Tune in to this post to watch the Uncloaking the Kochs rally live! (Image of the oily Koch can is courtesy of Oil Watchdog)
The real story, and the real danger, is that we are following a path backward in time, transported by Dialectic Materialism into a decline for worldwide individual liberty and sovereignty, and finally into Stalinist autocracy.
They literally wrap themselves in flags (at least flag pins) but if you were to make a checklist of all of America's founding and ongoing principles, as a democracy and society, you'd find a substantial Republican checklist of things they despise.
Bad guys with guns are always on offense and can kill anyone at any time. Good guys with guns are necessarily on defense and rarely in the vicinity of bad guys with guns...and they could only act AFTER the bad guy has pulled out his gun and shot someone. So no, they don't stop the bad guy from killing.
There seems to be less interest among Americans in the validity of a political conflict, even if its cause is clearly dishonest, than who comes out on top as the winner.
Walking around a store with an unloaded air gun that's for sale at that store when you're black allows police to legally murder you. Walking around a store with real and loaded weapons when you're white is exercising your 2nd Amendment rights.
"By mandating that all travelers fully expose themselves, we will be providing an atmosphere of humility and vulnerability that will naturally translate into a more civil and entertaining experience, especially for our management staff."
What does that do to the Petri dish of American society when injustice is virulent? Doesn't it create an ideal breeding ground for the kind of racism, intolerance, chauvinism and venomous "debate" that has become so mainstream today?
When I walked into the examination room Fox News was waiting in, it was facing the smallest corner of the room with a distant, angry look in its eyes while chanting "Benghazi!".
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