To celebrate Martin Luther King Day today, Donald Trump did absolutely nothing. No public event, no speech and the White House Twitter account had...
No one ever believed that these dishonorable Senate Republicans would allow a fair trial. And they were right.
Thist is the choice that Republican Senators make: not whether or not to end Drumpf's criminal career. But whether or not to be loyal to their country or slaves to organized crime.
Under enormous pressure from competing interests over the impeachment trial, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell finds himself between the proverbial rock and the hard place.
The United States Supreme Court doesn't just: "call balls and strikes." it defends the Constitution. And it is tasked to provide a framework of settled law. If they do not, then who else could?
We could stop Donald Trump. But we can't with a corrupt media. They are the Invisible Actor (or a proxy). We don't know what their motives are, or who their leaders are. And the issue never gets any press and is never open to discussion.
It seems that if the criminals in the Republican Criminal Syndicate don't like a law, they just break it. And dare anyone to do anything about it. They know that the liar and oathbreaker William Barr will neglect to turn his Imperial Gaze their way.
To the tune of The Christmas Song, "Trump's nuts roasting while old Lindsey cries. Rand Paul curling 'round his toes. Tyrant Donald being hung by his lies, While Trump's mob falls like dominoes."
What if, the longer Trump allows this refusal of a fair trial to drag on, the more public hearings into his impeachable offenses are held and the more Articles of Impeachment may be voted on, making an even bigger the case will be when the trial finally does take place?
Donald Trump will remain "the Impeached President," not the "acquitted president," for as long as Nancy Pelosi wants to keep him that way. He won't be able to brag, just gripe about the System being unfair - a subject that he should stay away from.