
Comments Posted By Pepe Lepew

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In Remembrance of Bito

Ah, Bito, what a shame. He was one of the originals. Happy travels, Bito.

» Posted By Pepe Lepew On January 31, 2013 @ 2:17 pm

The Loony Tunes Party

Haruko will come around later and post some anime characters!

» Posted By Pepe Lepew On July 18, 2011 @ 6:15 pm

Looney Tunes???


» Posted By Pepe Lepew On July 18, 2011 @ 6:13 pm

Mitt Romney’s Mormonism — cause for concern or target for bigotry

Khirad can confirm this. Mormonism runs pretty heavily in Oregon. I lived in a small town in Oregon for a couple of years that was 50 percent Mormon and 50 percent evangelical fundamentalists.

I hung out with the Mormons. They were more fun, more “run of the mill” — if that’s the term you want to use. They were just like you and me. I never had a Mormon ask me what my relationship was with Jesus, and then give me the cold shoulder when I didn’t give them the answer they wanted.

They just have a religion that is hard for nonbelievers to understand.

» Posted By Pepe Lepew On June 3, 2011 @ 5:31 pm

For What’s That Sound — the OTHER Finals! Let me tell you about the Nucks and the Bees.

I’m not big on conspiracies, but years ago, there was some pretty fishy officiating in a playoff series between Sacramento and the L.A. Lakers in which they called a ton of penalties on the Kings and basically let Shaq travel at will and knock guys down in the key at will … It sure LOOKED like the fix was in, like Stern had called the officiating crew and said, “keep it fair … (wink)…”

That Boston and Lightning Game 7 had ZERO penalties called. ZERO. It smelled suspicious. They didn’t want to give the Lightning any power plays, so they didn’t call any penalties on either team to “keep it fair…”

The point is, don’t allow franchises in markets that you really don’t want to see in your championship series…

» Posted By Pepe Lepew On May 29, 2011 @ 12:32 pm

When Aliens Attack


I ♥ the railgun!

» Posted By Pepe Lepew On May 29, 2011 @ 12:35 pm

Dad and the Saudis

Oh, Cher, that story reminds me so much of my dad.
My dad was broke his entire life, never had any money; didn’t make squat as a surveyor or a cartographer, he finally got talked into buying a restaurant in Fresno, Calif.

The restaurant did OK for a few years, I guess. It turns out it was kind of a “wise guys” place, where these sketchy Armenian mobsters had always congregated. These guys were into gambling, bookmaking and even pirating music. I don’t think they were into anything more serious than that. They were silk suits and just oozed sleaze.

Dad was going to night classes and got a degree in accounting. Meanwhile, other restaurants opened up in the area (the restaurant was at the time at the edge of town), and the restaurant went belly up. It couldn’t compete with so many new places next door. Dad suddenly became the “financial” adviser to these Armenian wise guys. In short, he taught them how to launder their money in overseas bank accounts.

We would get crates, and I mean crates of mysterious tapes and 8 tracks, at the house. We would get mysterious trips to Las Vegas and Elvis Presley or Wayne Newton shows. We weren’t paying a dime for any of this. Dad also suddenly started making a LOT of money, we don’t even know how much.

Then suddenly, his “clients” started leaving the country and moving to Costa Rica or Aruba. Dad died of lung cancer when he was 49. Two or three days after he died, the IRS swooped in and seized everything, the cars, his bank accounts, everything. It was bizarre. It took my mom six years of litigation to get the IRS to settle. She got a nice settlement out of it and immediately moved back to Canada.

Mom continues to be very bitter about the whole experience, but it was obvious now that Dad was up to some illegal stuff. The IRS was investigating him and after he died, they immediately seized his assets and estate. It was pretty cold-blooded of them. I suspect if he hadn’t died so young, he would have ended up going to jail for what he had become involved in. I think he just got sick and tired of being broke all the time and just decided to “go for the gusto” when the opportunity presented itself, and he didn’t care whether or not he was breaking the law. He wanted to live the high life.

» Posted By Pepe Lepew On May 5, 2011 @ 9:52 am

No Mercy Shown, No Mercy Given

In this particular case …

… Yes, I am OK with it.

