• AdLib : I see. Sounds like it works out well! Right, see you here! Night!

  • SallyT : I will see you around here, for sure. But, have a great weekend!

  • SallyT : I have to download because my husband can watch anything until the weekend because of the hours he works. So, one day of the weekend, we watch movies or something. He hasn’t seen House of Cards yet but he will like it. He likes Spacey.

  • AdLib : Very cool! Would be great for Vox, Funnies and Music Thread! WIll do, have a great rest of your evening and see you here over the weekend!

  • SallyT : I have the connection that hooks my laptop to our big screen. I can even see the Planet on there! Pretty neat. Okay, you go watch one and tell me if you like it! I am anxious to know.

  • AdLib : Oh! I can stream Netflix to my tv through my DVD player which is what I was mentioning before, being able to stream films from other sources would be great.

  • SallyT : I don’t have Netflix, my daughter does. I use this service out of Australia and I get the movies sooner.

  • AdLib : Sounds good.

  • SallyT : I know, I hate that, too. But, I don’t think we will have to wait too long for the next.

  • AdLib : They’re on Netflix so I can just stream them, one after the next.

  • AdLib : That’s the drag with watching a series right away. I’ve caught up on series that have ended and it’s great to be able to go through all the cliffhangers to the next season!

  • AdLib : That

  • SallyT : Spoiler alert! It ends with a cliff hanger. But that will make you want to see season two!

  • SallyT : Kevin Spacey is fantastic in it!

  • SallyT : There are 13 all together for the season.

  • SallyT : So, you better download several at a time!

  • SallyT : You do that! I can’t wait to hear if you like it or not. I know you will. You will get hooked with the first show.

  • AdLib : Well, think I will check out House of Cards then!

  • SallyT : There aren’t many here, either. This one has been in the same family for years and they have been able to keep it going.

  • AdLib : Not many of those left here in LA but I grew up with those.

  • SallyT : They don’t have much of a parking lot, so, most just walk there.

  • AdLib : Love those kinds of theaters, not a huge fan of the multiplex.

  • SallyT : We have a little old theater up the street from us and I love going to it. It has the hit new movies but just one screen. It is really like the old times.

  • AdLib : Sally – Yuck indeed, that has turned me off watching it. Don’t need to see AH or MS, bored with them.

  • AdLib : I’m all for movie theaters…there ‘s nothing to prevent them from being hooked up digitally to provide a greater variety of films. We don’t need multiple theaters showing the latest hokey studio blockbuster.

  • SallyT : Michele Steele is on there, too. You can pass on this one, AdLib, trust me. Watch House of Cards.

  • AdLib : Yep RT hasn’t been that good lately. Last week’s episod was pretty poor, with Maher hanging all over Snoop Dogg/Lion…emba rassing to watch.

  • SallyT : Not good for the movie theaters.

  • AdLib : During the dot com boom, people were all crazy about that happening then. Now however, with new tvs having internet access, Apple TV, Roku, etc., there are more and more ways for people to get their entertainment.

  • SallyT : So, watch House of Cards instead.

  • SallyT : I will let you go. Huffington is on Real Time and YUK. Wasn’t much of a show.

  • AdLib : Sally – Yep, I usually call to cancel my service to Directv then they switch me to a department that will lower my rates. I do look forward to internet driven channels and cut loose from these exorbitant cable and sat fees.

  • SallyT : That would make money for the movie industry, too, since they are so many fewer people going to theaters now.

  • SallyT : So true.

  • SallyT : My daughter said she will call Comcast again and complain about the charges. She does every year, tells them her mother has been a loyal customer since 1980 and my rates should be lower. They usually lower them down some but you have to call and complain first. She loves doing that!

  • AdLib : Democritizing entertainment would be so energizing to the field and spawn so much creativity.

  • AdLib : Yep, that is the way of the future. All the movie channels have scrambled to catch up, even the broadcasters like Directv have apps that let you watch anything you subscribe to on any device. Once we all have internet connected TVs, the dynamics will change even more.

  • SallyT : And, why? Nothing has changed. They shouldn’t go up with gas prices!

  • SallyT : They raised their rates again!!

  • SallyT : Oh, I would love ComCast to have a competitor!

  • SallyT : And, anywhere you have your computer, laptop, smartphone, tablet, etc

  • AdLib : That would be a good thing, Sally. Any way the corporate monopoly on entertainment can be broken up a bit, that’s a good thing.

  • SallyT : I mean, you can watch it anytime, one show or all of them at once.

  • AdLib : I heard it’s the most viewed thing they’ve ever had. Very pleased about that.

  • SallyT : I think shows like that are the thing of the future and good bye cable!

  • SallyT : Netflix has given them 30 million dollars for season two! So, I am sure it will be even better! It has been a real money maker for Net.

  • AdLib : I’ll bet I will! Looking forward to it.

  • SallyT : Watch it! I watched the whole season one and it is great! You will like it. You will get addicted like me and can’t wait for next season.

  • AdLib : What do you think of it?

  • AdLib : Not yet but it is high on my to-be-watched list.

  • SallyT : LOL

  • AdLib : And he looks like Jimmy Hoffa is buried in his stomach.

  • SallyT : Have you watched any of House of Cards yet?

  • AdLib : Christie does have that mob swagger.

  • SallyT : If he were still alive, I would ask him if he knew Christie. If Christie was anybody, he would have knew him.

  • SallyT : Whenever I see Christie, I think of Tommy, my mob friend. He looked just like him!

  • AdLib : I got ya!

  • SallyT : We like it that way, AdLib. We don’t like to much attention, if you get my drift……

  • AdLib : Looking forward to them, Sally!

  • AdLib : Modesty from a member of The Untouchables!

  • SallyT : I have had to pull so many cartoons about him that he came to mind.

  • SallyT : Well, sometimes I come up with a little something.

  • AdLib : Sally – Not at all, it was your suggestion to do talk and that led us to protest and walk the walk. Teamwork!

  • SallyT : Not as many as you, KT!

  • KillgoreTrout : Sally, you are always welcome to contribute. I’m betting you know lots of good tunes.

  • AdLib : Same here KT, thanks to you and Sally for closing the Vox bar with me tonight!

  • KillgoreTrout : Well Sally and Ad, it looks like the bar is about empty. I have enjoyed this VOX very much tonight.

  • AdLib : The Ramones were one of the main founders of Punk Rock but they were very talented musicians.

  • SallyT : Okay, I will stick to my funnies and leave the music to you guys.

  • KillgoreTrout : Joey Ramone is a god in some music circles.

  • AdLib : Sally – Rand will have to earn getting a music thread attacking him. ;-)

  • SallyT : Wait until you see the funnies! They make fun of him!

  • AdLib : KT – Same here, so much about the Ramones was fantastic. They really made a big impact in music, many musicians will tell you that.

  • SallyT : That is it, satire. Not for him but making fun of him.

  • KillgoreTrout : Ad, neither would I. Only in satire.

  • SallyT : But you did one for Romney……….

  • KillgoreTrout : I always got a kick from the Ramones. Another Boston based band!

  • AdLib : Heh! But I wouldn’t want to dedicate a Music Thread to Rand Paul.

  • KillgoreTrout : Ha, great choice.

  • SallyT : There you go, songs that describe Rand Paul!

  • KillgoreTrout : I will not forget Sally.

  • AdLib : Rand Paul might be Teenage Lobotomy – The Ramones.

  • SallyT : Don’t forget Talk the Talk, KT.

  • KillgoreTrout : Ad, it does. One has to walk the walk if they want to change the world!

  • SallyT : I think that is Paul and his filibuster!

  • AdLib : That work for you KT?

  • AdLib : Nailed it, Sally!

  • SallyT : I was right on my second guess! Thanks AdLib. That would have bugged me.

  • KillgoreTrout : Ad, your speed amazes me!

  • KillgoreTrout : Ahha!

  • AdLib : Coasters, 1958: «link»

  • SallyT : No, it was the Coasters!!

  • KillgoreTrout : Ooh, I’d have to look that up, but I think you are right.

  • AdLib : Yakity-yak, don’t talk back!

  • SallyT : Right, that’s the one! Was it the InkSpots that recorded it?

  • KillgoreTrout : Oh yeah Sally! That was part of the movie Twins, with Danny Devito and Arnold. Though it was recorde decades before the movie.

  • SallyT : Or something about getting noticed and attention. See me! See me!

  • AdLib : KT – Yep, that is a bigger pool of songs to choose from.

  • KillgoreTrout : I was thinking of a theme like “So you want to change the world?”

  • AdLib : Lots of protest songs from the 60’s and 70’s…

  • SallyT : No, KT, the song I suggested: Yaky Yaky, Don’t Talk Back Remember that one?

  • KillgoreTrout : Sally, it’s not that I don’t like it, it’s just a challenge. I’m sure we can make it work.

  • SallyT : AdLib, I was even able to collect the money the IRS was due and don’t think they were thankful!

  • AdLib : KT – There are lots of songs that are conversations… hmm…you could do a theme of protest instead or in addition?

  • SallyT : KT, you didn’t like my suggestion? Don’t you remember that song?

  • KillgoreTrout : OK Ad, tis a challenge, but I think we will all be able to come up with like minded songs.

  • AdLib : Sally – Wow…not that often such a story would turn out to have such a positive ending, very happy to hear it!

  • SallyT : Yaky Yaky Don’t Talk Back

  • KillgoreTrout : Hmmm, I’m wondering just what songs would fit that. But then, that’s the fun of the weekend music thread.

  • SallyT : It involved millions of dollars, AdLib, and it could have been the death of our company. But, it wasn’t and I was able to collect all the money that we thought we might lose.

  • AdLib : KT – I like Sally’s suggestion, how about a theme about talking the talk and/or walking the walk? Would you like to do the honors?

  • SallyT : I think it should be something on not shutting up, like Paul and his filibuster, KT.

  • AdLib : Sally, I’m sure it was insane at the time and for a while afterwords but as an adventure you lived out, it is something to take a lot of pride in.

  • KillgoreTrout : Good night Ad, how do you want to handle the music thread? It’s OK with me whatever you choose. The theme is a challenge.

  • SallyT : Those are my old war stories, AdLib. Now they are fun to tell but not so much at the time.

  • AdLib : And CL as well!

