An interesting phenomenon has begun spontaneously at Huffington Post, beginning a couple weeks ago and growing by the day. There has been no overt communication amonst the regulars but a lot of reading between the lines. As you all are aware, that site has become infested with not only the regular trolls, but many new ones daily, sent there by GOP sites on a paid basis. It has had its effect, as it had elicited responses that have gotten noteworthy posters like Kevenseven, Volvo Birkenstock and others banned, while these trolls have been allowed to disrupt many good on line discussions.
Rather than leave the site, we are fighting back, albeit in an unorthodox manner, and we don’t know how long HP will allow it, but it is driving the trolls batty. It also had had unintended effects on the regulars, making us a much tighter knit group, more collegial like PlanetPOV, and it’s more fun to go there. We can’t be dead serious all the time or we’ll turn into curmudgeons; there has to be some humor and fun, too, IMO.
So, here’s what is happening. We look for each other and take over a blog and turn it into a meeting place, sort of like Twitter for grownups, where we exchange greetings, post music and other videos, jokes and other chit chat types of conversations that are almost all off topic. So, when a troll appears, their first reaction is “WTF??” “If you want a chat line, go to Facebook!!” Even some regulars who have been away are bewildered, but soon catch on and join in the merriment. There are so many small posts in chat situations, as you all know, that in 5 minutes a troll flame ends up on page 5, effectively being shoved down and easily ignored. Sometimes the trolls rant that HP is allowing us to violate the TOS, which we are, and those rants are getting scrubbed. But they’re, for now, letting us continue. So, every night there’s a party atmosphere. Oh, there is still plenty of on topic discussion, but the troll posts are not as noticeable.
I’m sure HP moderators are debating what to do about this as I’m sure there have been complaints, especially from the troll posts that get scrubbed (how funny is that?); yesterday CheshireCat, a righty but a good guy, railed about his legit posts getting scrubbed while the deluge of off topic posts are allowed. Too funny. They have two choices: 1. scrub all the posts, which would leave the blog practically empty; 2. ban all of us, but if they do that, they ban over 50 regulars, and that would reduce the clicks, wouldn’t it, and therefore reduce their ad income? It’s nice to see Aryanna’s crew caught between a rock and a hard spot.
The pace is varied, depending on the time of day, but it can be breathtaking. Take a 10 minute break, and your post is on page 8 ort 9 sometimes. Yesterday, it began early, in mid morning, and by the time I got home from work, the party was going full bore and continued well into the wee hours. There were hardly any trolls, who had given up and gone elsewhere. The few who stuck it out were all ticked off but we just took turns flaming them back and the rest of us just ignored them. As aforementioned, we’ll see how HP deals with this. By the way, we’ve spread the word about PlanetPOV, too, sneaking in messages in code, and most are aware of this site.
We’ve sneaked chats about this site, and I see a time when PlanetPOV will grow. The one bit of feedback I offer is that the comment portion should be more user friendly and easier to follow, that is inhibiting some from coming here regularly.
Last night I followed the anti tr0ll advice in this post. I had put up a dozen Groucho Marx quotes because a tr0ll post was stuck on top. This morning I found a tr0ll response:
groucho quote:
Anyone who thinks there’s safety in numbers hasn’t looked at the stock market pages.
a tr0ll called buck carson responded:
Anyone who thinks there is safety in government hasn’t lived.
Can you say ID10T?
I had a good laff…thanks Planet POV!
Great to hear … the Planet has tons of info for swatting the trolls as well as ideas.
Funny how AH has this site banned BANNED from HP, but links to Drudge at the bottom of every page.
Hi…been having some fun tr0ll swatting…did not know planet was banned…I starting think HP is faux progressive, it’s really about the ca$h. But at least there are many liberal bloggers and such, I have read some very good articles…any more tr0ll swatting ideas are welcomed…
Try using a standard link … scrubbed!
but do I think we have some workarounds for that
I just don’t know them
AdLib does…..
Yooo Hooo Adlib got a linky?
HP has some great bloggers,
It is a shame they have to wallow
around some of the muck that goes on.
Marion & others has posted a few articles
on this subject.
Thank God, sanity at last! I’ve been so frustrated at HP that I started to scream. I was beginning to think I was crazy. I really don’t know how you rid the site of ignorance, but the trolls are out with a vengeance and this weekend was horrible. Jan4insight was able to direct me here and I registered immediately. I will try to help HP but the drible is almost unbearable.
darleneslee I just came form there and couldn’t take any more! WTF. “No difference” between Bush and Obama? Those people are outrageous. I am enraged. I feel it’s my duty to go there and try to reason with people, but I honestly can’t take more than about a half hour.
