The Democratic nominee for President in 2020 should consider a "New Frontier"-type campaign, not only because it is a proven path to success but because, as President Kennedy said about the fight for racial equality, "It is the right thing to do."
Tomorrow will be a defining day in American history. You need to be a part of that history and help to determine what path our country will take. If you haven't!
America has to wake up from this nightmare where evil people are praised as "good people" and the real victim of a sexual attack is the male perpetrator. It's time to dispel this cloud of lies we're living in with an overpowering blast of reality...and the 2018 election results can do that.
This time zone change will mean that when it is 8:00 pm CST in the rest of the state, it will be 1817 in the most conservative parts of the state.
There were so many fantastic signs in The Women's March made but one that seemed most inspirational and reflective of the empowerment that this movement inspires said, "Thanks President Obama, we've got this!"
I for one am anxious for the unavoidable presidency of Donald Trump to begin ASAP so it can be derailed and ended ASAP.
The Make America Great or the Nightmare Trump? Who Won?
This past Friday, the United States outdid itself. Reactions varied as Justice Kennedy delivered the finishing touches to the end of civilization.
Scalia explained, “History now poses a threat to the white male conservative Christian’s life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. That being the case, this court has no other choice but to order history to cease and desist.
IRA Conducts Daring Air Raid I used to be a member of the Irish Aero Club, which operated out of Dublin Airport for many years. One day, in the early 1970’s in the middle of the ‘Troubles”, I was filing a flight plan for a local trip, when someone I had never met before came into the Club to retrieve his Cessna which had been serviced.


Watch and Chat Live: The Presidential Debate – Harris V. Trump 6:00 pm PDT/9:00...

Tonight is the first (and only?) debate between Kamala Harris and an orange stain on this country's history. It begins at 6:00pm PDT/9:00pm EDT and we are hosting a live chat via our Vox Populi app starting then as well as streaming the live video of the debate below so you can watch and live chat on the same screen. Ain't modern technology wonderful?