  • AdLib : Just when I thought I was as impressed as I could be with my fellow Planeteers, they pull me back in! Wow, KT and Sally, you have lived some remarkable stories!

  • SallyT : That makes for a better show and it was a very popular one at that.

  • SallyT : You have a great weekend, too, KT! I will see you tomorrow on here!

  • AdLib : It’s clear that The Sopranos is a Hollywood style mafia, that was the gimmick, the mob boss needs a shrink. And it’s just the dynamics of TV, you need conflict so you have to have a lead character that is more aggressive in that kind of show so they couldn’t have him too laid back.

  • KillgoreTrout : Ad, it really was. I will think about writing more in detail, possible for a post. Thanks folks for listening. And Sally, I knew we had more in common that went unsaid. Take care and have a great weekend!

  • SallyT : It is a show that is on one of the Fox stations. Jessica Lange is in it. If you get a chance, try to watch it. It might be on Netflix. I know that they will have back shows before the new season begins.

  • SallyT : It is, KT. But, I am glad that you had something good come from it.

  • KillgoreTrout : Sally, no, I haven’t heard about it.

  • AdLib : KT – Really? That’s really remarkable!

  • KillgoreTrout : It’s strange, but those experiences actually led to a great reunion with my long lost daughter. Funny how things turn out.

  • SallyT : KT, have you watched any of American Horror Story?

  • AdLib : Sorry folks, got pulled away by my daughter! Looks like we’re closing up for the night. Thanks so much to all for a really fascinating chat tonight!

  • SallyT : Good night, CL. See you later around the Planet! Have a great and fun and relaxing weekend!

  • KillgoreTrout : Have a great weekend CL, and stay forever young!

  • KillgoreTrout : Sally, I can see that. Some of these guys look just like everyone else. Not spooky at all.

  • SallyT : The funny thing, guys, is this guy I am telling you about looked just like Christie! Same coloring and the same size!!

  • choicelady : KT, Sally, AdLib – I think after this rousing conversation about the Bad Guys, I’m going to turn in. KT it has REALLY helped talking with you! Sally – you ARE amazing. What a life! AdLib thanks for always giving us a forum. Interesting beyond the usual tonight. Sweet dreams all!

  • KillgoreTrout : You’re right CL, it doesn’t. It’s weird, when they gur pulled the gun, I automatically thought, well this is it. This is the the hit I feared for so long. But it wasn’t it was just a mugger. I was very frightened at first, then I became strangely calm, then I got really angry.

  • SallyT : Yes, KT, he knew the family they were trying to portray but said that you would never know them to be if you met them. He said the Tony character was all wrong. The real guy acted shy and laid back.

  • KillgoreTrout : Sally, the Sopranos was loosely based on a real crime family in Jersey. Some of it was really accurate, and much of it was just Hollywood story telling.

  • choicelady : YIKES – that’s seriously awful! When I was 5 an older kid pulled a knife on me and held it to my throat. I was terrified and never got over that either, and it’s a LOT less dangerous than a 9mm! I can well understand your PTSD! I have it, too. Don’t care what anyone says – it does NOT go away entirely, not ever.

  • SallyT : According to the guy who knew them, there were just that, AdLib! He also told me that the Soprano’s was too far off and that the mob wasn’t that out there like they portrayed it.

  • KillgoreTrout : CL, in my case it nearly did. I suffer from PTSD, and a large part of the trauma was my experiences with bad guys. Also my childhood and an incident where a mugger pointed a 9mm in my face while telling me how much he would like to kill me. A crak head I believe it was. The mind can only take so much reality.

  • choicelady : KT – absolutely. When my name was put on the hit list, another women was miffed. I don’t get it, but she thought I wasn’t ‘worthy’ or something. I told a friend – that’s a popularity contest I WANT TO LOSE! If you can laugh at it, you can live with it. If you can’t it will eat you alive.

  • KillgoreTrout : Ad, and that scene certainly succeeded. It’s all about power and intimidation.

  • KillgoreTrout : It’s funny, but after awhile, you sort of develop a gallows humor about it all.

  • AdLib : Sally – That’s what Scorsese said, the thing he learned about gangsters is that they are on a razors edge, they can be laughing with you one minute then stabbing you in the chest the next. The scene with Pesci and Liotta, “I’m a clown? I make you laugh?” was supposed to demonstrate how manic these guys can be.

  • KillgoreTrout : My pleasure CL! ;)

  • choicelady : KT – LOL! If Woody said it, it must be true! Thanks for making me laugh!

  • KillgoreTrout : Sadly true CL. I think Woody Allen said that.

  • choicelady : KT – NO! It isn’t YOU. Something REALLY bad happened to someone today that could have spillover on me. But mostly I’m very worried about HIM right now – and it’s serious, deadly, awful. There is REAL EVIL in the world. Reason I don’t believe in the Devil is that humans don’t need the help.

  • KillgoreTrout : Geez CL I hope my story didn’t bring back those feelings for you. That would be horrible.

  • choicelady : KT – and you KNOW what they say: just because you’re paranoid doens’t mean they aren’t out to get you! In our cases, it is TRUE!

  • KillgoreTrout : CL, I can tell by your comments in the past that you are being 100% honest. Paranoia really sucks.

  • SallyT : Right, KT. He knew all of them as they all grew up together in the same neighborhood.

  • AdLib : KT – If you think it’s okay, and please give it a lot of thought, it would be fascinating as a post.

  • choicelady : KT – I was abandoned by the ‘good’ people for the most part. Had to move a long way away. I WAS just getting over it until today – stuff happened not to me but an ally, and the fear and worry are all back. So I think I can really empathize with you.

  • KillgoreTrout : Tommy Desimone! Right Sally?

  • SallyT : With my testimony, he turned states evidence against the others and got a lighter sentence. So, he was thankful for me in a way. He told me that even in school that kid was crazy (the one Joe played in the movie.) He knew when and where he got killed.

  • KillgoreTrout : Ad, I’m not sure how to do that. I’ve thought many times about writing a book about it. Maybe a post here would be OK.

  • AdLib : KT – Yes, I liked Prizzi’s Honor, one of the rare mafia comedies and based upon that concept of the killer being close to you.

  • choicelady : KT – that is very true. When I was under siege from Operation Rescue, one of my most trusted allies turned out to be from the other side. A mole who planted himself in our attorney’s office. He probably wired my car with a GPS tracker by which they followed me. He later, without actually naming me, fingered me and the attorney as the REAL killers of the abortion provider murdered in Buffalo. It went nowhere, but it was terrifying at the time. I still don’t trust people completely and look over my shoulder a lot, even now. Over the years I’ve been stalked five times by RW extremists. Makes one uneasy always.

  • AdLib : Jeez Sally, he was right in the middle of everything. Well, better to be a friend than an enemy but that must have been bizarre.

  • KillgoreTrout : CL, It really came down, in my mind, as a struggle of good and evil, and I didn’t want anything to do with either side. I was truly alone.

  • AdLib : KT – That’s what they say in all the mafia films and shows, when someone decides it’s your time, it’ll be someone you know and trust, you’ll never even see it coming.

  • KillgoreTrout : I agree Ad. Did you see Prizis Honor?

  • SallyT : Yes, AdLib, that guy, believe it or not turned out to be a friend, if you can call someone with mob connections a friend.

  • KillgoreTrout : Sally, can you give us a hint?

  • AdLib : KT – I’m fascinated to hear more details if you think it’s okay.

  • SallyT : CL, he grew up the guy who Pescu played. He told me he was just like that in real life!

  • KillgoreTrout : Ad, that’s it. It’s rarely a stranger that is out to kill you. So called friends can get much closer.

  • AdLib : Sally – Wow! That’s big time mafia. So glad you were safe and protected!

  • choicelady : KT – Those are very clear choices. Not everyone has the guts to make them. It would be my assessment you chose wisely and well.

  • KillgoreTrout : CL, I had no real choice. It was change for the better, or either die or end up in prison. Really a no brainer IMO.

  • AdLib : Nicholson always chews up the scenery, always plays over the top nowadays. Go back to his films in the ’70’s though, amazing performances.

  • choicelady : Sally – this is TOO MUCH! Wow that’s scary!

  • SallyT : Did you see Goodfellows? One of the guys I testified against was friends with them.

  • AdLib : Night Sue! The Departed is about Southies and the mob there, Martin Scorsese, good film.

  • KillgoreTrout : The Departed was a bit overblown in respect to Nicholson’s portrayal of Bulger, but it was also vey true in many aspects. Especially the coke dealing and the scare tactics used by Bulger and his crew.

  • AdLib : KT – Can’t imagine how nerve-wracking it had to be! Thinking about the mob approach, that when someone comes after you, you never know who it could be…man…

  • choicelady : Night Sue!

  • SueInCa : Ok I will just add the Departed to my list to watch. Night Watson, CL, Ad and Sally

  • KillgoreTrout : Thanks Sally, so am I. ;)

  • choicelady : KT – Like Dr. Johnson: “When you know you are to be hanged upon the morrow, it concentrates the mind wonderfully.” YOU grew from the experience. I would love it had been different, but you DID grow!

  • KillgoreTrout : Ad, it certainly was. There were times that I thought every stranger i met was a hit man.

  • KillgoreTrout : Cl, it was an eye opener, so to speak., but it eventually led to a large part of my spiritual understanding, When you are obsessed with death, it teaches you things.

  • SallyT : See you later, Sherlock!

  • SueInCa : Ok Ant is getting anxious but the Departed?

  • choicelady : Sue – good to have you here. Have a wonderful weekend, and I will send you updates on MRFF. It’s very scary stuff now that we’ve open up this line.

  • AdLib : KT – What did you think of The Departed?

  • SallyT : KT, I am glad you are here with us now!

  • SueInCa : Well I have to go. Anthony wants to play some games and my new computer beats the old Vaio by a long shot. KT that sounds very scary. Their torture might make ole Bushie’s torture look like childs play. I really hope you write about it. Change the names to protect the innocent so to speak

  • AdLib : KT – That is pretty scary! Wow!

  • choicelady : KT – YIKES – that IS bad! I’m so sorry, and yes, that prospect is horrific. I read the ‘Godfather’ and was repelled by that aspect of the book which, I understand, was all too true. That’s horrifying, and I’m so sorry it happened to you!