I believe I have seen you on Hp…
Welcome to The Planet, phread!
Adlib, you are as hilarious as this thread!
Heh! Thanks, you Qrack me up too!
thanks…i like the advice about trolls…started doing and notice there are a number of ppl who are into this …
Welcome to the PlanetPOV, darleneslee!
Hi, darleneslee – I’m so glad you saw my post & decided to come here! Welcome to the happy crew – we don’t always agree on everything but we do debate respectfully, and we don’t carry grudges. I think you’ll find it a refreshing change 🙂
And btw, I still go “there” regularly & keep on with good fight – I’m too much of a contrarian to let them think they ran me off 😉
Just for giggles, here’s a sample of a recent post I made on HP, and the decidedly tr0llish response that came in today:
Winter Storms (Political and Otherwise)
Democrats win by uniting their base with swing voters, not by playing the two against each other. President Obama should be the president who gets this instinctively. So how did it come to this?
jan4insight This is true. And also I have looked at much of the garden-variety criticism of Obama from the left, and been appalled at the ignorance that is displayed at how our government actually works – you know, like separation of powers. Executive branch does not make the laws. That sort of thing.
He’s only the President, peeps. He’s not your Fairy Godmother.
posted Jan 5, 2010 at 03:45:19 Reply Link
RoloTomassi Sorry, but you know as well as I do that your comment is nothing but an arrogant oversimplification of dissent from the Left; you centrist/corporatist dems simply swap the single foot you stand on constantly–it’s all about Obama’s accomplishments until he comes under fire for his lack of LEADERSHIP [you will notice that I did not specify his lack of personal legislative accomplishments], and then you stand on the “it’s congress, not Obama’s failure” false-position.
If you care to read the dissenting comments you might actually learn something about what is going on here; it’s about the failure of the Democratic party as a whole, in presidential leadership AND congressional actions.
posted Jan 5, 2010 at 16:17:41
Said troll thinks I’m a corporatist and centrist??? OMG, I can’t stop ROFL!!! It’s clearly a cut & paste response. I wonder how much he/she got paid for it, and if he spent it all in one place!
Well, as I have stated here in the past, I was banned from HP on at least 3 occasions and still have 3 fake accounts that HP will not ‘authorize’. These fake accts were created to be used in the War Against Trolls being waged at HP. I now have ONE working acct over there that I can’t remember the last time I logged in with. The last 2 times I was banned was for writing posts there with links to Conservative websites paying trolls to disrupt and infiltrate HP and other left leaning watering holes. Suddenly I was the ‘bad’ guy and when it dawned on me what was truly happening over there, I was in shock and awe. I finally allowed myself to fully grasp the scope and measure of what was being developed. The mighty, mighty AH was feverishly pulling the levers and twisting the dials behind the curtain not unlike the mighty Wizard of Ahhhhhs~~~(also a nickname some of my former intimate partners…well…another time)
In any event, I will again try to create an acct there and start stepping on toes of the trolls by hijacking articles for personal and off-topic reasons. I will say, again, that the conservative Right CAN organzie for evil SO much more quickly than we Libs. A good cause or selfless endeavor they will scatter and run from, yet add some spite, hate, fear and evil revenge into the job and the Right will line up and PAY YOU to be a part of. Believe it.
Hey, TPR. Do you still have those links? I’ve seen one page where a company was trying to hire trolls to disrupt threads on “leftie” sites …. but just that one. I’d be very interested in knowing if it’s really true, who actually hires people to do that and how much they get paid and so on.
I have found that 5 of the 6 sites that were recruiting are now extinct. These were rural church sites that offered spaghetti dinners for participation. 2 were pay to play and I am looking for them. (I called them out during the election and sites have changed…I am not trying to offer straw dogs or anything. They truly existed) LOL~
mmmmm…. we are having angel hair with sausage tonight.
The sausage is always a treat, but that angel hair…constantly making that ,…pppbbbthttthhhh~~~~~~ sound trying to pick it off your tongu…OHHHH…pasta!..RIGHT!
😆 I think you spelled it right too. Pasta every other week or so is one of the rare treats on my “heart healthy” (ugh) diet.
