Although Standard & Poors publicly stated reasons behind their decision to downgrade the credit rating of the United States from "AAA" to "AA+" were correct in as much as the handling of the phony debt-ceiling crisis, it was also...
Welcome to our ongoing thread covering the latest updates and opinions from our members on the GOP manufactured crisis of raising (or not raising) the debt ceiling.


Rupert Murdoch may explain to those he "puts a hit" on, "It's nuthin' personal, it's just business," but to any citizen of any nation that wishes to preserve their democracy, it's pretty damn personal.
BP is fighting to stop payments on claims to all those who lives they damaged because they claim that the Gulf is "recovering"?
You can't make up what passes for today's news...but they do anyway.
 The depths to which our "4th Estate" has sunk is the result of a deliberate plan to obscure the differences between contrived drama and reality and it will be very difficult to turn around now that several generations...
Take action to support MN Gov. Mark Dayton in this tense government shutdown, as he fights to fill a $5 billion budget gap by making the wealthy pay their fair share instead of allowing Republicans to squeeze it all out of the middle class once again.
There's so much hostility in our society and media...doesn't it just piss you off?!
There seems to be less interest among Americans in the validity of a political conflict, even if its cause is clearly dishonest, than who comes out on top as the winner.
I believe that socialism is the only system that we may subjugate ourselves to and still be able to call ourselves human and that society will slowly evolve into socialism, followed by the C-word, which I still have an unnatural reflex to.



As a great way to share this experience, PlanetPOV is hosting a live chat (live typed comments) tonight to discuss the night's results as they come in along with everything else this election will bring and what folks think it will mean for the future.