  • choicelady : Sue – it’s probably the same as all the smart, educated people who like Richard J. Daley in Chicago. There ARE many sides to people – the ones YOU work with and see can blind you to the many other BAD things you don’t encounter personally. It takes real maturity to put aside your affection for someone and take a good, hard look at their overall consequences to society when they are public figures.

  • KillgoreTrout : CL, no, but I was mistaken as one. When they label you as such, it doesn’t have to be true. The allegation alone is enough to get you killed, and possibly tortured. I was never afraid of being shot, but the prospect of torture scared the shit out of me.

  • AdLib : CL – Agreed, that’s a good way of putting it. A small state player with “outsized” attention. Seriously, NJ is not a purple state despite his being Gov and they’re not that big. He has no where to go.

  • SallyT : Christie lets power go to his head. I hate to even think of him with the power to the head of the President! I might have to hit myself in the head with that!

  • SueInCa : AD she posts a lot of liberal stuff but she worships Christie. I just shake my head

  • choicelady : KT – were you an infiltrator? THAT might engender long memories and grudges. Otherwise, it would be puzzling.

  • SueInCa : Well he certainly went big somewhere CL, just look at the man he cannot sit all the way back in a chair

  • AdLib : Sue – If that’s the case, it kind of explains why she’s a strong supporter. Those who are Religiously Repubs will always find a reason to like Repubs and reasons to be turned off of Dems. It’s a Completion Backwards thing, they know what the end result is, they just tell a story that supports what they plan on doing.

  • SallyT : I am with you on that, Sherlock! I don’t trust Christie at all.

  • choicelady : Sue and Adlib – I think Christie is a small state player, not going anywhere big. He has too many negatives all way around. He will figure prominently in Jersey – won’t ‘play in Peoria’ as they say.

  • KillgoreTrout : CL, it drove me a little crazy for quite some time. They have long memories and a very long reach. It still puxxles me today that so many people were warned about me, from Boston to Oregon to Ohio!

  • SueInCa : Having Christie for Prez would be like having Gov Snyder of MI for Prez, he would dismantle the Unions, teachers, fire you name it. INHO it would be the last straw for this country.

  • SallyT : Christie might have a few Dems in NJ but I bet they wouldn’t vote for him for President. Governor maybe but not for the Prez!

  • SueInCa : Ad I am just being cautious and saving everything I get on Christie. She has not said and I am not sure she would. Personally I think she is a republican masquerading as a Dem……she just makes me uneasy

  • choicelady : KT – that’s a relief. It’s one thing to have had those encounters, quite another to have them following you!

  • choicelady : Sally – I would LOVE to hear your stories!

  • AdLib : Sue – But I bet if Hillary ran, she’d vote for her over Christie.

  • KillgoreTrout : No, I don’t think so. I was not really a player in all that. I do have several friends in Southie who were, but once it got out that Bulger was working for the FBI, many of them turned against him.

  • AdLib : Sue – It won’t do the Repubs or Christie any good though to have Dems favoring him. What can he do with that? It poisons him to the Baggers and the haters on the RW and after Gov, where else is there for Christie to go but to try to beat an incumbent Dem senator and that’s not a great bet for him either.

  • choicelady : Sally – and I have Patriarca’s nephew as a friend. I LOVE him, and I understand those relationships.

  • SueInCa : I know one in MD and she is a piece of work Ad. With her is is all mindless and she is impressed with banalities.

  • SallyT : CL, I’ll have to tell you about it sometime. It is one of those “war stories” I love to tell. But, I can say, I still have a couple of friends in the mob.

  • choicelady : Sue – I think the ‘mindless’ are dwindling. Too many people saw all to clearly how irrelevant they were to the GOP. Look at what happened with Murph’s Lysistrata Women. It happened all over the nation.

  • SueInCa : I guess Ad but I worry about the mindless who won’t know the difference

  • choicelady : Salaly – WHEW!

  • SueInCa : Geez the stuff that comes out on late night with VOX lol

  • choicelady : KT – what did you think of Whitey’s capture? Does that impact you at all?

  • AdLib : Sue – With Lieberman finally gone (WOO HOO!) the Repubs no longer have their Dem to “like”. I think it annoys the other party when you like a member of theirs. So if it pisses off Repubs, works for me.

  • SallyT : CL, they are all dead now. One in prison and the other died of a heart attack 3 years ago. I ain’t worth coming after now.

  • KillgoreTrout : I knew guys that worked for Bulger. Low on the totem pole, but they were definitely on Whitey’s payroll. Coke dealers mostly.

  • choicelady : Sally – OH WOW – that’s cool!

  • SueInCa : Please do KT I would love to read it.

  • choicelady : KT – I think you’re right, but it’s good we don’t know your REAL name here.

  • SallyT : In all honesty, I was protected by a side of the mob that was against the side I was testifying against. As I said, I was well protected.

  • KillgoreTrout : Ad, it changed my life completely. I think it’s been long enough so I can feel safe aabout writing it.

  • choicelady : Sally – well, there’s ‘well protected’ and then there is longterm life. Stay safe! These guys have long memories. Though, thank GOD, they are all getting older and have less and less influence.

  • SueInCa : Me too Kt

  • AdLib : Sally – And you were damn brave!

  • SueInCa : I hope you are right AD, it just makes me fume to hear dems praising that fat f–k. Sorry but I just despise the man

  • SallyT : I was well protected.

  • choicelady : KT – I know about the Boston mob – an extension of Patriarca’s group – and Whitey Bulger. They were scary, even Patriarca. It’s NOT benign.

  • AdLib : KT – Would be very interested to hear about it.

  • KillgoreTrout : Sally has balls! No doubt. ;)

  • SueInCa : You are right CL, I think that is one reason I used to think they were alright. I have since seen how the families suffer under certain circumstances and would not touch it.

  • choicelady : Sally – what YOU did takes guts. Not my growing up there. Sorry – not clear.

  • KillgoreTrout : I had a run in with the Irish mob in Boston, back in the 80s. Scary stuff. Maybe some day I’ll elaborate further. I thinks it’s been long enough now.

  • choicelady : Sally – I have a certain real affection for machine politics and how it helps the little guy. BUT I have REAL problems with the mob. That said, the OLD mob had codes of honor (seriously) that todays Colombian and Jamaican mobs do NOT – they will kill babies and women. The old mob wouldn’t.

  • SueInCa : When I was younger, Godfather days, I used to want to marry a guy like Michael

  • AdLib : Sue – I don’t think you have to worry about Dems liking Christie. As I mentioned, he couldn’t win a Repub primary for President, he’ll be out of the Governorship in NJ after his next term and by then, his star will likely have faded.

  • choicelady : Sally – NY and Chicago are my old stomping grounds. I lived in Tony Accardo’s neighborhood as a kid – our neighbor was the mob’s undertaker. That takes guts, girlfriend. REAL guts.

  • SueInCa : You say that so nonchalantly(sp? ) I don;t care if they are in timbucktoo, not testifying against them

  • SallyT : Oh, the ones that I testified on where in NJ, NY and CHICAGO!

  • AdLib : KT – Agreed. And when Christie says things like, “So did you take care of that thing?” and “Our friend downtown isn’t happy with the arrangement, go down there and talk to him.” it makes me think of the Sopranos even more.

  • choicelady : Sally – I am seriously impressed. That is more ovies (ovaballs per AB) than I’d ever have. OR was bad enough.

  • SueInCa : Geez Sally I made the FBI testify for me, no way was I testifying for a measly 785 dollar fraud app

  • KillgoreTrout : Sally, the Jersey clan is the unmentioned 6th family. Like a baby brother to the 5 New York families.

  • SallyT : Yes and one of them died in prison!

  • SueInCa : The thing I worry about is the spineless “Dems who will trust him. He is not to be trusted and he is not a friend of the Dems

  • choicelady : Sally – YIKES! I only testified against Operation Rescue. And YOU LIVED TO TALK ABOUT IT!!!

  • SallyT : CL, I know all about NJ mob and the NY mob. I testified against a mobster for the FBI.

  • choicelady : Sue – that is VERY observant and likely true!

  • KillgoreTrout : CL, the resemblance is amazing.

  • AdLib : Sue – I’m with you on that generally speaking but the useful thing about it is that it gives props to a Repub who works with Dems, proving Dems are earnest about that and at the same time, deepens the civil war between the hard right of the party and the moderates.

  • SueInCa : Sally when you are casting on the water, any fish will do if you are hungry enough

  • choicelady : KT – well, there you go.

  • SallyT : Like I said, the RW could change their mind just about anyone.

  • choicelady : Sally – I lived in Rhode Island where the Chief Justice of the state Supreme Court was the personal attorney for Raymond Patriarca, head of the NE mob. I know one of his nephews and got LOTS of inside info on him. RI is the only state where you can be grateful that only HALF the state legislature is under indictment. Jersey is much the same.

  • KillgoreTrout : CL, every time I see Christie, I am reminded of a character from the Sopranos. Bobby Bacalerie.

  • AdLib : KT – Agreed, Holden is just incredible in that role, he makes that film so human and poignant.

  • SueInCa : I am just uneasy with all the people praising Christie. Kind of like Cory Booker and look how he turned out. CL is right some people are too dumb to live.

  • choicelady : Sally – LOL!! Well – it IS Jersey!

  • AdLib : Sally – The RW did everything they could to nominate anyone but Romney but they had one wackjob after another. Rubio could be just what the wackjob ordered, not foaming-at-the-m outh crazy like all the ones last year but so hollow, shallow and weak, he could be dropped like a 5 lb bag of sugar by any Dem candidate.

  • SallyT : I have read that too CL but that just might make him more popular…

  • choicelady : Sally – some of HIS dealings…Dysle xia of the fingers.

  • KillgoreTrout : I think Network was one of William Holden’s finest roles.

  • choicelady : Sally – I think Christie cannot run because I think Christie is mobbed up. Seriously. I think I read somewhere that there are already investigations of some of us pre-Governor dealings that could ruin him.

  • SallyT : AdLib, the Right Wing didn’t like Romney either but they embraced him. They might change their minds on Christie.

  • KillgoreTrout : I think Rubio is a flash in the pan. An obvious attempt to placate the Latinos.

  • choicelady : AdLib – I saw that with Tweety. But wow did he get smacked down on his Christie call! He can be a doofus, but increasingly he is saying good things, too.

  • AdLib : Sue, that would have to be the first film in the PlanetPOV Movie Club, Network is just a brilliant, prescient film.

