!
It is confusing to many as to how this party has so alienated itself and chosen to disregard the truths that many of us hold and have for probably our entire lifetimes. I don’t want to say their movement to the far right is because of President Obama but I do believe his election to the highest office in our land has contributed to their movement.
ROMNEY: "I like Mexicans food, it's just the right taste. My wife and I often have a case of dillas, typically with cheese."
What does that do to the Petri dish of American society when injustice is virulent? Doesn't it create an ideal breeding ground for the kind of racism, intolerance, chauvinism and venomous "debate" that has become so mainstream today?
It is well known that the Religious Right are out to turn the world to Christ and what better way to do it than by using the biggest and strongest military in the world?


Vox Populi – 03-07-2025

Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events, begins tonight at 7:00pm PT. Hope to see you then! AdLib2 days ago Hey Ad -...

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Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week's events begins tonight at 7:00PM PT. Hope to see you then! AdLib2 hours ago Hey Murph! AdLib2 hours...