Hey, have you tried that pasta made from soybeans? Or beans, or something…it’s not whole wheat pasta…pretty sure it’s soybean. anyway, I am a pasta lover and have had to start thinking healthier and HATE…whole wheat pasta, yet this bean pasta is pretty decent. No angel hair option (which is my fav), but it’s tasty and healthy. Those tomatoes are the key to a healthy heart after all.
TRP, I’ve become increasingly convinced that the trollfest “on that other site” is primarily driven by the same 8 to 10 trolls (at most!) with 8 to 10 sockpuppets each, pretending to be 60 to 80 different posters for 10 to 12 hours a day.
Hi, I’m new here, another refugee from Huffoxington Post. KarateKid, I wish I’d read your post months ago, although I’ve certainly enjoyed those late-night chat & music threads on HP!
Well, as we all know, it’s getting worse. I’ve found myself even unable to post a comment on certain HP threads – and I don’t think it’s an accident. I’ve seen other HPers say the same thing has happened to them. I think we’re being deliberately locked of certain threads. The most recent one for me was that execrable Marianne Williamson thread, which is a total anti-Obama trash-fest. Today I tried to post a simple Co-sign to someone who’d gotten through the mods, and was unable to click the post link!
I also have notification of an HPer who wrote a supporting comment on one of my posts, but neither my post nor the supporting comment are visible on the site. Apparently I got scrubbed, and so did the person who supported me. But another post criticizing me got through!
So what I’m doing now is copying & saving my important posts & the supporting comments to a notepad on my Google sidebar (for now). I’m sure I’ll find a way to use them to good effect.
Meanwhile, the HP downward trend is of real concern, not only because of our collective frustration, but because I fear this effort to fracture the left could end up handing the country back to the Repug’s – and you all know what a nightmare that would be!
The moderation at Huffy is beyond absurd. All anti-Obama trash is posted yet most of my anti-Palin or Cheney remarks get scrubbed!
I really think that the Huffy moderators are paid employees of its biggest advertisers.
Ha, that explains a lot. I’ve only just found this site, which looks great (especially for more in-depth, serious discussion). I just need to learn how to work it… How do I get my photo up?
Wow, there is a lot of chit going on in the background at HP I never knew. I knew some of the stuff happening with the trolls and I have noticed a group that carries conversations between themselves but I have not often been shot down when I make comments. Trolls, yeah, but they are stupid anyway so I pay them no mind. I do go back now and then to read and have posted some, but nowhere near like I was doing everyday. It would be an interesting read on the social “mores” at huffpo. LOL
You can say that again (stuff going on in the background). I went over there, peeked at the main, and it had become soap-opera like.
No kidding.
Just popped over to Huffy to see what is going on and Bankington Post is all about the banks AGAIN.
Aryanna has her mind on her money and her money on her mind.
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Hey, people, conservatives DO read PlanetPOV. LOL. I just had an exchange with Andrea Castillo, a noted rightie, and she mentioned my comment about her on this site. I challenged her to make a post here, but I dont’ think she’ll take me up on it. It was revealing, however.
LOL. But, KK, speaking for myself only, PLEASE don’t encourage the little twit. 😆
Nicole, she is a young kid, very good looking btw. She has a Facebook page, she must be all of 20 years old. Hey, at least she reads what we write, unlike the true trolls.
Young or not, she is way too annoying for my taste. Talking to her is like talking to a sound byte for Fox or something.
Sorry, I just see it differently.
We raked her over the coals today. She responded to my comments like never before, on the defensive. Then, she sneaked off when we called her out. I had the same thing with AnnfrCA this morning, drove her off, too. What a day. It’s so much more peaceful here.
But, several righty trolls have been here. PlanetPOV is gaining attention.
Ann is another one that makes me crazed.
Oh, God!! I cannot stand PUMA Ann and her faux concern for this country. That twit has had been bitter about President Obama ever since the primaries. She is always singing Palin’s praises just because she has a vjay-jay. A bitter PUMA is something you can never shake.
AC is a little turd.
I agree and if she comes here, delete her immediately. I can get cut and paste commentary at huffpo, don’t need it here especially with her propoganda
I doubt that she would last longer than a few posts anyway, unless she cherishes being used as a verbal football that is.
I think that I should go ahead and change that to “virtual football.”
Sorry!–the site suddenly came back up and my post was totally OT to the thread!
