In case you didn’t hear, Pres. Obama is replacing Joe Biden as his VP in his 2012 run with Shia LaBeouf. He’s also going to cut Medicare by requiring Seniors to go to veterinarians and he’s now going to agree to Social Security cuts that will change the retirement age to the letter “Z”.

“Proof? We don’t need no stinkin’ proof, we’re running a news business here!”

It’s no breaking story that what passes for today’s press is about as fact-based as The Chronicles of Narnia or Mitt Romney’s stump speech. What has become shamelessly apparent though is the manufacturing of “news” that is intended to titillate the public, piss them off and turn their anger at anyone other than them and other corporations who are the actual ones behind the ongoing destruction of our democracy, society and our standard of living.

“Gather ’round kids, Grampa’s gonna tell you a story about the way it used to be a long, long time ago. Back before your fancy internets and Faceybooks, there used to be somethin’ you could buy called a “newspaper” and on them newfangled “boob tubes”, they used to have people that would tell you what happened that day in your country or even the world! It was a simpler time back then, we bought tiny leashes for our pet rocks, danced to the rebellious music of The Village People and there was free love…but you still had to pay for dinners once in a while.

Yep it was a wondrous time but we were too busy polishing our mood rings to see that. You see, in our day them newspapers and news shows on the three networks had a thing that’s as obsolete today as wine coolers…they called them “journalistic standards”. Now I know ya haven’t heard that term in your young life so let Grampa explain it all to ya. See, back in those days, the folks who would tell you what was happening in the world would have to make sure what they were saying was really the way things were. I know it sounds silly but they would have to check with different people to see if they told the same story and then, before they could put it in the paper or go on tv and tell everyone that story, they’d have a boss who’d have to agree that they felt sure enough it was the dad-gum truth.

Today them newspapers and tv shows are run by big ol’ corporations that got only one job, makin’ money by gettin’ people to see the ads in their papers and the commercials on their tv shows. The folks in charge either get them a story or make one up that’s gonna make people angry enough or scared enough to keep on readin and watchin’ the next day and the next day.

Here’s how it works, kinda like the game “Telephone”. Each of them tries to think up a story that has a little truth to it but’s gonna upset or surprise people so much, they’ll want to read or watch it. Then they whisper it in another one o’ them’s ear, like, “President Obama wants to make it legal to eat puppies.” Then the next guy then says, “Some are saying that President Obama wants to make it legal to eat puppies.” Then Bob’s your uncle and you’re off to the races!

See, in them old days when “hair care” was more “hair don’t care”, the reason for puttin’ on a news show was to let people know what was goin’ on. Yep, it sure was a bit naive. Today the reason for puttin’ on the news is to make money and to get folks to think what they want them to think…so they can make even more money.

And the way to do all o’ that is like eatin’ an Oreo. You twist off the ethical and responsible top of the news and then folks can just get right to the sugary frosting that gives them the biggest rush. And by the way, in our day Rush was also the name of a musical band, ain’t that somethin’?

Yep, it seems nowadays that not only do those news folks shovel ya rumors and slantin’ opinions like we used to shovel cocaine up our noses (did Grampa ever show you the tiny spoon he used to wear on his silver necklace? I’ll give it to you but don’t tell your mom!), they say it all like it was the plain truth and always seem to be about makin’ people mad and turning some people against others. Why, I hear it’s gotten so bad that in England, they listen in on your phone calls and messages just to make a buck! In my day, you had to dial a 900 number to listen to someone else’s calls and you had to dress up because they’d always ask you what you were wearing.

I guess you’re tired of hearin’ Grampa’s stories about the old days. Ya probably don’t want to hear about the orgies Grampa used to go to with all them news folks. That’s one thing that ain’t changed since then, they’re still screwin’ everyone they can.”

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While reading this I tried to put a timeframe when everything changed but I really cannot.

I remember the Washington Post and how extremely careful they were about publishing the Watergate scandal

Then I think of Daniel Ellsberg and his release of the Pentagon Papers because we were not being told the truth.

