Tomorrow begins a four part series on the background and agenda of two of the most economically and politically powerful men in today's America, the Koch brothers.
That word doesn't mean what you think it means. But that's okay, it can't be offended by you, because it's dead.
I took formal civics instruction in 7th Grade and as a Junior in High School in preparation for a graduation requirement: the Citizens' Civic Exam. Nearly everyone in the country did in the early 60's. These tests became common...
One of the most profound experiences of my life was the fall of the Berlin Wall. I was nine years old but could feel the change. I won't talk about the fall of the Berlin Wall (certainly not Hasselhoff), but to say the DDR was crumbling from within, and it was not Reagan.
Let's say that a large number of people are completely dissatisfied with our government. In the 21st century, what is the best way to change a government that the people feel is tyrannical? The vote, of course. I think the first step is to define tyranny. So let's assume we have done so, now what?