Imagine if a molester was stopped from molesting and claimed that doing so was molesting him. Now you know how the GOP deals with attempts to interrupt the ongoing class warfare by the wealthy against 99% of Americans.
And while the Republicans keep playing in "Tea Party Fantasyland", a record 46.2 million Americans were hit by poverty last year. If there is ever a time to shift into overdrive to focus on job creation and put money in people's pockets again, it's now.
In the modern era of punditry and media, we have now become accustomed to news being a never ending chain predictions. As the crude saying goes, predictions are like assholes, every news show has them.
OK, it's official. Elizabeth Warren is running for the Senate in Massachusetts. She's challenging big, bad Scott Brown, who's voted with the Democrats as much as he has his own side, and who used the Tea Party financing to get elected...
An article appeared today on OpenSecrets Blog concerning ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council) and the corporations who support their efforts, some 23 of the world's largest. ALEC, for those who are not familiar, is made up of many corporate...
Per request an open thread to discuss the GOP Tea Party Debate. I'll be in and out more than usual because to be honest I'd rather watch dumb jocks than dumb pols. Bito's Much more thorough update.     The debate tonight will be...
The world looks very much different now than it did 10 years ago.  The lives of every American changed forever that day and in the days that followed.  One transformation to come out of 9-11 was the rise of... Did everybody hear that? Did you? Did you listen to every word? Do you know what it was? It was a good, old-fashioned labor leader exhorting a gaggle of workers gathered to celebrate the one day our country sets aside...
The purpose of the American Jobs Act is simple: to put more people back to work and more money in the pockets of those who are working. It will create more jobs for construction workers, more jobs for teachers, more jobs for veterans, and more jobs for long-term unemployed.
Join us tonight to live blog during Pres. Obama's Jobs Speech before a joint session of Congress. Until then, feel free to comment about your thoughts about what he should say, what we should do to get our economy back on track and how all of this connects with the 2012 elections.