We have come to take for granted that part of life in society is being in debt one's whole life and paying towards that debt one's whole life. Isn't something wrong with that? Do we really need all the "things" we are encouraged to become indebted over? I mean, how often are you using that Thighmaster or that George Foreman grill nowadays?
If you did not know, the dining room table that Barney Frank refused to debate was a LaRouchie. LaRouchies are present all across the nation, including the town hall I attended a few weeks back in Pasadena, CA. LaRouchies are deranged...
BOSTON (Reuters) – U.S. Senator Edward Kennedy, a towering figure in the Democratic Party who took the helm of one of America's most fabled political families after two older brothers were assassinated, has died, his family said. He was...
"...The point about solar energy is that there is so much of it that you only have to tap 5% of it at an efficiency as tiny as 1% and you already have energy over 5 times the whole world's present consumption...what are we waiting for?" --Derek Abbott, Professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of Adelaide in Australia
The GAO released a long awaited report on CIA abuse of prisoners during the Bush years. It documents many things we know and many things we did not. "CIA report: 'Inhumane' tactics used on detainees WASHINGTON – CIA interrogators threatened...
Blogs don't make the evening news; angry mobs do. Is Krugman, like the WH, trying to motivate the "progressives" to take to the streets, and be SEEN as well as heard?
Despite complaints about his ego, filmmaking style and his overexposure in the 2004 elections, Michael Moore remains the most effective, progressive and influential filmmaker out there. Expect the MSM to attack Moore for the hypocrisy and corruption spotlighted in this...
We can do this. We can rebuild our Congress. We have the technology, we can rebuild it, and it won't cost $6 million dollars. This will be our revolution; 21st century style patriotism. The web will be our battleground, and we will win.
We've seen this same segment of the population before that is currently spewing hatred at the town hall meetings on health care. They were the same ones foaming at the mouth about the government at tea bag parties. The same ones...
Well when Huffy first announced it's creation of an "investigative team" I wondered what it would entail.  It looks like we now know.  They stalk the halls of the White House and talk to as many administration officials as...