What I see now is more like a Hollywood production and like most Hollywood movies it is based on a lot of fantasy and conjecture. There are very few anchors these days and they have been replaced by “pundits”. Somehow we have given these “pundits” the green light to tell us not necessarily what the real news is, but their interpretation of the real news.


Number of murders in US in 2009: 13,636
Number of murders committed by firearm: 9,146
Number of alleged murders discussed for past 3 years by t.v. “news”: 1
Number of most-talked-about accused murderers convicted of murder: 0
Number of extended profiles of any of 4,471 US troops killed in Iraq in a war fought on false pretenses, including 2 killed yesterday, on television “news”: 0

Anthony Case Index

Not casting aspersions. Just talking about perspective and wishing there were a little more balance – not even necessarily politically speaking – in what weight is given to stories covered by the media.

But, it isn’t entirely new. Lindbergh kidnapping and so on… “made for TV” news appears to be hardwired in us all.


Khirad, here in Toledo, there have been 38 shootings since June 1, 2011. Guns are (obviously) everywhere, and this is not good. We are short on police numbers due to budget issues.

So — what was the assignment of one officer for all of this past Saturday night? He had to watch a rock. The Chinese investment firm that bought a bunch of riverfront property here had given the city an ornamental rock. And they didn’t want anyone to vandalize it.




You just couldn’t make that up. And I’m sure the actual thought of vandalizing the rock went up threefold after posting a security detail.


It is absolutely absurd how Rachel Maddow and worst, Ed Schultz had almost complete meltdowns on air. Of course, this is not the first time for either of them. I sent Rachel a tweet and asked her doesn’t she get tired of having hissy fits, only to later realize it was all for naught. Every time the President says something or doesn’t say something that Ed wants him to say or doesn’t want him to say, the President is going to be a “one-term president” or as he said tonight “will be unemployed”. This is why Gibbs said what he did about the Professional Left. And IMO, he was dead on.


I watched one episode of Ed long ago and that was enough for me. What a wailing machine.


I thought Rachel was pretty smart and insightful… then I saw her flip-flopping back and forth on some sound-bites without apology.

But then again, it is MSNBC. I refused to watch it for some time, but then started watching it for KO and Rachel…. And even KO is starting to really grate on me. He’s getting a bit sensationalistic at times.

I tweeted to KO and Rachel a few weeks ago about an experience we had with a Vantuckey housing office, and neither one of them seemed to notice. In fact… nobody noticed the tweet at all.

Guess I’m just not glamorous enough.



I stopped watching both awhile ago. Ed because he is a flip flopper and Rachel when she interviewed Michael Steele. I could not believe the way she was gushing all over him. Anybody can do some good and then do some bad it is human nature, but I still believe in principled journalism even though it is hard to find these days.


MoveOn: Obama.Keyser Soze?



I ain’t skeered. I very much need to hear what the negotiations are, what the details are, but I’m trusting the dems in the room. Call me delusional.

Wouldn’t a C-Span feed be interesting?


Sorry if I’m off topic. I thought all the topics are or should be meshed at this point. Power to the press, as if it still existed.


Dean was just on O’Donnell showing how you can cut Medicare without cutting a dime in services. He’s advising Obama on that issue. He noted that right now it’s Medicaid that is at highest risk because people do not understand it’s used most for your granny in nursing homes and kids under 18. It’s a hugely effective program.

I agree with AdLib – there are huge amounts of privatized waste that can be eliminated, and the cap on contributions can be lifted. I cannot see Obama selling us out on these things.


My one complaint is that I wish he did a better job on selling us on them.

The rhetorical device of corporate jet owners has been a nice touch though.

It really puts them on the defensive when they won’t answer that question directly, or — can you believe it? — I saw them challenged directly on the fact that poll after poll supports raising tax rates on the rich!

I hope to see more of that.


Just got a hysterical email from

BREAKING: Reports say the president just offered to cut Social Security benefits, if Republicans agree not to let the U.S. default on its debts.1

Is it a ploy for donations? Hysteria? True? Phone hacking scandal?


