President Obama will deliver his 2013 State of the Union Address tonight at 6:00 pm PST (9:00 pm EST) and you're invited to join us for our live chat here beginning at 5:30 PM PST. Hope to see you then!
AdLib : Thanks CL! Sleep well!
choicelady : AdLib - I surely will let you know what kind of reception I get!!! Take care!
AdLib : It is that time! Have...
Bito was a man we came to admire for so many reasons, a man who never let on here how very ill he really was, and when he was able, came to “work” here, sleeves rolled up, and fearlessly starting and diving into conversations.
AdLib : Sounds good, looking forward to it! Have a wonderful weekend!
SallyT : Well, I will let you go and enjoy your weekend, AdLib. See you later and you...
kesmarn : Good day to everyone! Sorry I faded out there. Phone call. But what a wonderful event. See you all later.
AdLib : Thanks to everyone who joined us...
PlanetPOV will host a live chat at 8:00 am PST this morning to accompany President Barack Obama's inauguration for his second term. All PlanetPOV members are invited to join us for this fun and live discussion on this historic day.
AdLib : Night all, have a great weekend!
AdLib : Murph, so true. The RW nutjobs have so overcommitted to this strategy of demonizing Obama that they have nowhere to...
Has American politics jumped the shark? Should it be cancelled and replaced with another reality show? Perhaps a spinoff about the Republican-controlled House that is committed to doing nothing to help Americans, maybe titled, "American Idle"?
AdLib is online.
AdLib : Night Killgore and Sally! Have a great weekend! Looking forward to Music Thread and Funnies!
SallyT : Good night AdLib
SallyT : There is a tribute to...