Here in Ireland there will be a Presidential election on the 27 October.
It is a disgrace that we ask these people to fight and then when they get back to America they are abandoned.
Hello, planeteers! Although I haven't posted here in a while due to an overflow of work, I've been lurking from time to time and am glad to see that the quality of commentary here has not declined in the...
Revolution isn't a war. It is an agreement. Revolution can never come from above, from "governments." War almost always does. Revolution is the only option when government fails to represent the basic morality of a majority, or consensus, of the people. When it fails to be accountable, and responsible.
This wasn't the straw that broke the camel's back, it was a two ton girder of betrayal and abuse of power that squashed the camel flat. The American people, were so outraged that Trump's continued freedom to destroy our democracy unfettered and the status quo that Speaker Nancy Pelosi has tried to sustain to avoid impeachment, were no longer acceptable.
The freedmen were not really free in 1865, nor are most of their descendants really free in 1965. Slavery was but one aspect of a race and color problem that is still far from solution here, or anywhere. In America, particularly, the grapes of wrath have not yet yielded their bitter vintage. — The Oxford History of the American People [1965], ch.1
In the end, no one can maintain their power because of the inverse property of power, every action creates an equal and opposite reaction. And that is our eternal job as the majority of human beings on this planet, to be that equal and opposite reaction to those who accumulate power and use it to gratify themselves at the expense of the lives and well being of others.
Has this ever worked? Have Democrats ever succeeded as a party by agreeing with Republicans, "I suppose you're right, The President from our party IS a dick!"? If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results, the Democratic Party may need to hold its next convention in Arkham Asylum.
I thought God might be pleased with the Texas education board putting him into their textbooks (he likes to try to stay ahead of Paris Hilton in popularity) but he instead asked me to publish this blog for Him: Okay,...
I for one am anxious for the unavoidable presidency of Donald Trump to begin ASAP so it can be derailed and ended ASAP.


Watch and Chat Live: The Presidential Debate – Harris V. Trump 6:00 pm PDT/9:00...

Tonight is the first (and only?) debate between Kamala Harris and an orange stain on this country's history. It begins at 6:00pm PDT/9:00pm EDT and we are hosting a live chat via our Vox Populi app starting then as well as streaming the live video of the debate below so you can watch and live chat on the same screen. Ain't modern technology wonderful?