
My motto is, "It is better to have blogged and lost hours of your day, than never to have blogged at all."
2315 POSTS

Vox Populi – 2-10-2012

choicelady : Thank you Sally - sleep well. Let the meds work their wonders. Another really good conversation on The Planet with wonderful people, excellent ideas. It was great...

Why We Should Pay More For Everything

Corporations may have designed this mousetrap of buying cheap products bringing down wages but as long as consumers keep going for the cheese the corporations set out, they will continue to be the victim of this trap.

“Good” is Anti-Republican

Republicans have come out against the economy getting better and life improving for most Americans. In an unrelated story, Satan has just endorsed Mitt Romney.

Vox Populi – 2-3-2012

AdLib : Heh! I would never do that! I watch him too so if I was going to hold that against people, I'd have to include me in that...

Jesus’ Blog – 2-1-2012

"I'm pretty sure that I said, "Love thy neighbor as thyself", not "Love only those with a median household income range between $35,000 and $75,000".

LIVE BLOG: Florida GOP Primary 2012 or “Can $16 Million in Negative Ads Buy an Election?”

The Emperor With No Clothes looks to be buying himself another transparent suit today. Mitt Romney is expected to win the Florida GOP Primary tonight but we will be live blogging throughout the day so please feel free to join us!

Weekend Music Thread – Let’s Stay Together

As a nod back at President Obama for singing, "Let's Stay Together" this week, this music theme is about coming together, loving and caring and staying positive about life and the future.

Vox Populi – 1-27-2012

AdLib : Heh! Take car KQ and sleep well. Thanks to you and Sally and everyone else for a rousing edition of Vox Populi! See you on The Planet...

LIVE BLOG – GOP Debate in FL on CNN – 1-26-2012

Wonder about Purgatory no more, it's time for another GOP debate! You're invited to join us here for a live blogging of this last debate before the GOP primary in Florida.

Live Chat – President Obama’s 2012 State of the Union Address

AdLib : Night Sally! SallyT : Good night Ad Lib! AdLib : Looks like a good point to end our SOTU edition of our Live Events chat. The conversation continues on...