
Comments Posted By johnie2xs

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KS; Understand there was a little tongue in cheek in my statement. I figured there were those who had been 86’d more times, I just wanted to get an idea as to how many. Whenever I get bumped again
(which I’m sure is inevitable) I’d like to find out how they managed so many names. I’m running out of e-mail addresses to use. I want to find the secret so that I can make their lives as miserable as I can. God knows they deserve it.

» Posted By johnie2xs On November 27, 2009 @ 12:29 pm

Just out of curiosity.I’ve been banned from the Halfadunce Post four times, under “johnie2xs”, “masso435”, “masso427”, “Jasper48”, and now post under “1shamus1”; My question– Am I vying for a record of some sort,or am I just a legend in my own mind?;)

By the way, Happy Thanksgiving,folks.

» Posted By johnie2xs On November 26, 2009 @ 7:54 am

Sirens of Song

Plus, I think I’m in love.

Maybe it’s a thing I have for trashy blondes?!?

Okay guys, toke up, relax and enjoy. (sorry about the ad)

And lest we forget the Bangles, let’s Walk……

My favorite Peggy Lee song, after Fever.

» Posted By johnie2xs On November 20, 2009 @ 2:50 pm

Morning Blog – 12-30-09

It’s hard to keep from drowning in all the Media drivel concerning Palin, so I offer you this pithy and entertaining review of her book. Hope you enjoy it. God knows there’s little to laugh about any more.

» Posted By johnie2xs On November 20, 2009 @ 5:50 am

Debate Night Live – Vote and Discuss!

I don’t think so. For all intents and purposes, the GOP is irrelevant. The only two parties are the Dems and the Conserva Dems. IMHO

» Posted By johnie2xs On November 13, 2009 @ 8:39 pm

Ode to Motown

Glad ya like it. I could have gone on, but I didn’t want to be obnoxious about it.

» Posted By johnie2xs On November 13, 2009 @ 9:04 pm

Thank you Sir. The first two, I have no idea how I managed it. The last was by your direction. Again thanks and I hope you enjoy my entries.

» Posted By johnie2xs On November 13, 2009 @ 7:02 pm

I saw a couple of Marvin Gay songs but not my favorite.
This was the first 8 track tape that I ever bought and played
in my brand new Magnavox tape deck I had just installed in
my 1964 Chevy Biscayne, 327 Police Package Detective’sCar.
Aw Geez,….I think I’m getting wood.

And here is a haunting A Cappella version of the same song.

And my all time favorite. At the time it came out I thought it
was the greatest song ever, and still do.

And another haunting favorite.

Sorry, you guys got me goin’and I can’t stop.
The great Clyde Mc Phatter

I dare you to sit through this one. Clyde again.

I know I’m getting carried away, but……The Dominoes

I’m fellin’ like a damned DJ. Same song,two different artists.
First, Lady Day;

Now Blood Sweat and Tears. Sorry about the proselytizing.
It was totally unintentional.

» Posted By johnie2xs On November 13, 2009 @ 6:22 pm

Sorry about the :30 play. Here’s a full run. Oh how I love this song, Etta James, and those strings.

» Posted By johnie2xs On November 13, 2009 @ 5:49 pm

Try this for a great song.

» Posted By johnie2xs On November 13, 2009 @ 5:23 pm

Friday Night Live!

I’m going to go monitor the debate, but I had to post this. It is way too good not to share. An Onion Production.

» Posted By johnie2xs On November 13, 2009 @ 7:57 pm

Any foodies out there?


» Posted By johnie2xs On November 13, 2009 @ 8:04 am


I noticed, thank you. And I fanned you back.
Solidarity, mon ami, solidarity.

» Posted By johnie2xs On November 13, 2009 @ 7:50 am

I’ve seen it before!! I’ve seen it before!! And if you don’t take offense, I will not watch it again. It is exceptionally disturbing to me, especially when you think of the politically, socially, and educationally stunted people we find ourselves in battle with on a daily basis for the soul of our country.
Right now I have been on a thread, at the Huff, arguing with people who have no idea of the meaning of socialism yet throw the term around like a frisbee at a picnic.

I know I’m not telling you anything you don’t realize already, but the idea of trying to discuss a subject when the terms being used are not understood and agreed upon as immutable, is like dancing in quick sand. It makes me unstable.

» Posted By johnie2xs On November 13, 2009 @ 7:47 am

Sorry Kalima. It was 1:45 in the morning where I am (Fla), so I had gone to bed.Hope you didn’t think bad of me for not answering.
To your comment….
this last username I’ve set up with HP,I used one of my son’s e-mail addresses, therefore he got the notice.

