Father Carl Kabat, an 80 year old priest who has spent some 17 years in prison for protesting against war and weapons, spent the Fourth of July spattering red paint across a sign at a Kansas City plant just opened.
We are “responsible for the greatest trust ever confided to a political society.” (Patrick Henry) But as polling demonstrates the American Public has shirked its responsibility in failing to be the informed electorate that John Adams believed was the foundation of any democracy.
If one engages with a theocrat and takes the time to debunk enough of their claims, eventually, they will get into ambiguous territory like what was the “Real” intent of the founders.
So many, many times I hear so many of my fellow Americans claim that the United States is a Christian nation, as our founding...
I don't believe we should commit our military to war without first giving a lot of thought and research into why we should or shouldn't put them in harm's way.
Americans' current confidence in Congress [7%] is not only the lowest on record, but also the lowest Gallup has recorded for any institution in the 41-year trend.
It all comes down to profits for those who have more to gain from war than peace. We have McCain in the Senate who never met a war he didn't like. Why, because he can line his pockets with considerations.
In June 1969, 45 years ago this month, the Cuyahoga River caught fire. It wasn't the first time for this industrialized waterway, but on this occasion the fire garnered the attention of the nation, and at a time when environmental degradation was a burning [sic] issue.
We are now witnessing the inevitable consequences of going into a war in a nation that posed no threats to the US, was politically stable, sectarian, where Shiites, Sunni and Christians lived side by side in relative harmony and al Qaeda was viewed as an enemy by all sides.
Who does ISIS have to thank for the deadbolts being broken on the doors to Iraq? They ought to commission a bathtub self portrait of George W. Bush out of gratitude.