The Republican tension between satisfying the base and appealing to the entire electorate will be made significantly worse if the party controls both houses of Congress. The Republicans will get almost none of the practical things they want, and their political headaches will be multiplied.
One might suggest that this crop of Republican candidates for President are boldly going where no candidates have gone before. They believe that the wealthy should live long and prosper and when it comes to emulating the offensive and...
The rally against the Kochs represented a dent in their stature and power and a validation of the unity and power the other 99% in this nation can have. With it, they can indeed take their democracy off the auction block.

Americans United

We need to start a movement, a splinter group from the Democratic Party. I am not talking about “media” or “profits” but am talking about starting a movement that somehow...
Did Moscow Mitch Give Away The Play? Who can kill investigations or oversight, quite literally with a wave of his hand? Even when the investigation, or investigations, looks at his own possible criminal malfeasance and abuse of power? Moscow Mitch.
Please sign and circulate this petition that asks the Department of Justice to aggressively investigate and fight voter laws that suppress the Constitutional right of Americans to vote.
I know some people were wondering what the DOJ and others were doing about voter suppression so I went out and googled it.  Here are the results. DOJ to look into Racist Texas Voter Suppression Scheme FAIR Elections Network DOJ says "hold...
Trump's begrudging statement today about the horrifying events in Charlottesville was delivered stiffly like a disinterested 5th grader reading out loud to his class, with none of the emotion and vehemence of his attacks on the press, Nordstrom and Kathy Griffin.

Are We the Sheeple?

I guess campaign season's started in earnest now. Congress has returned from its summer hiatus. (If you think they have too long a holiday, come to the UK. Parliament's out July, August and September, the last month being the...
Those who defend and support treason, regardless of their reasons for supporting it, are guilty of aiding and abetting treason.