LOL. That happened to me too. The thread Adlib said would disappear has indeed disappeared!
Yeah, what a rush dude. I thought it was the brownies for a minute. Let me check that out. mmmmmm. No, it was the server reboot. Excuse me, the pipe’s grown cold.
LOL. Flashback….
Whhooooooo…through the looking glass….
No cut and pasting BS.
Though, I *completely* destroyed her one night by cut and pasting economic information about Sweden, Norway and Finland, but I *cited my sources*!
Yeah, she’s too narcissistic and pompous for me. If she learned that she doesn’t know everything and isn’t automatically right about every topic, like, “the economy of Scandinavia is based primarily on its fisheries,” I *might* be able to stomach her.
@KK Regarding AC, let me phrase it in a way that HP would never allow:
Fuck her if she can’t take a joke
OK, folks, yes I can sound like a longshoreman, too, I just don’t normally chose to.
Well said. Agreed too. 😆
Nobody is stopping AC or or any other conservative from joining the planet. As long as they can post without attacking people and engaging in any troll like behavior they are welcome. But I have experienced very few conservative bloggers that can have a passionate debate without going over the line.
I always thought Wiki had a pretty succinct and common sense description of troll like behavior.
“In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room or blog, with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response[1] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.[2]”
Yup, and it still amazes me to no end that they don’t understand such a simple description and try to throw the term back at us. Granted, we can get off topic after a main has been up long enough, but it’s all about intent. Their behavior is the same whether or not we are on topic or not. If we’re on, they’ll try to get us distracted, if we’re off, they’ll castigate us. It’s all about getting a rise of you. Such sad lives and/or undiagnosed personality disorders the lot of them must have, really.
Hello Khirad! Nice to see you here.
You’re right.
A troll is purely about provoking, not about genuine discussion.
Occasionally, someone who seems conservative like Brad, or even CC when he’s sober, I have absolutely no problem with. They are actually intelligent and occasionally offer another point-of-view I didn’t think of…
Well, just so you know, HITO told me about this place. Thanks HITO, you rock, sweetheart. I’m so glad she did.Being able to express myself as an a adult(heh) using regular adult language will be a welcome relief.
Thanks to all at PlanetPOV. I hope I can do this place justice. The fact that there are some familiar faces makes it that much more attractive.
You folks have a great day…
HITO rocks and so do you! Hope you become a regular here, Seek!
You rock as well, Nicole.
I will be around here, for sure.
Have fun, Nicole…
Look forward to seeing you soon, Seek.
A Planetwide welcome to the site, SeeknDestroy!
Very pleased you’ve joined us and big thanks to HITO for sharing the site with you!
Yep, this is intended to be the adult’s table for blogging and we’re always happy to add another chair!
Thanks for the kind words..I appreciate it.
I plan to be around fairly often.
HITO is a keeper.Very smart, that girl..
You folks have a great day…
Thanks again..
Bon soir!
Nicole, the women poster behaviours should be a thread of it’s own…maybe someone should post one here. Not sure I could navigate that task in the immediate future. I am technically challenged.
I am amazed everday how sophomoric attitudes on HP glaringly come into focus, sometimes out of nowhere. Crazy-assed women fighting for attention from the men posters. That’s when I run to seek.
And I love those “fan me” fests at night. Could care less who fans me. Dey did a shout out the other night to get me to 200. I know her heart was in the right place, but I hate that stuff. Not into the spotlight, into talking to smart people. I’m into laughing at wit and pondering thought provoking statements.
Yeah, you should write something here. I’d help, give you my email, but the admin process is intimidating.
Aw, I couldn’t write it, HITO. I pay too little attention to them. I mostly stay off the main as I learned pretty quickly that if you aren’t in the clique, you tend to talk to yourself a lot. 😆
I do agree that they certainly seem to be spending a lot of time competing for male attention, which doesn’t interest me either.
If you need me to put a post up for you, just write it, email it to me, and I’ll post it with credit to you.
ps…….an expose would be great fun, at least in my humble opinion. 😉
nicole.politicaltalk AT gmail DOT com
Afternoon Ladies…Saw what went down last night on the main, felt like I was back in high school again…I think the Cheer Leaders and Cool Girls Clique were there..I’m one of the ones who talk to themselves at times, didn’t belong in the cliques then and have no desire, to be in one now.
There is a social hierarchy at HP that could lend itself to quite an extensive post or socialogical study….