  • KillgoreTrout : CL, no doubt, and Ned Beatty played it so well. The devil himself!

  • AdLib : Did you see they released a poll with Hillary against all the most popular Repub possibilities for 2016 and she was ahead of them all, with Christie the closest at 7% behind and Rubio the farthest away, deep in double digits? Rubio is another false idol for the GOP but I do hope they get behind him because I think he is such a lightweight, he would be so easy to beat. And BTW, Chris Matthews again being clueless proclaimed today that Christie is the likely GOP nom…Matthews can be so clueless sometimes and so confident about it. Christie could not win a GOP primary, the RW hates him for embracing Obama. No way so the GE matchup he claims would be “really something” could never happen.

  • SallyT : You’ll like Network, Sue.

  • choicelady : Sue – LOL!!! I was careful to use lower case! Is that bill not a HOOT! They killed it off and then referred to it anyway. These people are too stupid to live.

  • SueInCa : BRB

  • SueInCa : KT and AD now you have me wanting to see Network. I never saw it

  • choicelady : KT that boardroom scence is essential viewing. It came out while I was in grad school studying with this nation’s leading scholar on corporate power. It was AMAZING stuff to see on film.

  • SueInCa : CL watch your mouth, you said ACORN and you nnever know when a con is around. Especially one who wants to add defunding ACORN to a current bill SMH

  • KillgoreTrout : No Ad, I missed that. It doesn’t surprise me though. Network was years ahead of it’s time. Very prescient. Paddy Chaiesvsky was amazing in his insight. Especially about corporations and their near total influence on the American people.

  • choicelady : Sue – The Bee’s endorsement just proves that even a blind pig can find an acorn once in awhile.

  • SueInCa : CL I was shocked when the Bee endorsed Obama

  • choicelady : Sue – Me, too!

  • SueInCa : LinkTV is more likely but you never know when they are having membership drives.

  • SueInCa : CL Sac is why I went to Cable News…..

  • choicelady : Sue – Lucky you! Sacto TV leaves a LOT to be desired!

  • choicelady : Sally – well, NEITHER of them did anyone any favors NOT talking about the High Risk Pool public option that became available in July 2010 that could have helped at least half the people coming to those clinics. I think they both did a GREAT job with the clinics – but even more people would be safe if they’d talked aobut the High Risk Pool. Some of our friends here on PPOV got REAL help that way.

  • SallyT : I like Democracy Now. I’ll look to see if it is on there, Sue.

  • SueInCa : Yes we do, our old favorites, on 7 and 5 ABC and CBS. Some on KRON or Ktxu I think(nbc).

  • AdLib : KT – I know you’re a big fan of the classic movie Network, as I am. That film was a dark satire in its day about how ridiculous it could get if news and entertainment became married…today it looks tame compared to what we can see every day on Fox News. Did you see that they interviewed an actor playing Thomas Jefferson who attacked Obama and the deficit. Jesus…how ridiculous can it really get?

  • choicelady : Sue – that would NOT be true of Sacramento’s locals! Do you get SF there?

  • KillgoreTrout : Yeah, he did. He did have a sense of humor!

  • SallyT : CL, I think Olbermann may have lost his only friend when his dad past. He did do a lot about health care for the poor. He started those open clinics that I think Ed Shultz has continued.

  • choicelady : AdLib – I always thought it was an intended double meaning. That’s why it surprised me how well Olbermann reacted to the ‘big head’ issue.

  • SueInCa : These days I get better news from our local stations.

  • AdLib : KT – Yes, that’s what I was referring to. Letterman would always comment on what a physically big head Olbermann had. Sometimes irony can be pretty ironic…

  • SueInCa : Perhaps he will come to his senses and make a comeback I really did like his spunk lol. Ad I am not sure if it is. I watched on LinkTV and also watched it on you tube

  • choicelady : KT – I saw that bit with Olbermann’s Head! It was funny, and he took it very well.

  • KillgoreTrout : Walter Cronkite warned of the dangers of combining news and entertainment. He sure showed foresight on that.

  • AdLib : Thanks for the tip Sue, haven’t seen that doc but will seek it out. Do you know if it’s on Netflix?

  • choicelady : Sally – that was one of the most profound things Olbermann did when he used his position to talk about health care inequalities. It was just GREAT. I am so sorry his father’s death did him so much emotional damage. He could have been an amazing commentator if the ego stuff had not intruded.

  • SueInCa : See below Sally.

  • KillgoreTrout : Too funny Ad. Letterman once commented on how big Olberman’s head was. The physiological head!

  • SallyT : Where on the media, Sue?

  • AdLib : Sue and Sally – It wouldn’t be hard to imagine that Olbermann’s losing his father set him on a self-destructive path. Then again, he may have been on it for a while. No one he worked for seemed to like him, always had trouble with him as a high maintenance type. It all may have been inevitable anyway.

  • SueInCa : You can find it on youtube or sometimes on LinkTV or Democracy Now. It was excellent

  • choicelady : KT – indeed, the “infotainment’ quality of news has killed the news part!

  • choicelady : Sue – never even heard of it. Sounds intriguing!

  • SallyT : His dad died not too long after his mother. His dad lingered and Olbermann spent a lot of time at the hospital. I don’t know if that is why but I am sure it wasn’t easy for him.

  • KillgoreTrout : CL, I think because news was news then and not a popularity contest. It was before news and entertainment became so mixed.

  • SueInCa : Has anyone seen Orwell Rolls in his Grave? It is a really good documentary on the media. Some eye opening secrets too. At least they were to me.

  • AdLib : KT – And Olbermann already had a “head start” on getting a big head.

  • AdLib : CL – Olbermann was another of those who was too flawed to handle the amount of power he had. He was too egocentric, too self-important when a little humility could have solved so much and as you say, given him a respected place out there in the news media.

  • SueInCa : Sally when I saw him on ESPN he looked like someone who was grieving and trying to put a good foot forward, exactly what you said

  • choicelady : KT – I wonder how the journalists of days past, Murrow, etc. managed to keep so levelheaded. They were huge but never seemed obsessed with self.

  • KillgoreTrout : I think there is a general tendency for political pundits to get a big head.

  • choicelady : Sue – I watch SO infrequently I may well have missed a LOT.

  • SueInCa : Oh boy don’t get me started on Anderson Cooper…..just don;t you don;t want to know

  • AdLib : Sue – :-)

  • SallyT : I think Olbermann went completely over the edge, he had been hanging on, after his dad died.

  • choicelady : I do like Anderson Cooper though!

  • KillgoreTrout : Yeah CL, it really would.

  • choicelady : Sue – I don’t watch CNN unless it’s Soledad doing a special or something.

  • SueInCa : KT I think he was originally fired for a controversial remark he made on ESPN

  • choicelady : KT – Olbermann started doing sports. Completes the circle.

  • AdLib : CNN has been awful for a long time, they are unwatchable IMO. The amount of unchallenged propaganda and lies that are matter-of-factly spewed out there is outrageous. They are indeed Fox News Lite.

  • SueInCa : Actually I saw him on ESPN and he did not look to well.

  • KillgoreTrout : Maybe Olberman is better as a sports announcer.

  • choicelady : AdLib – when Olbermann was good he was excellent. His ego got in the way. What a loss. He really COULD have been the new Edward R. Murrow if that had not intruded so horribly.

  • SueInCa : Maybe the new Al Jazeera? The one that is currently….wai t for it….Current lol

  • AdLib : Maybe MSNBC will pick up O’Brien. Did you see that Olbermann is trying to get ESPN to rehire him since he’s too toxic now dor any news station to hire?

  • choicelady : Sue – Oh, good. I’m so sorry she lost her show. I REALLY like her.

  • SueInCa : CL the have moved to the dark side. I have not watched them in a long time. Tony does sometimes so I hear flashes now and then. I am always making jewelery lol

  • SallyT : Okay, got it now, Sue.

  • AdLib : Night Murph! Have a great weekend!

  • SallyT : Goodnight Murph!

  • choicelady : Oh good night, Murph. Sorry you’re tired and have to leave. See you next week I hope!

  • KillgoreTrout : Nice dreams Murph!

  • SueInCa : Nite Murph sleep well

  • SueInCa : Soledad O’Brien the one who asked the tough questions of the right during the campaign

  • choicelady : Sue – she was the only one who DID ask the hard questions!!! So CNN is after being a FOX wannabe still?

  • MurphTheSurf3 : Folks more tired than I thought. So good night.

  • AdLib : Sue – Can’t stand Burnett, she’s awful.

  • SallyT : Okay, I’m lost. Who and what, Sue?

  • SueInCa : She has been relieved of her show but airhead Burnett is still on. Because she does not ask the hard questions

  • KillgoreTrout : Me too CL.

  • choicelady : Sue – WHAT Soledad thing on CNN?

  • AdLib : Sabreen – No, you were a great grandmother…fo r making him chocolate chip cookies! Sleep well and have a great day with him tomorrow!

  • choicelady : Good night , SAbreen – have fun and spread those cookies around! Yum!

  • SueInCa : Oh and have a good one with the grands too

  • choicelady : KT – but cooperatives in Spain are flourishing. If the traditional businesses are collapsing, I hope the employees can find ways to claim them and keep on. They aren’t ANTI capitalis so much as a ‘third way’. They are spreading thru much of Europe – Poland, Italy, etc. – so I’d love to see that happen in NON Basque Spain.

  • KillgoreTrout : Hey Sabreen, enjoy your time with him. Those are precious years.

  • AdLib : Sue – Exactly! Having Bush and Cheney on trial? It would eclipse all of the other “Trial of the Century”s! There would be so much media and tourism…who knows, it could be just what Spain needs to escape their economic doom!

  • SallyT : COOKIES! YUM, Sabreen. You will be a hit for sure! Have a great weekend!

  • SueInCa : Night Sabreen

  • SueInCa : CNN was following like some soap opera. They have lost all credibility. Especially after the Soledad thing

  • Sabreen60 : I’m going to see my 2 1/2 grandson tomorrow. I was bad and made a whole batch of homemade chocolate chip cookies. So, I’ll say good nite and hope to see you later.

  • AdLib : CL – Wish that they had enough economic activity to build on those union coops, Spain is set to take a big fall. Wish we could have more of that here too…I know you’re working for that CL and so glad you are.

