
My motto is, "It is better to have blogged and lost hours of your day, than never to have blogged at all."
2315 POSTS

Bad Company

Pres. Obama and  Congress have now turned to focus on passing financial reforms that are long overdue. Fox News and the Republicans tried trotting out the same Goebbels/Rove playbook...

Vox Populi – AfterChat – 4-23-2010

The chat continues here...

Vox Populi – 4-16-2010

1 guest is online. AdLib : Well, looks like it's time to end tonight's session of Vox Populi! Thank you so much for such a fun and...

Friday Music Thread – Best Music on Earth

As a tribute to Earth Day, today's theme is music about The Earth. That includes songs about our planet, nature, or just life on the third rock. How...

A Conversation with The Earth

Happy Earth Day! In honor of today, I had hoped to interview an expert about The Earth but to my surprise, I was able to book none other than...

Moyers Going Out With a Bank

Every Friday night, my Tivo fires up to save what is one of the best arguments for the existence of television, Bill Moyers Journal. As a human being and...

Vox Populi – AfterChat – 4-16-2010

The discussion continues here...

Vox Populi – 4-9-2010

choicelady : Bito - get well soon!!! kesmarn : Good night, c'lady! So glad you were here tonight! AdLib : Night CL! choicelady : ...

Friday Music Thread – Tax Free

Now that April 15th is behind us, or as it's now referred to, "Happy Birther's Day", we can put aside the thought of taxes for another year. We are,...

Tea Party Ingredients: Old Hateful White Males on Social Security

A poll has finally come out which provides a bit of demographics on Tea Partiers. The MSM is spinning it as, "They're actually not poor and ignorant, they're better...