The warming we've seen is setting feedback loops that guarantee higher levels of warming. The melting of the Siberian permafrost means thousands of gigatons of methane (more damaging as greenhouse effect than carbon dioxide) released into the atmosphere.
Many Americans mistakenly connect being wealthy with being smart but George W. Bush and now Mitt Romney have proven that conventional thinking to be as dead as the dodo...which coincidentally has become the new mascot of the GOP.
What would happen if I listen, really listen to the news 24 hours a day? What would I hear from the different channels? Would it make me angry, happy, sad, disgusted? I asked myself those questions and decided, what the hell, I m going to find out.
The rally against the Kochs represented a dent in their stature and power and a validation of the unity and power the other 99% in this nation can have. With it, they can indeed take their democracy off the auction block.
Bad guys with guns are always on offense and can kill anyone at any time. Good guys with guns are necessarily on defense and rarely in the vicinity of bad guys with guns...and they could only act AFTER the bad guy has pulled out his gun and shot someone. So no, they don't stop the bad guy from killing.
    Every single Republican Senator voted to allow billionaires to continue buying their votes! "Koch Brothers Win Senate Republicans on Thursday blocked a constitutional amendment that would have restored limits on big money in politics and overturned the Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens...
Why is politics so mind bogglingly complicated? You often hear conversation  about the host of complex problems we face today and that these issues cannot be reduced to bumper sticker slogans and addressed by simplistic solutions. I say simple clear,...
I'm sorry to say that Joan Walsh and I are no longer friends, and that's upset me.  No more gossipy girls' lunches or hour-long telephone calls, no more whispery confidences about who's doing what with whom, no more laments...
Describing and enacting a rational and balanced Employee Incentive plan that will result in a self-running business.
THE GREAT AMERICAN CON Confessions of a Republican Con Man Congratulations! You have been cast in the Republican remake of the classic movie, The Sting. We’ve entitled it, The Great American Con. You remember the original movie, don’t you? Robert Redford, Paul...


Can Netanyahu See Beyond The Boundaries?

"Therefore, to see beyond boundaries to the subtle heart of things, dispense with names, with concepts, with expectations and ambitions and differences."