I like to think that Obama is much smarter than that. Talk about touching the “third rail.”


I do too kilgore…..I do too.


OK – has he EVER been dumb? EVER? When all of last year’s garment rending over the “GIVEAWAY TO THE CORPORATE RICH PEOPLE BY KEEPING THEIR TAX CUTS GOD THE WORLD IS ENDING HE’S GIVEN THEM EVERYTHING”, cooler heads were assessing the package and discovered the tax cuts for the rich made up 16% while packages for ordinary people – unemployment, etc. – were 84% of what deal he made. Center for Budget and Policy Priorities wrote that the day the agreement passed – and they got death threats from OUR SIDE. Someone, forget who, did it on Daily Kos – shock outrage traitor, etc.

But it wasn’t true. He did NOT sell out on this agreement or most anything else. We here get scared that they over there (you know, the Leftie Dark Side) might be right. We are so used to Carter’s and Clinton’s caving we forget we CAN rely on this president more. And interestingly – Clinton is counseling Obama NOT TO CAVE.

For me the Hopey Changey Thingey is still working.


I hope you don’t think I was saying Obama is dumb. Far from it.


E’cat, I just unsubscribed to MoveOn and Bold Progressives. These were in the subject lines of their emails:


Bold Progressives: Outrage. Obama.

My subject line to them: STFU


Good idea, Cher. I’ll follow suit. I did that last week with Firebaggers R Us.


I do not blame you………..I honestly do not think we need to be reactionary about every word……… Ad-Lib points out it ain’t neccessarily so. It pisses me off how people just gobble it up. I saw a headline on HP about it and just thought…I simply do not believe that.
Thus did not even bother to read it. I liked your subject line…I hope that I can remember it…..


LOL!!!! Cher – that is EXACTLY what I said to them as well!!! STFU!!!

Not one shred of evidence, not one single fact about cuts, just garment rending, teeth gnashing and whining for dollars.

Look – I gotta put up with this from the Religious Right if I’m going to oppose them and call them out. But why the HELL would I put up with it from my supposed ALLIES???

What is WRONG with these people?

KQµårk 死神

I simply don’t believe what either side says anymore. Unfortunately that means you have to read between the lines yourself.

Progressive group think told me a bunch of things that were just not proven to be true.


Here is another shocker:
U.S., European Media Still Worlds Apart on Climate Change Coverage
Europeans accuse the U.S. media of giving climate skeptics a disproportionate voice and perpetuating a debate that has been settled among scientists

According to Vandermeersch and Verschelden, who are both alumni of Columbia University’s vaunted Journalism School in New York, American news media still make the mistake of giving climate skeptics a disproportionate voice and perpetuating a debate that has long been settled among scientists.

“In a sense, you’re lying to your readers,” says Verschelden. “You’re creating a ‘he said, she said’ story, and looking for an argument that just doesn’t always exist.”

“Journalism in 2011, in Europe, but also in America, ought to be saying, ‘These are the facts, they all point in the same direction, and therefore it’s our job to say that’s how it is,'” said Vandermeersch. “Doing that in a thorough, well-founded, and well-argued manner, is better journalism than just giving equal time to both sides.”

Yet everyday Michelle, and others, can get get on the tube and say without anyone calling them on it that disco is growing and Boone’s Farm is vintage wine.


Also, I gotta think that at least 70% of MSNBC’s 24 hour cycle is spent talking about FOX News.

It’s like FOX News is a soundboard for the Republican Party and MSNBC is a soundboard for FOX News.


I agree AD. Especially the personality feuds between anchors. Like Stewart described it “….burning ants with the magnifying glass.”


“We walked 5 miles in the snow to school every morning! Uphill both ways!”

“Well what about the spring?”

“There was no spring! Hitler stole it! And Tojo done took tha Summer!. Which is why we had to fight the great war! So we could open public pools again!”

“That’s…. that’s different from what I read in history books.”

“Cause they let women write’em! Used to be, a lady knew her place!”

“That’s pretty sexist grandpa. Things don’t work that way any more.”