Absolutely on that sociological study. 🙂
I agree. I think it’s really interesting what goes on on these threads, my own attitudes included. It’s a gold mine for sociological research. I’d love to write about it….hmmm……
Would LOVE to read it, escriba!!
I’m one of those frustrated writers who thinks of a new idea for a book about every week. This would be a good one! Would have to disguise the disguises….hehe.
Hey, Escribicat, that’s me, too.
I have lucid dreams, and I write all the ideas from the lucid dreams in the middle of the night for story or book ideas, and then in the morning … I realize it’s complete gibberish. I finally decided to write a book about … lucid dreaming.
Why there are women who feel the need to flaunt, or should I say, fling themselves at men and also to other women, which I find even stranger, I will never understand.
The blatent need for attention and to be liked, well we all want to be liked and part of a group, is pretty sad.
Some of these women and men, I don’t recall reading anything that the have posted that shows any depth to their intellignce…have you, I’ve only see the attention getting one liners…
You have just hit the nail on the head, it’s the attention that they yearn for, many I feel are extremely lonely people, maybe unable to make friends in the real world so they invent a virtual persona and run with it on a public blog. It is very sad as you say.
Yes, it’s really interesting — especially because everyone is anonymous. One really interesting case is LOTM, who months ago was calling Obama the “court jester” and is now a friendly progressive with a lot more fans. Like Arianna, he “gives good progressive,” if you’ll forgive a crude phrase!
LOL,’He gives good progressive’…
Last of the Mohicans
Oh yeah. He is odd. I think he must be paid…those sudden philosophical switches never ring true to me.
I still won’t fan LOTM. I don’t trust them, yet.
I’m pleased to hear I’m not the only one who has often been transported back to high school on the main.
I’ve seen it happen before, but last night was especially sickening…well some people never grow up…
Ha ha…….exactly why I usually avoid it.
I sort of realize there is some flirtatious behavior going on there, but I just look at it as games. Of course, I did enjoy “flirting” with FloydRTurbo last night. He’s a kick.
You may have seen my comments on how empty fanning is here yesterday. I got 38 fans yesterday, and many didn’t know who I was. I can say that the only person I ever asked to fan me was LadyNaga, who shares the same alma mater with me. There were others I was suprised didn’t fan me, but I refused to ask (under the FM guise)
It really does remind you of sophomore year in HS or freshman year in college, people crying for attention to establish who they are. It’s sad that it really doesn’t, because you’re usually selling a product rather than the real thing. But then again, I have a very restrictive definition on the word “friend” and consider most people to be “buddies”, and “buddies” is not a complement, because it’s like “drinking buddies”, people who are there when there’s something to be gotten but gone when you have a real need for them.
Afternoon Sarah darling, you really are a dear aren’t you…You looked marvelas…I fanned you last night, I really just had too!
I still can’t believe that you got as many as you did, in just one night. But you where funny…you deserved them.
The funny thing is that what I really like is the humor in irony, but unfortunately it goes over the heads of some of the trolls so I don’t use it as often. Now how I got a fanning from “USATeaParties” I’ll never know, unless he was really dense, but it was early and I was still doing a semi-serious Sarah impression, defending my little teabagging worshippers.
And the one liners are all spur of the moment, and quickly forgotten, because they’re so easy to do.
I bet half your fans where from conservative trolls…they were just in love with you….boy would they be in shock if the ever found out who SarahAnn really was!
No, I checked their bonafides before fanning them back, and most were regulars plus some others whom I hadn’t met before but qualified for it. Only poor “USATeaParties” didn’t get fanned back. I think he was a sock, too, because he was using that yellow flag with the coiled rattlesnake. I don’t remember trolls to much just to be healthy.
What is that flag from, it looks familiare..
Vexillology geek at your service.
It’s weird to see them in front of bars, and even restaurants, flying on the mast where the state flag once was, barely below the US flag in height. It’s actually a very succinct statement: “don’t eat here, I’m crazy!” I say we take this flag back. I’m tired of them co-opting and distorting history all the time.
I don’t know nothing is worse that watching all the dirty old right wing men fawn all over AC.
Gag! Even if that is a real photograph of her, the physical aspect fails to make up at all for the unattractiveness of her soul. Let alone her talking points spouting little mind.
If I wanted another Republican woman (I’m married to one) and was of an age to be interested, Meghan McCain might do, but she’s too preppy for me to, or is it my aversion to the rich and spoiled?
