According to Netanyahu, what's best for "all of us", is to not try to negotiate with Iran to stop them developing a nuclear weapon. So if they need to be stopped...and negotiating is foolish, what one path is left to stop them? War. And that's all that Netanyahu really wants.
President Barack Obama accepted the 2009 Nobel Prize for Peace today. Amazing, absolutely amazing! There are not enough words to describe how proud I am of this man.  First impressions are just that…first impressions, and he has proven (at least in...
Just as Republicans insisted that the 2012 polls were all wrong and Mitt Romney would win by a landslide, Republicans today are blindly and overwhelmingly confident that the Democrats and Obama will bend to their will and the country will see them as heroes...and they'll be just as right as they were on Romney.
Loads of people are in high-gear whine mode about the deal cut in Washington by the President with the Republicans last week. One of the lesser ad hominems being thrown at the President at the moment is the accusation that...
Is anyone else sick and tired of the constant lies being told to the American people about our federal budgetary woes and our supposed deficit armageddon? OH and let's dispel another myth, there is no federal credit card. US FEDERAL GOVERNMENT debt does not work the same way as an individual or business debt works.
In an unprecedented move, the Mainstream Media have announced that in order to keep the Presidential race the kind of competitive contest that Americans deserve, President Obama will now be blamed for the gaffes of anyone who ever supported or voted for him.
President Obama will deliver an address to the nation tonight about Syria and you're invited to join us here for a live chat during his speech.
The numbers appear to be leaked by The White House, 30,000 more troops for Afghanistan. Some of the buzz from the MSM is that Pres. Obama will present this as a part of a plan for winning in Afghanistan and...
On the first Thanksgiving, immigrants who were very vulnerable were welcomed by this land's citizens and treated with compassion and generosity. In other words, Republicans are completely bewildered why we celebrate Thanksgiving.
Here's some fascinating and little known trivia about every President we've had in the United States. Give yourself that extra tidbit to spring on someone else who thinks they know history well by reading on...