In a little more than a week, it will be Election Day, when you have the remarkable power to choose the name of the President and the other politicians that you believe will do the best job in representing...
With Trump saying no to his human decency, sexual assaults and accepting election results, Americans saying no to him so this weekend's music thread is about saying no and making that a big negatory.
It's become pretty difficult lately to focus on the hope and change that lies ahead of us in this negative, hateful and depressing environment of Trump Spew but once Hillary wins the Presidency, there will be much to be...
The Trump house of cards seems like it's now collapsing thanks to his misogynist chatter so this weekend's music thread is dedicated to things that people say and people Trump is gonna lose bigly!
Fall is the time for dead leaves (aka "Trump's Hairdo"), Trick or Treating ("Trump's Campaign") and cooking turkeys (also known as "Trump's Election Results") is coming our way. So celebrate the arrival of Fall with songs about "fall" or "falling" (even in love), songs about nature and songs about the passage of time.
With the big debate coming up on Monday, this weekend's music thread is all about songs that have a bit of fight in them, songs about standing up for something, calling out truths and bouncing back.
After being off of the campaign trail for most of the week to recover a bit from pneumonia, Hillary Clinton is back in the saddle again and she's gotten off to a solid start. To welcome her back, this...
One of the central conflicts though is that of mindless emotion vs. rational thought. So this weekend's music thread smartly focuses on our self-preserving ability to think. Songs about thoughts, ideas, learning, wisdom and observations are offered for your consideration today.
In recognition of Trump's astounding ability at flipping and flopping in desperation to rescue his sinking campaign, this weekend's music thread is about moving all over the place, running, walking, dancing, flying, and of course, twisting and turning.
This weekend's music thread is about feelin' good. Songs about good feelings, happiness, celebration or songs that just make you feel good.


Can Netanyahu See Beyond The Boundaries?

"Therefore, to see beyond boundaries to the subtle heart of things, dispense with names, with concepts, with expectations and ambitions and differences."