A picture of me in hospital.  I have shared this story on the site the white house set up and I will share it here now. I have experienced both healthcare worlds because I started out with very good healthcare...
What seems to be shaping up as the ultimate national internal conflict for the United States is not Republican vs. Democrat, Conservative vs. Liberal, Pro-Life vs. Pro-Choice or Family Values vs. Republican Politicians. It is Stupid vs. Smart. The Washington game,...
It really shouldn't be surprising that the Republican Party is focused right now on winning nothing, the biggest nothing in recent times. The GOP's goal, what they are campaigning full bore to provide to Americans, is absolutely nothing...in terms of...
What a difference having the president in the country makes. After a tumultuous and uneven week last week this week has been a major perhaps historic step forward on healthcare reform. Two bills have advanced this week to the general assembly in each chamber of Congress. The three committees working on healthcare reform have joined together to forward a bill for markup to the floor of the House. While the Senate HELP committee in somewhat of a surprised outflanked the Fiance committee and passed a bill on a 13-10 partisan vote.
Holder's trial balloon describes a course of inquiry worse than no investigation at all. While what little we know we know due to carefully leaked comments, the fact that the leaks were coordinated to several newspapers simultaneously and that the...
It seems far too many Americans live by the phrase, "Don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining...unless you're really, really convincing." Many people WANT to be sold on bullshit, they just don't like thinking about things that make them feel bad or insecure and welcome any and all attempts to re-label reality. This is endemic in politics but just as intertwined in most other parts of society.
There have been numerous developments on the healthcare reform front since congress has returned from July 4th recess. The biggest development is that the Democrats now have a so called "super majority" since they now have 60 seats in the Senate thanks to the addition of progressive Senator Al Franken of Minnesota.
This week's latest installment in the soap opera of Sarah Palin has given again the opportuinity to reactionaries (the people who detest Bill Clinton or Barack Obama) to again ask in a plaintive voice: "Why are Liberals so hateful...
Dear God, We humbly write to you, our great and omnipotent Lord because we're not sure you're aware of what's been happening lately. We've done everything to follow what you want. We hate all the right people. We promote Christian values...


Watch and Chat Live: The Presidential Debate – Harris V. Trump 6:00 pm PDT/9:00...

Tonight is the first (and only?) debate between Kamala Harris and an orange stain on this country's history. It begins at 6:00pm PDT/9:00pm EDT and we are hosting a live chat via our Vox Populi app starting then as well as streaming the live video of the debate below so you can watch and live chat on the same screen. Ain't modern technology wonderful?