If we let members of Congress blatantly ignore the law, then Law is dead. They can just put on a red hat and they can do anything no matter how illegal it is.
William Barr frames every word that he speaks based on his Federalist Society inspired, ultra-elitest conspiracy to undermine our three-branch form of government and replace it with "Executive Presidency," using ideas from Turkey, Russia, and China. We used to just say, "autocracy."
We're starting to hear a new narrative: that representative democracy's day is done, that people just can't be bothered with participatory government. Democracy seems to be a lose-lose situation for us "end users." How wrong is it possible to be? Wait for it!
The 2020 election is an existential moment for the United States. Next November will decide whether this country recovers its sovereignty or is dragged deeper under Russian influence. 2020 will determine whether the Russian/Republican vision of remaking U.S. democracy into a dictatorship will be fulfilled or buried.
Looks like President Trump will be impeached, and smart money says, before Christmas - accompanied by very strong censure (which could include taking away, or closely monitoring, many of Trump's responsibilities).
If Trump's Base was to unite with us to throw this idiot tyrant out of our lives, then we would owe them a tremendous debt of gratitude. We need them.
It could be a natural thing, like the body's healing processes. Think of the sense of shared beginning. The peace.
Why exactly is it obvious that their focus is on Ukraine? This is a general impeachment, Trump has committed hundreds of crimes. And, "our committee's" job is to recommend charges to be included in the Articles of Impeachment.
What we are fighting is organized crime that is rapidly gaining a foothold in international trade and finance (much to the benefit of Donald's "Dear, precious friend," Vasha Putin).
When Joe Biden was asked whether he supports marijuana legalization, he weaseled out and said that he didn't know whether or not Herb leads to heroin addiction. He wouldn't answer the question as to how it will ever be possible to answer that question if research is not allowed.
As Republicans have deployed their morally bankrupt, party-and-power-before-country ploys, they have intentionally obscured or just flat out lied about truths that they don't want Americans to think about because they prove Trump is a criminal and that they are indeed criminal conspirators.