  • KillgoreTrout : It’s rather beastial!

  • choicelady : Sue – I can’t watch ANYTHING about Jodie. It’s just too creepy for words. We really are a ‘bread and circuses’ nation – without the bread!

  • KillgoreTrout : Capitalism is a strong deterrent to coops. Some people just have that jungle law mentality.

  • SueInCa : Yes I will CL. Adlib you think a Spain trial would enrapture the media like this Jodie ARias case has?

  • SallyT : Yep, that is how I heard it, Sue.

  • AdLib : Harper is just awful. Can only hope that Canadians can toss him out before he ruins everything.

  • choicelady : AdLib – this is one of the STRONGEST points about the union coops in the Basque country – Mondragon. They have ZERO unemployment, even now, and help one another in a variety of ways to keep afloat. Why the cooperative model doesn’t spread is beyond me. They are SO much better off than the rest of Spain, you’d think it would catch on more.

  • Sabreen60 : Nite glenn. Take care.

  • AdLib : Sleep well and stay warm, glenn! Good luck to your granddaughter, hope she scores a goal!

  • SueInCa : Here is a link to that speech Harper gave. Night Glenn. «link»

  • choicelady : Night glenn – lovely weekend and good game tomorrow!

  • SallyT : Good night Glenn! See you later around here.

  • KillgoreTrout : Have a great weekend glenn. Enjoy the game.

  • AdLib : CL – Yes, Spain is in terrible trouble. An article I just read says things haven’t been this bad since Franco. Here’s another tidbit: “Youth unemployment, which has spurred thousands of young people to protest in Madrid’s main squares, has climbed to 56.5% without hitting a ceiling.” «link» So yes, Spain doesn’t have the resources to spend on a big trial…then again, the spectacle of it all could be a big revenue-maker for them.

  • choicelady : Sue – when you can, will you email me either address because I think my address book for you is WRONG. Can’t find your current email. I will send back and store the newer one.

  • MurphTheSurf3 : Night glenn

  • SallyT : Yes, Canada is getting as bad as us with their own Right Wing!

  • glenn : Alright, good people. My granddaughter has another early soccer game tomorrow, so I’m off. It’s supposed to be a little warmer tomorrow; last week there were snow flurries during the game! G’night all. See you over the weekend!

  • SueInCa : Canada is also slowly falling apart under Harper’s leadership

  • SallyT : Now I would love to see Canada go after them!

  • SueInCa : Hello MTS

  • SallyT : Sabreen, hope you are well.

  • SueInCa : B&C are lucky that Harper is leader of Canada otherwise ole Toy Story Cowboy might already be in jail. Harper is a friend to cons in the US to the point of putting his own citizens down.

  • SallyT : Hello, Sherlock, nice to see you here.

  • MurphTheSurf3 : Hey Sue….good to see you

  • Sabreen60 : Hey Sally!

  • SueInCa : Topic for tonight?

  • choicelady : Sally – I know since I was there in Sept. how bad it is. So they would likely pass it to the International Criminal Court in The Hague. But whoever gets it – B&C would be toast.

  • AdLib : Hey Sue, great to see you!

  • SueInCa : Hey Sabreen

  • SueInCa : No problem CL it was way on a second page. I cannot wait to hear.

  • Sabreen60 : Hi Sue!

  • Sabreen60 : Nite Funk – had to step away. Take care.

  • glenn : Hi Sue

  • glenn : AdLib–Yup–and power at that level is absolutely corrupting.

  • choicelady : Sue – I saw in the sidebars you’d responded to something I’d writte, but I never could FIND it. NOT ignoring you, just dim. We will talk off VOX. I have something to tell you about MRFF, too. BIG news and not good.

  • AdLib : Seeya Funk! Glad you’re back home for a while!

  • SallyT : CL, I have read a lot on Spain lately and they are in serious trouble and even some say a civil war is possible. I know you would like to see Cheney prosecuted as would I but I don’t think Spain is in the position to take it on. Not now anyway.

  • KillgoreTrout : glen, LOL! I forgot about the toes!

  • SueInCa : Hey CL good to see you and everyone else. You too KT, Adlib, Glenn, Watson

  • AdLib : BTW, hi Sally!

  • KillgoreTrout : Hey Sue! Good to see ya.

  • glenn : KT–now that’s not fair. They can count to twenty, providing they don’t have their shoes on. And most of the time, they don’t! :)

  • choicelady : Hey Sue! Lovely to see you!

  • AdLib : glenn – As the old saying goes, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Bush and Cheney have the blood of maybe 1 million or more people on their hands and the destruction of the lives and savings of many Americans. The now ex-Pope helped hide rampant child molestation in the Catholic church and was apparently in the midst of a big prostitution ring at the Vatican, which is what a reliable news entity in Italy claims caused him to resign. Absolute power…many human beings are to flawed to handle it…

  • KillgoreTrout : Take care funk. Enjoy your weekend.

  • choicelady : Sally – even with their economic plight, Spain’s court system could handle it AND they have the option as they did with Pinochet of turning B&C over to The Hague.

  • SueInCa : Night Funk and hello to everyone else. Better late than never

  • KillgoreTrout : Sally, definitely a boost to Netflix sales. I can’t wait for another season. The show is addictive.

  • glenn : g’night funk

  • SallyT : CL, Spain is having trouble with just keeping their own country together right now. I don’t see it happening.

  • choicelady : Good night, funk – lovely having you here again! Come back soon. We miss you!

  • KillgoreTrout : glenn, they don’t count, at least not past ten! ;)

  • SallyT : They have like 30million from Netflix to do season two, KT, so it will be great!

  • choicelady : Sally – Spain could and would prosecute. I saw the art around the Spanish Civil War tortures and brutality, and that’s a nation that does NOT forget. They charged Pinochet and were in the process of extradicting him from Britain when he got a health pass to return to Chile where he died untried. I KNOW they’d pursue it against Bush and Cheney – and make them pay court costs!

  • funksands : I gotta scat folks. Really great seeing all of you. Sally, we’ll catch up soon!

  • glenn : KT–I don’t even count the hillbillies as far as their impeachment cries go. Even McCain told them there are no grounds to impeach President Obama.

  • KillgoreTrout : Hey Sally! I agree. Spacey is ruthless! I wonder how close to reality the show is. I would think, pretty close.

  • AdLib : Murph – And I do remember in Dec of 2007 how Hillary was polling 20% ahead of Obama…and yet she fell swiftly. She is not a teflon candidate, if enough bad stuff comes out about her, and the GOP had gathered a big dossier to hammer her with in 2008 (which is why Obama’s winning caught them so flat footed), she could be beaten.

  • SallyT : Spain doesn’t have the money to sue.

  • glenn : CL–Never thought of it that way. I have to agree with you, though. Never thought I’d be thankful for gwb’s laziness.

  • choicelady : ADLib and glenn – no they’ve not been convicted since they’ve not ever been arrested, but there ARE charges out there. Spain for sure, other courts I am not AS sure, but they cannot risk being arrested if they leave the US. House arrest. It’s something!

  • glenn : Ad–it’s amazing to me that other countries can see our politicians so much more clearly than many Americans can.

  • SallyT : KT, I watched the whole season one of House of Cards and it is great!

  • KillgoreTrout : True glenn, but I think the attitude toward impeachment of a pres has changed. I know there are a lot of RW hillbillies ready to impeach Obama over the slightest thing. BUt they don’t reallt count. They are the fringe.

  • choicelady : glenn – LOL!! I was fearful GWB would declare martial law or something. Turns out he is SO unprincipled that all he wanted was to loll around. Democracy has his abject laziness to thank for our endurance as a democratic nation!

  • AdLib : glenn – I don’t believe Bush and Cheney have been convicted of anything but I believe there are outstanding charges against them in a few countries so if they went to any of them, they could in theory be arrested and held over for trial.

  • glenn : AdLib–not as unprincipled? Do you mean they don’t wear fancy robes? NO ONE is as unprincipled as cheney, IMO. gwb is just an intellectually challenged good ole boy.

  • MurphTheSurf3 : Funk….let me think on this awhile.

  • choicelady : AdLib – oh, all three are equally unprincipled, just in different ways. Disgusting.

  • KillgoreTrout : Jeb will never make it. The memory of his brother is still too fresh in our minds. The GOP seems to want to dissociate itself from the Bush clan.

  • Sabreen60 : I think when PBO was elected the country was very divided and if he had pursued GWB as the progressives wanted, no telling what would have occurred.

  • funksands : Ad, the Clintons surrounded themselves with financial neo-cons if nothing else.

  • choicelady : glenn – Clinton’s impeachment was sort of ‘pro forma’ and revenge for Watergate. It was so meaningless it just wasted time and money. Bush and Cheney – whole different deal.

  • AdLib : So Bush and Cheney are like the ex-Pope only not as unprincipled?

  • funksands : Murph, care to share one???? Hmmmmmm?

  • glenn : KT–the republicans didn’t seem to have a problem with impeaching Clinton.

  • choicelady : funk – if those two are the nominees, there will be a lot of us gagging.

  • MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib- I worked with the Obama campaign very closely in 2008 and know a lot about Hillary’s warts….she has many places where she can be zapped.

  • KillgoreTrout : I think there is an overwhelming reluctance among Americans, against impeaching one of our presidents. It doesn’t look good on the world stage.

  • funksands : If Jeb and Hillary both run I may vomit on myself.

  • glenn : KT–Hillary might be truthful when she says she doesn’t want to run, but I truly believe Bill misses the power and action of Washington.

  • funksands : KT: :roll:

  • choicelady : glenn – they can’t go anywhere where they could be arrested and extradicted to Spain first, then the International Criminal Court in The Hague. It’s sorta fun to watch!

  • AdLib : Murph – As I mentioned before though, Bill Clinton brought us DOMA, NAFTA and the end of Glass–Steagall.. .the latter two contributing in huge measure to the decline of the middle class in the US. That would not be a reason to vote for Hillary in my book, if she had the same people around her advising the same decisions Bill made.

  • KillgoreTrout : I wonder if Hillary is being truthful when she says she has no desire to run again.

  • glenn : AdLib–I thought gwb and cheney were already convicted in absentia. Aren’t there certain countries they can’t travel to. If I remember correctly, even Canada wouldn’t let gwb in when he wanted to go there to deliver some speech.