» Posted By johnie2xs On November 13, 2009 @ 5:47 am

I see language like that in print, and I feel like I’m home. You know,It’s not that I want to use foul language all the time, it’s just that some words cannot be substituted for, no matter what their color. And no word, I mean none, has the punch, versatility, or ability to incite, like the word, FUCK.
For me, that would be like living without salt.
Don’t misunderstand and think that I will use it every other word…not so. I just like knowing it’s in the quiver.

» Posted By johnie2xs On November 13, 2009 @ 5:40 am

I haven’t had any blowback at my other addresses, and what can they do to me anyway. I’ve already been drafted,divorced, and audited by the IRS, so what could they possibly do to me that could be of any consequence.
I did try, however, to run a bunch of different names, as you’re suggesting, but couldn’t get any to work. Plus they sent a confirmation notice to my son, and had they done that with a bogus address, I might have been dumped that way. No biggy.I got a working name,”1shamus1″, with a picture of Mike Gravel for the avatar. I’ll see how long I last this time.

» Posted By johnie2xs On November 12, 2009 @ 10:16 pm

Is gushing a euphemism for puking?
Actually,I centered most of my contempt and bile for the moderators themselves. I found out early on that logic didn’t work, so instead I just savaged them.
They brought out in me a dark side I didn’t know I possessed. I really do not do well when someone tries to suppress my thoughts and ideas, as it happens. Who knew!

» Posted By johnie2xs On November 12, 2009 @ 10:04 pm

Well,I just got banned for the fourth time,from HP. I’ve been on as johnie2xs, masso435, masso427, and my last incarnation was jasper48. I ran out of e-mail addresses and obviously patience, having gone off on the Mods, heavily, and got bounced again.
I guess asking them to just tell me what they want me to say, by editing my submission, was a little harsh. Although,I’m sure my choice of verbiage may have had something to do with it, as well.
Ah, but fear not, I’ll still be there to harass them some more with a new name,1shamus1,and the use of one of my sons e-mail addresses. Just thought I’d share.

» Posted By johnie2xs On November 12, 2009 @ 9:45 pm

Hairyanna does it again.

Thanks, FM. I guess it was only the McCarthy aspect that stuck in my mind.
Obviously, the Rethugs have been obsessed with it for decades.

» Posted By johnie2xs On November 3, 2009 @ 12:08 pm

I know that this entry may be long and cumbersome, but honestly, only the Rethugs are masters at “Bumper Sticker” politics, we Dems have a steep learning curve.
This is a T shirt entry;

“I’m part of the Republican Force
But for sure, not a Palin-Bot
My research has been open source
So I’m definitely a Palin-Not

Hey!! I try.

» Posted By johnie2xs On November 3, 2009 @ 12:02 pm

Actually, it is a concerted effort, on their part, to mark a line of delineation between that, that is in fact “Democratic” and the Democratic Party itself. To them, our Party is not Democratic in either purpose or Nature.

» Posted By johnie2xs On November 3, 2009 @ 11:29 am

Believe it or not, It started in the “McCarthy Era”. I’d have to do some research, but I’m almost positive about that fact.
Anybody want to add on, go ahead.

» Posted By johnie2xs On November 3, 2009 @ 11:24 am

The “Club for Growth” link,is a matter of knowing the enemy.

» Posted By johnie2xs On November 3, 2009 @ 8:34 am

I have a few Rethug friends, also. But even the ones who are not FOX-bots seem to have this ideological firewall that just will not allow them to accept anything that even smacks of being a Democratic Party talking point, or stance. And I have to admit they piss me off immensely when they refer to anybody on the other side, as being a member of the “Democrat” Party. Consequently our discussions often times degrade from there.
Relative to that article, that I failed to mention and had hoped to see within it, was a call, direction, or game plan that disaffected Republicans might follow as a path to reclaim their Party.
I had more reasonable discussions with Rethuglicans in the Reagan years, and that wasn’t particularly easy either. During, and after Bush, It’s downright impossible.

» Posted By johnie2xs On November 3, 2009 @ 8:33 am

This may be a little off topic, but I have found myself immersed in the happenings in the NY 23rd district,and would like to see what others think. Obviously this would be impossible on the Huff.
I also posted this particular piece on the “Immoral Minority”,a site I’ve come to enjoy, so I hope you will allow me that duplicity.

