AdLib : Night!
choicelady : And you, AdLib. GREAT conversations! Thank you! See you next week!
AdLib : Have a cozy evening tonight and a wonderful weekend!
AdLib :...
choicelady : Good night, KT - whatever you do, it will be wonderful. Yup - see you on the thread AND in the funny papers! Good night!
KillgoreTrout :...
Broad surveillance of a nation may or may not reduce attacks or be worth the sacrifice but it must be kept in mind what kind of nation it is that we're intent on protecting and if we are pulling out the supporting beams of our home to build a barricade around it.
KillgoreTrout : Have a wonderful weekend.
KillgoreTrout : CL, I love conversations about theology, metaphysics and existentialism. I would gladly take this up in the near future. I have to...
AdLib : Sounds good! Take care!
choicelady : Will do - not much to tell about HOPE, but we will catch up. I'm back Monday afternoon and then plan to...
AdLib : Night!
funksands : Night buddy. Take care.
AdLib : Good, very glad it worked out and not surprised you had a thoughtful fallback position.
funksands : Oh, yes we pretty...
I'm a Little Teabagger - by Ted Cruz: "I'm a little teabagger, short and stout, Here is my handle, here is my spout. When I get all steamed up hear me shout. Just tip me over and pour me out."
AdLib is online.
SallyT : Good night!
choicelady : Good night!
SallyT : You have as much of a relaxing weekend that you can and I will see you when you get...
AdLib : Sleep well, CL! Once again, you've earned that and a long vacation on a beach somewhere sipping drinks with umbrellas in them! Night!
choicelady : OK dear friend...
It was a no-brainer (or as known in Republican circles, a "Gohmert") for Republicans to vote against background checks, an assault weapons ban and a gun magazine limit. And it was just as easy for them to be "outraged" by the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi. Only If deaths help them politically, do they matter.