  • choicelady : AdLbi – no nation has EVER investigated the human rights violations of its own. Only way Watergate succeeded was because the asshat was still in office. Once PBO won, it was either up to Congress OR international courts. The latter have spoken – and Bush and Cheney cannot leave the US or be arrested. Sorta like the ex-Pope now. He has to remain on Vatican turf or risk arrest for his role in coverups.

  • funksands : It’s got to be really tempting to simply slip back into the idling election machinery rather than build something from scratch.

  • MurphTheSurf3 : CL…that is my worry too. Obama put her right where she could do a lot of good and not do a lot of harm….makes me wonder as well.

  • glenn : CL–Thanks for the info.

  • AdLib : glenn – Good question, I don’t know if there is a statute of limitations for treason. I thought murder was the only crime that didn’t have one. A UN adviser recently stated that there should be a criminal investigation into the torture et al under the Bush Admin. Who knows, one day an international body might convict these war criminals in absentia.

  • funksands : Kickboxing?? My my…

  • choicelady : Murph – hmmm. Not sure that’s a commendation! She failed at the health care issue. It was horrible. Obama proved capable of dealing with ‘mess’ and going beyond. I think I worry she WON’T go beyond.

  • glenn : CL–I lost a LOT of respect for Hillary when she stayed with Bill. They seemed to have worked it out by now, but I still have mixed feelings about her. I really would like to see another strong Dem candidate in 2016.

  • KillgoreTrout : Hope you’re feeling better AB!

  • Sabreen60 : Yep Funk and I’m spinning and doing cardio kickboxing. I haven’t got back to kettlebells, but I think maybe the first of April. I have to keep moving or else… :(

  • MurphTheSurf3 : When HILLARY and OBAMA became the choice I was very close friends with a Hillary supporter who chose her precisely because she had the same shady group of people in her inner circle as Bill did. Her Point: She will know how to get the messy work done.

  • KillgoreTrout : Too funny funk! ;)

  • choicelady : AB – I’m with Sabreen on the chiro. Saved me and I AM 100% and even better than before!

  • AdLib : AB – Take care of that back! Great seeing you here, feel better!

  • funksands : Sabreen, that’s really got to help the mood. Nothing worse than a balky back.

  • choicelady : Sabreen – I agree about the nose holding. I am a feminist who does NOT think she walks on water.

  • Sabreen60 : AB, I feel your pain. My Chiropractor really did help me. I’m not 100% but I’m a hell of lot better than I was. I sure hope you can get some relief.

  • funksands : Ad x2

  • choicelady : Oh AB – I’m so sorry about your back! When you feel better can you return? Take care of that though – nothing worse.

  • glenn : AB–good night. Take care of yourself!

  • AdLib : No question that Hillary surrounded herself in her 2008 campaign with very unprincipled types. She has been associated with Dominionists and of course the banks, hedge funds and Wall Street. Has she changed? I hope so and though I would support her in a run for President, I do have tiny lingering doubts.

  • glenn : AdLib and AB–is there a “statute of limitations” on treason? I just “love” how the repubs keep bragging about the evil things they do.

  • choicelady : glenn – he is the head of C Street, the RW Dominionist Christian “house” in DC where he brainwashes people to allow him to make international policy in the interest of his group, “The Family”. You can Google them – they are scary, mean, powerful, and evil. I tangle with them and their henchmen regularly – and they are not above killing people.

  • funksands : Night AB remember not to mix your pills with alcohol.

  • KillgoreTrout : CL, I agree. Clinton is a southerner, after all.

  • Sabreen60 : Frankly, I am about “Clinton out”. Surely Dems have candidates who can stand up against any crazy Repub out there. But if Hillary is the one, I’ll hold my nose and vote for her.

  • AlphaBitch : Ok folks. So sorry to have to go, but the back is starting to cramp. I’m like a shark these days – half an hour sitting, half an hour standing, lie down, get up, rinse and repeat.

  • funksands : CL holy cow, that’s rubbing shoulders with the wrong crowd for sure

  • funksands : Mark Penn is Kaiser Soze

  • choicelady : funk – LOL! Believe it or not I worked once with Burston- they were the handpicked PR firm for a project we were doing funded by Hewlett Foundation. We were SO creeped out since they had done PR for Pinochet in the overthrow of Allende. OMG – it was scary.

  • KillgoreTrout : Ad, that’s not a bad idea at all. I just watched several episodes of the new Netflix production House of Cards, with Kevin Spacey. Wow. Definitely worth watching. It really shows the underhandedness of DC politics. Ruthless.

  • AlphaBitch : Funk – Mark Penn makes Chris Christie look svelte.

  • glenn : CL–Who is Doug Coe? I’m not as politically aware as all of you are–but I’m learning!

  • AlphaBitch : Yep, Ad, that’s what I heard. That is such an act of treason to me – having Cheney, the self selected VP, acting as the P.

  • choicelady : ADLib – I agree. Cheney’s drive for power is creepy beyond belief.

  • funksands : Mark Penn was also Hilary’s campaign manager. He’s the CEO of Burson-Marstelle r, who is the pr and legal firm for Evil around the world.

  • AdLib : Just wanted to add that Cheney admits in the doc that it was him and not Bush who gave the order to the military to shoot down the PA jet…if it approached DC. When the passengers on board fought back and the plane crashed, Cheney’s order was moot. But it was a violation of the Constitution. The filmmaker mentioned that on the day of 9/11, it was Cheney who convinced Bush to fly around and be out of view of the public…so he could be the one in control. Very scary stuff.

  • KillgoreTrout : One of my favorite scenes is the stoning. Jehova jehova jehova!

  • AlphaBitch : Wow, CL. I’m so with you on Hillary. She did great as SOS, but as Pres???? I don’t know.

  • glenn : AB–Now wouldn’t that be fun? Would you still R.E.S.P.E.C.T me in the morning?

  • choicelady : KT – there really is a distance between racism and paternalism. I don’t doubt the compassion for those in need. I do doubt his initial ability to accept a Black man as president. That said, I also think he has grown in that regard, too.

  • AlphaBitch : Sure glenn – if you bring Aretha with you!

  • KillgoreTrout : Ha! I agree with you. He speaks in very measure tones, as does Obama.

  • choicelady : glenn – my one reservation about Hillary is that she has far too many RW ties to make me REALLY comfortable with her. She is close to Doug Coe of C Street. Creeps me out.

  • choicelady : ADLib – having worked for 10 years with US Attorneys, I do know they ALWAYS go for what they can get. Proof of criminality can take YEARS, and they will, indeed, go for $$$. HSBC drug laundering is hardly the first – but prove who authorized it, knew of it, did it. It’s a mare’s nest of evidence. Remember the Love Canal trial? Went on for YEARS. And the courts will always settle for the most accessible thing they can get. It’s nothing new. EVEN for drug cases.

  • KillgoreTrout : CL, I don’t think it was as much racism as it was the need to win at all costs. Clinton’s foundation does tremendous good for the people in African nations.

  • glenn : Hey AB–can we ride in a pink Cadillac?

  • AdLib : Maybe we should have Movie Night once a month on The Planet and everyone has to watch the same movie then comment on it! Life of Brian could be at the top of the list.

  • funksands : CL, here is that scene. Only 1 min. long «link»

  • glenn : KT–I think Bill has finally started listening to Hill. In my opinion, she has always been the politically savvy (sp.?) one. Although, as a female, I have to say I could listen to Bill talk all day long. Love his voice! I know how shallow that is, but you all will just have to deal with it!

  • KillgoreTrout : funk, what about the Judean People’s Front? I love how all three fronts basically represent the same thing.

  • AlphaBitch : Ad – get a projector for the next VOX so we can all watch Life of Brian

  • choicelady : funk – NEVER heard that line. Now I HAVE to see it!

  • funksands : HE was one of the main reasons I decided to back Obama early.

  • AdLib : CL – But the US Gov can’t prove monetary damages to itself in that way. It’s unfortunately common that when the DoJ doesn’t want the trouble and effort in prosecuting a big corp, they just settle for a payment. Like with with HSBC intentionally laundering drug money, that is an absolute crime but the DoJ instead just settled the case for money with no criminal prosecutions.

  • AlphaBitch : CL ME TOO

  • choicelady : KT – he may have learned, but it seems self serving for Hillary in 2016. His racism against PBO during the 2008 campaign shredded my respect for him.

  • KillgoreTrout : OH CL, you must see it sometime.

  • funksands : “We are the Judean People’s Front crack suicide squad! Suicide squad, attack!” (they stab themselves) :-)

  • AlphaBitch : Come with, glenn. The more the merrier.

  • KillgoreTrout : I think Clinto has learned a lot in the last decade. He sees which way the wind blows. He is not resistant to change. That’s the intelligent way.

  • glenn : AB and CL–me neither!

  • choicelady : AB – I’m on my way!

  • AlphaBitch : Me either CL. Come on down and we’ll watch it!

  • choicelady : AdLib – I’ve never seen Life of Brian, and given my job, that is a HUGE loss. DO know the ‘blessed are the cheesemakers’ line though.

  • KillgoreTrout : Everytime I see it, I laugh my ass off, even knowing what’s coming.

  • Sabreen60 : AB, I pretty much agree with you about Clinton. He was the lesser of two evils each time I voted for him. It is true that economy was better and of course he had the surplus, but NATFA, etc. was really bad, IMO. What about the Fairness Doctrine? Was that repealed during his presidency. BTW, please forgive the typos. Blame it on the Patron.

  • choicelady : ADLib – it’s all a major can of worms, but I think so much is so ambiguous after the death of Glass=Steagall and other laws that monetary recovery is all that anyone can prove. I worked with a guy in Western NY to try to prevent a lot of these legal changes – NO ONE would listen. Everyone had $$$ in their eyes, even ‘progressives’ who did not care.

  • glenn : AdLib–I believe that is the most difficult thing for people to understand about President Obama. I think he actually only compromises when he thinks it’s good for the country, not his political legacy. We’ll see what happens in his second term, though.

  • AlphaBitch : CL: don’t know but I’m pretty sure that the PRESIDENT is the ONLY one to give such orders. That’s enough for me. Considering they had to testify together for the 9-11 commission, remember?

  • AdLib : Killgore – Life of Brian may be my all time favorite comedy.

  • AdLib : Funk – Hey, if Cheney can create our reality, why can’t we change the ending of his story?