Here goes;

There is very good article on the “Daily Beast” by Republican radio host, John Batchelor (link below). He talks, for the most part, about the problems with the race in NY 23, and the myriad of problems related to the strident take over of the Rethuglican Party, by most specifically, the “Club for Growth” and their insertion, with gobs of money and a Trojan Horse (Hoffman), into the politics of a less than ideological district. Yes, the 23rd is staunchly Rethuglican, but No, they are not ideological purists. Hoffman is not from there, knows nothing of the districts needs, yet he has been foisted on the electorate, and with the help of interlopers like Palin, Pawlenty, and Fred Thompson the district’s fate will, if Hoffman does in fact win, be used as a template of Congressional battles yet to be waged.
It is a very enlightening article, but fails in one major respect. Batchelor does a good job pointing up the problems being created for reasonable Republicans. What he doesn’t do is come up with any solutions to, or a game plan for, the abandonment of the the “Club for Growth’s” (link below) self-serving prescriptions.
Regardless, it is still a good article, and hopefully it might provide reasonable Republicans the opportunity to see that their are some right thinkers out there, within their Party, that they may wish to align themselves with, should they not wish to take the path of the Dodo bird.

» Posted By johnie2xs On November 3, 2009 @ 8:04 am

The Failed History of Conservatism in America

Whenever a discussion, such as this, comes up regarding the worth of Conservatisim, I’ve often found solice out of reading from Roget’s Thesaurus and laugh my ass off. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

Main Entry: conservative

Tory, bourgeois, constant, controlled, conventional, die-hard, fearful, firm, fogyish, fuddy-duddy, guarded, hard hat, hidebound, holding to, illiberal, in a rut, inflexible, middle-of-the-road, not extreme, obstinate, old guard, old line, orthodox, quiet, reactionary, redneck, right, right of center, right-wing, sober, stable, steady, timid, traditional, traditionalistic, unchangeable, unchanging, uncreative, undaring, unimaginative, unprogressive, white bread


Main Entry: liberal

advanced, avant-garde, broad, broad-minded, catholic, enlightened, flexible, free, general, high-minded, humanistic, humanitarian, indulgent, intelligent, interested, latitudinarian, left, lenient, libertarian, loose, magnanimous, permissive, radical, rational, reasonable, receiving, receptive, reformist, tolerant, unbiased, unbigoted, unconventional, understanding, unorthodox, unprejudiced

» Posted By johnie2xs On November 1, 2009 @ 9:05 pm

Jon Stewart Takes on the White House/Faux Noose Fight

For its almost uninterrupted campaign to diminish and demean the President, The Democratic Party, and therefore the elected government in power; along with any semblance of fact based discussion, and or presentation, I don’t think it goes too far to haul into question whether the FOX Network, Roger Ailes, Hannity, O’Reilly, Beck, etal, as to what their true intentions toward our government, are.
Then have them put forth proof to show why they should not be held up as traitors to this government specifically, and the nation in general.

This is not even close to being a question of free speech.
What they have embarked on is nothing less than sedition.

» Posted By johnie2xs On November 1, 2009 @ 9:54 am

A New Way To Fight Right Wing Trolls on HP

I’m new, today, and thankful that “justplainfedup” turned me on to this site. Now, on topic. Since it seems you guys have formed a bit of a collective here, I have a couple of suggestions to put in the mix. As I’m sure you have noticed, many of the articles on HP are now “Fully Moderated”. Since they want to go ahead and load so much more on their moderators, so be it, but I’ve decided to not submit anything on any article, so designated. Maybe if they see a drop in traffic, it would make a difference; I don’t know. The other thing I have done on the articles not fully moderated is; runallthewordstogetherespeciallyinplaceswhereIthinkImaygetabitsalty
inmylanguage. It can be a bit hard to read,sometimes and catch typos, but after a while you can catch on. Just a thought.

» Posted By johnie2xs On October 31, 2009 @ 2:37 pm

HuffNo Friday – HuffSlam #1

Thank you, Monk and Nicole. A fellow “disgruntee” on HuffPo gave me info on this site, and I’m looking forward to the conversations here along with enjoying the reading. I’m on my fourth username on the Huff, after being banned twice, and disabled on the third name. I had a HuffPo moderator actually tell me that the use of the surname Mudd, as in Dr.Samuel Mudd, was grounds for my comment being scrubbed when I had the impertinence to suggest his name be dropped from the infamous phrase; “His name is Mudd”, and replaced by the name of “Bush”, in honor of the man who so deserves it more.

» Posted By johnie2xs On October 31, 2009 @ 10:39 am

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