As we wind down 2013, it’s a great time to look back at the year that was…or would have been if it wasn’t filibustered. Instead of doing a roundup of the top stories of 2013 which you can get on any site (Spoiler Alert: Obama’s inauguration for a second term, Edward Snowden’s exposure of the NSA, the military coup in Egypt, the government shutdown, the botched rollout of the ACA, etc.), we offer a round up of satirical graphics from posts made here throughout the year.
So, in hopes of ending the year with a smile, here’s The Year in PlanetPOV parody art:
REVIEW: Predictable and Repetitive, Has American Politics Jumped the Shark?
Weekend Music Thread – People Are Strange
A GOP Collection of Nursery Rhymes
Repubs Can Counter Hillary Movies with Films of Their Own
Ted Cruz – The Miley Cyrus of Politics
WATCH: The First GOP/Tea Party Film Festival
The Chicken Little Syndrome – Why Some On the Left Root For Their Own Failure
Trick or Trick – Republican Halloween Theme Songs
Famous Movie Quotes If Republicans Had Starred in Classic Films
(Darryl Issa in The Treasure of the Sierra Madre: “Evidence? We ain’t got no evidence. We don’t need no evidence. I don’t have to show you any stinking evidence.”)
Wishing everyone here, a very Happy New Year and no doubt the next year of Republican lunacy will bring many satirical returns here at The Planet.

This is a wonderful reminder of why The Planet is so special. Here we cry, protest, become passionate about something close to our hearts and try to make whatever difference we can by getting the real truth out there. Then there are times like this when we can laugh ourselves silly at your sharp and on target wit, AdLib, and take this opportunity to thank you for all that you do. Thank you for everything, and a Happy New Year to you and your family.
Always loved “Newt Grinchyitch”, “The Three Stooges” and the “Orangeman jumping the shark”. 😆
Cheers Kalima!
We do protest and push back against the awfulness the Repubs, corporations and the wealthy shove at us but I do think that what is unique about The Planet is that we don’t limit ourselves to applause and boos to the latest news.
We analyze, investigate and reason here, trying to suss out what is really going on behind the one-dimensional stories pumped out by the MSM.
And we do like to put a Republican face on ridiculous figures…well, ridiculous figures other than their own.
Thanks Kalima, you’ve got a whole new year’s worth of silliness coming your way!
Well all I can say is roll on next year for so many different reasons, and you had better send me those screen protectors, and make them in all different sizes. 😉
Take care.
LOL!!! Those WOULD be the stories, those WOULD be the proper artistic venues, yes!
VERY funny, AdLib, and a look back at what you wrote over the course of the year is quite wonderful. You are an excellent prognosticator and have an apt eye for pop cultural connections to our “leaders” (I use the term VERY loosely.)
Thank you for an excellent reminder of why we are all here. PPOV is where you go for humor and insight, and that combo, IMHO, is what drives good analysis that is memorable.
Happy New Year to you and yours and to all the Planeteers! Let’s make 2014 even MORE memorable by putting a functioning Congress in place to help this amazing president get the country moving toward real justice for all.
Thanks so much for all the kind thoughts, CL!
What passes for politics today has become so absurd as to be comparable only to fiction and fictional characters.
Really appreciate your props for The Planet, you’ve described exactly what we strive for, thoughtful analysis, insight and of course humor. There are plenty of sites where people can read an aggregation of news headlines, we do try to be a place where we put all of it into perspective as a community.
And you are a very appreciated member of that community!
Happy New Year to you and hubby too! Right with you on working hard this upcoming year to make a real difference (with a real different House I hope)!
Ad, it’s like the Sunday funnies a little early.
Thanks Nirek, just a lead up to the Sunday Funnies!