If Trump can't be removed from office through impeachment, can't or won't be indicted and won't voluntarily leave the White House even after he's proven to have committed federal crimes...can he be leveraged to resign? The answer to that may be yes.
If 6 million Americans are thrown off of health insurance and the ACA is crippled, the ripple effect will come crashing down on everyone who has health insurance. And the hand that will be holding the lit match while our health insurance system goes up in flames...will be the Republican Party.
If the Affordable Care Act goes down. No problem. The Justices and the Congress get GREAT medical care at tax payer expense.
We vehemently bid goodbye to this nightmare of a year, the quarantines, empty shelves of toilet paper, nurses forced to wear garbage bags, and ignorant white people declaring in public places that wearing a mask and sanity is oppression. So, to review the year that never should have been, we offer a selection of graphics that have appeared on PlanetPOV during 2020, in chronological order.
Speaking of Christian values, whatever happened to bearing false witness? Hobby Lobby set up shop in a state where they'd have to pay for employee healthcare including emergency contraception.
PlanetPOV is hosting a live chat to accompany tonight's final presidential debate, unofficially the official debate watching format of Sanity. A lively, witty, insightful conversation is in store for you tonight, we hope you can join us!
If you don't want to hear it- shut them down, keep them out.
Thought "The Death Panel" was a right wing hoax? Nope. The SCOTUS became a real death panel, allowing states to refuse expanding Medicaid to let the uninsured working poor die from medical neglect. The ongoing deaths of thousands of Americans will now be a dark legacy of The Roberts Court.
If the Justice Department and the F.B.I. escape their duty and allow the President to exist completely above the law, and with unlimited power, then they are no longer law enforcers; and since they act directly on the President's authority, they are reduced to a criminal syndicate.
GOP PACs are preparing to spend more than $1 Billion to win control of the White House, the Senate, more state legislatures and governor’s mansions, and to hold the House of Representatives and the state governments they already control.