  • AdLib : CL – I don’t know, I remember reading reports that the DoJ settled criminal charges with monetary damages paid by Wall Street.

  • KillgoreTrout : Flight 93 is my only question about 9/11. If it truly was shot down, I can understand it, to an extent.

  • choicelady : AB – I honestly doubt that. I saw an excellent documentary very soon after 9/11 that said NO fighter planes were ever scrambled. NO steps to deal with the hijackings were ever taken by ANYONE. Revisionist history, hmmmmmmm?

  • funksands : brb

  • glenn : Murph–guess it would have violated the gun manufacturer’s “second amendment rights” to be responsible for their products.

  • AlphaBitch : Nothing about whether it crashed or was shot down.

  • AlphaBitch : CL: No = he just says he gave the order, not Bush.

  • AdLib : Funk – So true. Obama has made compromises but he hasn’t signed legislation that is anti-Progressive in order to protect his political standing, as Clinton did. I didn’t like him as President, between DOMA, NAFTA and killing Glass-Steigel, Clinton really set America up for a bad fall.

  • funksands : Glenn, I’m with ya. Sometimes a dog just has to be put down…

  • AlphaBitch : Funk – if I ever faced Cheney (this is a game the Blov and I play), my comment would be: What a waste of a donated organ.

  • choicelady : AB – WAS the Pennsylvania flight shot down?????? I know the partner of one of the people on that flight!!! I never heard that before. My ex and others in Ohio saw it – were stunned at how low it was. It was about 20 minutes out of its final resting place – never heard it might not have just crashed. OMG.

  • glenn : funk–if only that new ending could be true. I’m a pretty firm believer in “live and let live”, but not in the dick’s case.

  • KillgoreTrout : LOL Ad! Great reference to Life of Brian! I love that movie.

  • funksands : Ad, I hear this one ends without a heart donor. I love alternative endings

  • MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn…all true…the NRA and its puppet masters got a series of exemptions from prosecution and from suit for second hand violence for manufacturers. BB guns are more regulated.

  • choicelady : AdLib – because it was remanded to a CIVIL issue not a criminal one. Fraud now is bad ONLY if YOU do it. Not if BANKS do it. Some “people” are more equal than others… Seem to have read that somewhere.

  • AlphaBitch : Murph: I heard (Dowd’s article?) that HE ordered the PA flight shot down, not Bush. Oopsy!

  • AdLib : AB – I don’t have Showtime either, wish I could see that doc on Bigus Dickus as well.

  • funksands : AB, I grew up a small child in post-war Armenia….

  • funksands : Ad, that is something that Obama will hopefully be remembered for. Leaving office without a legacy of bullshit bipartisan hackery that the next Democrat has to untangle

  • AdLib : CL – There was outright fraud committed by Wall Street and fraud is something that can be prosecuted. If it was legal, why has the DoJ gotten cash settlements for wrongdoing?

  • AlphaBitch : So give us a report, Funk. Six pages will be sufficient.

  • choicelady : Murph – I do love the word, too. Rumpus. Very evocative.

  • MurphTheSurf3 : AB…the best comment I have heard so far about the Cheney Doc is that Cheney is lulled into speaking truths he may well wish he had not uttered. He reveals his real priorities.

  • glenn : Speaking of legal–didn’t get the whole story, ’cause I came in the middle of the show, but saw on Rachel Maddow tonight that gun manufacturers are immune from prosecution, and safety regulations due to laws passed in ’06 or ’07. Murph, what do you know about that?

  • choicelady : ADLib – NICE comparison of DOMA and NAFTA! Well said!

  • funksands : AB, I will. They had a 3 hour documentary on the Eagles that I finally chunked down and watched over three weeks. It was pretty awesome

  • KillgoreTrout : Murph, I like the word. It was sort of a running joke in the movie Miller’s Crossing.

  • AdLib : Sabreen – I agree wholeheartedly with you. It is the Clinton PR machine (and if you notice, a lot of his people are all over the MSM) to say the Orwellian BS that he signed DOMA to protect gays. BS plain and simple. Why did Bill sign NAFTA? To protect unions?

  • AlphaBitch : Hey! who’s gonna watch the documentary on Dick? I don’t get showtime, so not me.’

  • MurphTheSurf3 : KT….Rumpus…s uch a fine word. Remember rumpus rooms?

  • funksands : Thank you nice CLady

  • choicelady : Hey Murph – lovely to see you!

  • Sabreen60 : Hi KT!

  • choicelady : funk – VOX is hard enough on a larger screen! We’ve missed you a LOT though!

  • funksands : Sabreeeeeeeeeeee eeeen

  • KillgoreTrout : Hey Murph, what’s the rumpus?

  • choicelady : AdLib – our local US Attorney says NO there is NOT a lot that was done that was illegal OR it takes months if not years to unpack. During the Clinton and W years, so much that we find horrific was made LEGAL it leaves very little wiggle room.

  • funksands : Glenn, not bad. Home a long stretch which is great.

  • Sabreen60 : Hiya Funk

  • MurphTheSurf3 : Greetings KT

  • funksands : Hi Murph!

  • AlphaBitch : Don’t be driving and pecking, Funk.

  • glenn : Funk–I’m well, and you?

  • MurphTheSurf3 : Hi CL and Hi Funk….good to see you both.

  • funksands : Glenn how are you?

  • funksands : AB, I’ve been on the road a lot. Vox is almost impossible on an IPhone.

  • choicelady : AB – Oh I will go with ovaballs. GOOD term!

  • choicelady : Sabreen – I SO agree about the perp walk shit. They also don’t know that a lot of prosecuting is done in DISTRICTS of the AG’s office. Our local US Attorney has been quite good at bringing the miscreants to heel. MOST loans were originated by mortgage brokers with NO ties to Wall Street or banks and unregulated in what they did. Sorry but CLINTON made much of that LEGAL. Progs need to grow up.

  • AdLib : Evening Funk! Hmm, sounds like a music selection.

  • glenn : CL and AB–No, at EW’s age, she has power surges, and I, for one, am impressed with them and her!

  • funksands : Hi KT. Not much thankfully.

  • Sabreen60 : AB, I really try not to be cynical, but I find it hard to believe that Clinton signed DOMA because he thought anti-gay legislation was likely.

  • AdLib : Sabreen – I think there is plenty that Wall Street can be hauled into court over, Obama and the regulators simply don’t want to do it.

  • KillgoreTrout : What’s up funk?

  • funksands : Big clanking brass ones AB

  • AlphaBitch : Why you peck, Funk?

  • funksands : Howdy howdy. I’m finally at a pc. Yay for typing instead of pecking!

  • KillgoreTrout : I was talking with a person today that said no politicians represent the people. I chuckled and threw out a few names like Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, The president, the VP…et al.

  • AlphaBitch : She has ovaballs, CL.

  • choicelady : funk! You’re HERE and you’re EARLY. THAT is a great thing!

  • AdLib : glenn – Yes, though I think Vera was the person he claimed was willing to help him with his pimp business.

  • glenn : Hey funk!

  • AlphaBitch : FUNK!

  • choicelady : AB – NO! She has OVIES!

  • funksands : Evening

  • choicelady : glenn – yes! Sorry – laziness abounds. EW is Elizabeth Warren.

  • AdLib : Sabreen – I was so angry when the Dems in Congress quickly folded and defunded and condemned ACORN without any investigation. That is a failing of Dems, cowardly at times and willing to do the wrong thing today if they think it protects them to do some good tomorrow. Just look at Bill Clinton signing DOMA then condemning it today.

  • Sabreen60 : Hi CL. What frustrates me are those who think PBO and AG Holder should perk walk everybody that worked on Wall Street, not understanding that much of what the banksters and Wall Street did was legal – thanks to GWB.

  • choicelady : Sabreen – excellent about the BekiStanstan NOT about Dems caving!

  • AlphaBitch : EW has balls.

  • glenn : CL–Does EW stand for Elizabeth Warren? Agreed–she is one staunch defender of the middle class.

  • KillgoreTrout : Good question CL. I think she is going after those that she may have dirt on. I need to research this a bit more.

  • choicelady : Oh Sabreen – excellent!

  • choicelady : KT – EW is a wonderful addition to the fold. My only question is whether much will come of her push simply because so MUCH that happened 1999-2007 was LEGAL.

  • AdLib : CL – Just found an article from last year that said Sherrod’s suit would likely continue against the business he left behind, hope so!

  • glenn : AdLib–I don’t much about the whole sting operation, but didn’t O’Keefe also slander other employees of ACORN? And secretly record them? I believe that’s how Vera won his case–because O’Keefe recorded him without his permission.

  • Sabreen60 : It’s really too bad that Dems fell for O’Keefe’s lies and defunded ACORN.

  • choicelady : AdLbi – I think Shirley Sherrod does, too. Not O’Keefe but the Breitbart media (gag) empire.

  • KillgoreTrout : I think it’s great that all of O’Keefe’s machinations were for not. Obama was elected, TWICE!

  • choicelady : AdLib – but Breitbart’s BUSINESS is extant and quite sue-able. Hee hee!

  • AdLib : glenn – I think Vera had standing because he was personally attacked by O’Keefe with the slander.

  • Sabreen60 : Here’s Rocky Mountain Mike’s GlennBekiBekiSta nStan: «link» Hope it plays

  • KillgoreTrout : Ad Brietbart con’t escape Karma. Even in death.

  • glenn : *CLINK*

  • choicelady : glenn – I don’t know, but I surely do hope so. And the Breitbart empire.

  • AdLib : And Breitbart took the coward’s way out and died before Shirley Sherrod whipped his ass in court.

  • KillgoreTrout : What about that Elizabeth Warren huh? Pushing for prosecution of money launderers? I say keep on keepin on E.

  • glenn : CL–Now that Vera (that’s his name, right) has been vindicated, do you think more employees of ACORN will do the same thing? I think they ought to tie that little prick up in court for the next 20 years!

  • choicelady : AB – That was my reaction – O’Keefe is sucky for a WHITE dude!

  • choicelady : AdLib – oh, it’s not over yet. That was O’Keefe to this employee. I have no idea if there’s more coming against the Breitbart empire, but I will break out the pompoms and cheer it on if there is.

  • AdLib : *CLINK!*

  • glenn : CL–great description!