If that is her, she is not attractive anyway. JMHO.
Oh pleeeaassee..’Why is everyone picking on me’ Meghan McCain…like you know…I’m sure she is smart, huh, but she is not very articulate. She reminds me of, like you know, huh, a high school cheer leader, like you know…
I can’t stand her either. blech.
OK, BigDogMom, but I do believe she has some decency to her, which is more than I can say about many young Republicans. But she may be a Columbia graduate version of Paris Hilton or Linsay Lohan. She certainly is a D-List celebrity type. BTW, she brought her own doom on herself with the Facebook picture. What did she expect?
And I said if I was to ever date another republican. Never happen, even if I was unincumbered.
She is less ideological than Ann Coulter, Sarah Palin, et al. But, Monk, make no mistake, she is her parents’ daughter.
I ran across an interesting article early in 2009 about one of her escapades. If I can find it, I’ll post it here for you.
The Facebook pic caused me to lose any small crumb of respect I might have for her, btw. It was just such an obvious ploy, and it made clear to me what she really wished to be known for.
And this is coming from a woman who used to love to play those silly games……until I grew up.
She is a young women who knows exactly what she is doing, she is her Mother’s daughter and she has learned her lessons well…
As an Arizonan, I know far too much about the McCains, and don’t like much of it. The wife takes after her father (dangerous) and John is a spoiled overindulged party boy who’s only significant act in life was questionable piloting skills. From there on, his life was spin.
If you’d like a good quick history, try The signt has been around for a couple of major election cycles.
Thanks for the link! I’m surprised I never ran across that site when I was blogging campaign politics in 2008.
I’m sure she a a wee bit more decency than the rest of the lot, she’s very young and may seem a times niave…but make no mistake, she knows exactly what she is doing at all times
She’s 25 or 26, I think.
Meghan McCain is a little bit of an air head but she is not in the same category of right wingers like AC. She is not really that ideological compared to most. Just my opinion.
Tell me about it. I’ve even heard dirty old progressives say they would do women like Sarah Palin. I just don’t know how you could even consider being near Sarah Palin because to me she is one of the ugliest human beings in the country.
I agree. I don’t see anything attractive about her. She reminds me of Anita Bryant. A KKK Barbie Doll.
No kidding. I remember recently when ShawnHanks made a comment about some woman and how that we liberals wouldn’t push her out of our beds, and when I suggested I wouldn’t have let her in in the first place (it wasn’t SarahP, I don’t think, but some other conservative “hottie”) the comeback from him was to question my sexual orientation. Which I find hilarious. I’m a USA DOD certified heterosexual. It’s a long story involving getting a security clearance. Sad, funny, tragic, but true.
LOL. That’s an old trick: if you don’t want me, you must be gay. One thing I don’t get is why rightwing men are SO foaming at the mouth full of hatred for progressive women like Pelosi, Hillary, and Rachel Maddow. My oldest brother goes into a head-spinning dither about them. We got into a huge fight recently…I can usually get him off his Limbaugh-inspired rants but he kept going on about “Rachel Madcow” and I just completely lost it and screamed at him. It got really ugly.
Yes, it’s an old trick, but in this day and age it is unacceptable. Had his “suggestion” been true, I would have read him the riot act for sexual orientation bigotry.
And speaking of Rachel, if I had to answer that old question about being stuck on a desert island, who would I want there, she would be the one, even if she is too “in” for me. Immense fan.
I think conservative, real hardcore conserv men are scared of women that are intelligent and that have a mind of their own. I think that they insecure about themselves, that’s why they attack strong women.
They see every libral, strong minded women as a threat to their ego and manhood…good thing that I’m married to a man that likes an idependent thinking wack job!
@BDM…..nailed it! I’ve managed to marry a few of those……but only one was a conservative. 😆
The things they call Rachel aren’t always subtle, either, if you catch my drift.
Yup, homophobia. Ain’t it swell to live in a 50’s mindset where your irrational hatred is condoned and justified?
I suspect that’s why AC keeps coming back. She gets an enormous amount of attention — I haven’t quite figured out why. Is it just because of her picture?
Hmmm…….I just thought of an interesting experiment…… 😆
What? Pray tell! Let me guess. Create someone with a gorgeous picture …. and see how many millions of fans you get.
Nicole, let’s do it!…what a wonderful idea, what a wonderful socialogical experiment!
It would be interesting. Not sure I could do it though….