“Don’t tell me how to talk! I will punch you in the face! I fought for this country! I killed men so you could study your girly history books. Which don’t tell no history!”

“O.K. grandpa, I gotta go. Dad said hello.”

“Your father’s a pussy!”

“O.K. grandpa. I’ll tell him you said hello”

“Damn kids. Knew respect in my day.”


And trees cause pollution so stick THAT in your global warming snowpile! Hah!

KQµårk 死神

Spot on post Adlib. The worst affect all the lies has on society is the alternate realities it creates. You can basically be of any political or social belief for that matter these days and find like minds on the subject. This is how things that use to be undebatable before like torturing prisoners becomes mainstream debate.


There is a popular Twitter hastag: #mediafail. People attach it to their Tweets when they post a story about, well, media failures; cases where the media reports a Breitbart or doesn’t question their sources, etc.

So last night, after the stories broke on WaPo and NYTs about the supposed cuts to SS and Medicare–which upon a second reading (after I stroked out) I realized were anonymous rumors devoid of any detail (thanks to a little help from my friends) I went on Twitter. About half the people I follow were still stroking out and the other half were sane, pleading for patience, for facts, reminding all that we’d been punked like this before. Several people pointed out that the very folks who love to add those #mediafail hashtags all the time were the very ones who fell for the sketchy stories the hardest. So maybe we need a new hashtag like #readerfail. And yet someone else pointed out that Twitter is exactly the perfect venue for immediate and unthinking reactions.

One of the most striking things I’ve learned on Twitter is how desperate writers are for stuff to write about. I follow almost all the bloggers and journalists in print and other media, as well as news organizations. (It’s where I get most of my stories for the Daily Planet.) You could sense their panic over the holiday weekend, and it expanded to yesterday, when there was so little to talk about. They had no news to report, yet they could not refrain from Tweeting, and they started tweeting to each other inane stuff about their personal lives and their desultory musings, and eventually devolved into speculation and rumor. When those stories about the SS and Medicare “cuts” broke, they became remoras. They spent no time analyzing those stories because the were so grateful to have something–anything!–to talk about. It was really an eye-opening spectacle and I wish Questinia had been with me to comment on the hive aspect of it and the psychology behind it. It was truly instructive.

KQµårk 死神

The problem is too many Dems believe the news media, especially when the corporate media tries to divide them. The WashPo and WSJ is most prolific at this while the NYTs obliges some times as well. The GOP has the luxury of blowing off anything but right wing media as a default position so even though the media published several stories of how some Repugs are bending on revenue the GOP position itself does not seem to budge.

You watch in the end the budget deal will have some revenue increases and probably some modest to moderate SS and Medicare cuts too. But the whole story will be how the Dems caved when it’s really the GOP that has given up the most ground from where they started with their no tax pledge.


KQ — I predict your prediction will prove true. It won’t be the end of the world and the facts will be gone with the wind.

KQµårk 死神

To me it’s as intellectually dishonest to think you can have zero cuts in SS and Medicare as saying there should be no increase in tax revenue. I also keep in mind Obama and Dems already made about $500bil in cuts to Medicare with the ACA.


KQ, I don’t know about you but my SSD has taken a cut for the last 3 years with there being no cost of living increase. And, we all know the prices of everything hasn’t changed in the last 3 years. NOT!

KQµårk 死神

I have not gotten Federal yet but private disability never gives you an increase. But I get your point a freeze will be called a cut.


Cher, I have always found that a little panic and a lot more in concern is not a bad thing. Going overboard though is a whole different animal. But, I do think when you feel that the government is making decisions that will impact your life now and in the future, you have every reason for concern. And, I see no problem in letting those making the decisions know you are concern. The wrong thing is to do nothing and give them the impression that no one cares that much. Yes, don’t panic until you know the details but give them a heads up on where your concerns are and you need the answers as quickly as possible. Panic can just be around the corner. Many are waiting to know.


Sally, I really agree with you. I am still concerned–just not panicked. And I absolutely believe that we should and must make our concerns known! Spot on.