  • AdLib : CL – Agreed, I’m glad ACORN was proven to be set up and fraudulently harmed by this scum, just wish the organization could have sued O’Keefe for millions.

  • choicelady : ‘CLINK’

  • AlphaBitch : *CLINK*

  • KillgoreTrout : Yeah, it’s nice to see. The cement heads that make up the uninformed base of the GOP/TP will still say ACORN is a criminal organization. But they really don’t count. At least not past ten!

  • choicelady : AB – I’m for that – a toast to ACORN! It’s reincarnation is one of the MOST effective groups on predatory lending, the foreclosure crisis in CA. I know their Executive Director, and a smarter, more wonderful women you’d never find.

  • glenn : CL–good to see you, too.

  • AdLib : glenn – Yes, O’Keefe was dressed like a 70’s movie version of a black pimp.

  • AlphaBitch : O’Keefe gives white a worse name.

  • choicelady : glenn – it’s the white chinless boy version of pimp.

  • AlphaBitch : Let’s drink one for the ACORN folks.

  • AlphaBitch : hey CL!

  • choicelady : KT – I am over the moon at the ACORN story! I know one of the founders of ACORN, and I am SO GLAD they have been vindicated!

  • glenn : AdLib–ooh–O’K eefe was supposed to be a pimp? That was the most ridiculous-looki ng pimp I’ve ever seen. Not that I’ve ever seen that many pimps, mind you–did he drive a pimped-out Caddie, too?

  • AdLib : Hey CL! Nice to see you too!

  • AlphaBitch : glenn – doncha love the way she tips her head “just so” while taking those pauses that make you think she is considering the bile she spews?

  • AdLib : glenn – I always thought Noonan was unjustifiably idolized. Most of Reagan’s speeches were overwritten nonsense, not classic or substantial fare. Jon Favreau is far more skilled and talented, Obama has delivered some incredible speeches.

  • KillgoreTrout : Que pasa CL!

  • choicelady : Hi everyone – hope all is well. Good to see you all.

  • KillgoreTrout : Hey glenn, likewise!

  • KillgoreTrout : I wonder if O’Keiffe believes in Karma now!

  • glenn : Hey KT–good to see you here!

  • AlphaBitch : Watch out, Ad. Sarah will think you are her hubsband.

  • glenn : AdLib–noonan is a sanctimonious, self-serving twit! Personally, I can’t stand her voice, nor her manner of talking.

  • KillgoreTrout : Thanks AB! LOL!

  • AdLib : glenn – Hmm…that’s a great idea, I should dress up like a pimp and attend CPAC claiming to be O’Keefe! That would be hilarious!

  • KillgoreTrout : Ha Ad! Rand playing to the recent call for filibuster reform. So obvious.

  • AlphaBitch : Duh doo rand rand rand, duh doo rand rand. That one is for you,KT.

  • AdLib : Hey hey, KT! Grandstand with Rand, Throw a Flan at Rand and In the Garbage Can With Rand.

  • AlphaBitch : Ha Glenn. Best so far!

  • Sabreen60 : Ab, you got it. I do the salt thing first then the Patron and then lime. Here, I am handing it to you :D

  • glenn : Hey AdLib–why don’t you go to the CPAC convention dressed as James O’Keefe? I never watch fn, so I didn’t know what he dressed up like when he was doing his ACORN “stings”, but saw a clip of him on the Ed Show when Ed was interviewing the guy O’Keefe has to pay $100,000 for violating his privacy. The sunglasses would look good on you, and the fur coat may keep you warm

  • KillgoreTrout : Back at ya AB!

  • AdLib : glenn – Right! Now I remember! Glad that winter’s loosening its grip out there!

  • AlphaBitch : Sabreen: yes, I’m a STephhead.

  • AlphaBitch : S-u-r-e Ad. Keep telling yourself that…..

  • Sabreen60 : AB, do you listen to Stephanie Miller? That sounds like a Rocky Mountain Mike diddy, I think.

  • AdLib : AB – It’s not how big your rainfall is, its what you do with it.

  • AdLib : Sabreen – I’ll take a shot and a wedge of lime!

  • AlphaBitch : noonan thinks she’s hot. She’s not.

  • AdLib : glenn – So does Noonan think that we all are as delusional as Repubs and wipe our memories clean of everything on a weekly basis? I never liked her, she is a Cheney type who thinks she can define reality for the peons.

  • glenn : Hey Sabreen–I can do better than that. I still have a bottle of rum that friends gave me when I left Guatemala.

  • AlphaBitch : Hey KT! Good to see you, pal.

  • AlphaBitch : What was it in particular Sabreen that set you over the edge.

  • KillgoreTrout : Que pasa Planeteers? Grandstand with Rand?

  • MurphTheSurf3 : Good evening Ad Lib, the Voxinator

  • Sabreen60 : glenn, my hubby says I’m not a drinker either. The last bottle I had lasted a year.

  • AlphaBitch : Ad – or sell lots at Glen Becky Becky Beckystan’s haven in hell (aka Dallas)

  • glenn : Ad–I’m in the “baptist belt”–40 miles northwest of Atlanta GA

  • AdLib : Hey Murph, a good evening to you too!

  • MurphTheSurf3 : Hello Glenn…well enough

  • AdLib : AB – Yes! I could also be a wandering tin foil hat salesman at CPAC! I could make a bundle while witnessing it all!

  • glenn : Evening Murph–how are you?

  • AlphaBitch : I bet my rainfalllessness is bigger than your rainfalllessness , Ad.

  • MurphTheSurf3 : Howdy AB and Sabreen

  • glenn : AB–I’m not a drinker, so didn’t know that. But I do know what flan is and I love that!

  • Sabreen60 : Hi Murph.

  • AlphaBitch : Hey Murph!

  • AdLib : glenn, forgot which part of the country you’re in. Here in LA tonight it’s raining which is nice, we’ve fallen back into a drought-type pattern with less rainfall.

  • AlphaBitch : What’s with these pops like H.W. and Ron that think there incompetent li’l nincompoop sons are really all that?

  • Sabreen60 : glenn, you’re not stupid, it’s a good white Tequila. Good, better or best. Anybody want a shot?

  • glenn : AdLib–Yup–noon an says that President Obama should have been pushing for a stimulus that would help the infrastructure, saying that would create jobs! Duh! It’s on either Salon or Slate, or maybe both.

  • AdLib : AB – You could always ask McConnell if his home is a shell.

  • MurphTheSurf3 : Evening Y’all….

  • AlphaBitch : glenn! You are so cute. It’s tequila (or to kill ya as I call it)

  • AlphaBitch : Don’t demean flan, Ad. It’s a lovely dessert.

  • glenn : Hi Sabreen–don’t mean to be stupid, but what is Patron?

  • AdLib : Hey Sabreen! It should be Throw a Flan on Rand.

  • Sabreen60 : AB, I’ll admit – not feeling much pain and ready to talk sh**. Just kidding :D

  • AlphaBitch : Ad – maybe get a job as a waitred there?

  • glenn : AdLib–it’s finally getting a little warmer here–or I should say, at least we are seeing the sun for a change!

  • AlphaBitch : glenn – nope. I’m better. Have a snazzy new Cuban doctor and all.

  • AdLib : glenn – Really? No I didn’t hear that! It’s laughable, the GOP has really lost complete touch with reality. How about the CPAC lineup? I would actually pay to go there to watch that, like a circus sideshow, if it wouldn’t help finance those lunatics.

  • glenn : AB–ouch. Hope you’re feeling better now. Hope you didn’t have to have surgery.

  • AlphaBitch : Whoo whee Sabreen. Patron!

  • AlphaBitch : I thought about calling McConnell’s office and feigning sincerity and inquiring why he can’t open his mouth. Is it a birth issue or was he injured? Perhaps scleroderma of the lips? I wanted to hear their response. See what happens when AB is confined to bed???

  • AdLib : AB – I still say it’s a cantaloupe.

  • Sabreen60 : Hello good folks. Rand Paul made me get the Patron out the freezer tonight.

  • glenn : AdLib–I seriously think republicans/tpar tiers have completely lost their minds when they lost the election. Talk about up is down, and left is now right. WOW! Did you read/hear about Peggy Noonan’s column saying that President Obama should have asked for a stimulus?

  • AdLib : Hey glenn! Doing well, how are things your way?

  • AlphaBitch : No Ad. That’s his head.

  • AlphaBitch : Hey glenn – better. Told Ad that I slipped a disc and had to be down for a week. Spent this week trying to catch up.

  • AdLib : AB – Gohmert has a cantaloupe on his neck that’s gone bad.

  • AlphaBitch : Oh that Mr. Preibus. He funny.

  • glenn : Hi AdLib–how are you? And AB–how are you?

  • AdLib : So how do you like that after howling that re-electing Obama will cause a recession, Reince Priebus is claiming that the economy is improving thanks only to Repubs and that Obama should try to contribute to it?

  • AlphaBitch : Off the muscle relaxers now, glenn.

  • glenn : Hi AB–wow, you’re quick!

  • AlphaBitch : Seriously?? I would not have guessed ANYONE – and that’s including Rand Paul and Louie Gohmert – would be dumb enough to pick such a stupid looking wiglet.

  • AdLib : Great to have you hear whenever you can make it, AB!

  • AlphaBitch : Hi Glenn!

  • AdLib : I’m surprised it doesn’t crawl off his head or leap to a nearby branch. It is the phoniest toup in the Senate.

  • AlphaBitch : I can’t stay long tonight – just wanted to pop in before the party started.

  • AlphaBitch : Stephanie Miller refers to “the marmoset on his head”. Does he wear a toop?

  • AdLib : Sorry to hear that, AB. Glad you’re feeling better now. Hurting a back is pretty rough.

  • AlphaBitch : I messed up my back bad and had to spend a week in bed. Sigh. It was great. Now it’s over.

  • AdLib : His drones were deadly.

  • AlphaBitch : Ole Rand was just dronin’ about drones now, wasn’t he?

  • AdLib : Hey AB!

  • AlphaBitch : Hi – just grandstan…..wa it a minute. I gotta pee.

  • AdLib : Ironic that Rand Paul’s drones continued without oversight and seemed not to have any restrictions either.

  • AdLib : Don’t forget to say “hi” or “Grandstand With Rand” when you arrive!

  • AdLib : Vox Populi, our live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7 pm PST. Hope to see you then!

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