I liken it to the guys who tried to take out Hitler with a bomb.

Sometimes dark things need to be done.

» Posted By Pepe Lepew On May 4, 2011 @ 4:32 pm

Now the adults are in charge.

And they want to give Bush credit.

» Posted By Pepe Lepew On May 4, 2011 @ 2:59 pm

Assassination the norm?

Dude, we’ve been assassinating people for decades. My dad was a sniper in Korea.

» Posted By Pepe Lepew On May 4, 2011 @ 2:54 pm

Yet I was dismayed by the quasi-sports-victory tone of the celebrations that arose around the country — chanting “U-S-A, U-S-A,” for instance.

What I myself felt was more like “Sad necessity” — and I would have preferred a mournful remembrance of the innocent dead of the Twin Towers and of Iraq and Afghanistan — a thoughtful reexamination of how easy it is to turn abominable violence against us into a justification for indiscriminate violence by us.

Can we now say, “Enough, enough!” — refuse to drink the intoxicating triumphalist wine of celebration, and turn our attention and commitment to end these wars that take on a deadly “life” of their own?

I have to agree with that.

It did start to feel weird, like our team had just won the Super Bowl.

I’m glad he’s dead, too, and I don’t care if he resisted or not. But, it doesn’t bring the 3,000 back. I thought people should keep that in mind.

» Posted By Pepe Lepew On May 4, 2011 @ 2:44 pm

There is no grace with these douchebags, Marion. They are nihilists, plain and simple. They don’t love America. They wallow in their hate of anyone different from them or who thinks differently from them. So, they’re incapable of giving Obama even the slightest credit.

I believe this was an out-and-out assassination. Let’s call a spade a spade. I have my doubts he really threatened the SEALs in any way. I’m OK with it. If we had taken him out with a sniper’s bullet or a missile strike or a bomb, I would be OK with it. It’s a little more icky thinking about the idea of bursting into his room and gunning him down point-blank, but in the end, he’s just as dead.
I don’t know what good could have come from a trial. It would have cost hundreds of millions, reopened old wounds and likely turned him into a bigger martyr.
I hate the idea of coming off so bloodthirsty, but this was an extraordinary situation. A mass murderer, a terrorist, a man of pure evil espousing an ideology that relies heavily on martyrdom.

» Posted By Pepe Lepew On May 4, 2011 @ 2:32 pm

Trojana Huffington: Queen of Progressives?

It was John Lydon who once said:

“Ever get the feeling you’ve been cheated?”

» Posted By Pepe Lepew On April 30, 2011 @ 12:14 am

What is a “Real” American?

Being an American is a state of mind.

I’m part Assiniboine, part Cree and part French.

All you Europeans … get off MY lawn.

Especially you right-wingers obsessed with “illegals.”

You liberals can stay. Most of you get it.

Being American is a state of mind.

» Posted By Pepe Lepew On April 29, 2011 @ 11:37 pm

Happy Motoring!


I want you to want the white jumpsuit.

» Posted By Pepe Lepew On April 30, 2011 @ 2:07 pm

No, he always left me alone. I had trouble with other stalkers. For some reason, I attract them like mosquitoes.

» Posted By Pepe Lepew On April 30, 2011 @ 9:08 am

This first one is like a really bad Michael Bay movie. Wait? What am I saying. Talk about the Department of Redundancy Department.

» Posted By Pepe Lepew On April 30, 2011 @ 8:58 am

Sheryl Crow 😯

I don’t know who the loser dude is in the Camaro and the Corvette. Some loser.

» Posted By Pepe Lepew On April 30, 2011 @ 8:37 am

I’m pretty sure I posted this a while ago:

I think there’s a lot of metaphors in this song

» Posted By Pepe Lepew On April 30, 2011 @ 8:35 am

Whoa! Foxy, scary.

Hey, someone pointed that yahoo news shut down its comments, which is maybe why there’s so many new trolls on HP. They’ve migrated over.

I tried pointing that out on HP last night and HP scrubbed it within five minutes. They don’t want the truth to get out!

» Posted By Pepe Lepew On April 30, 2011 @ 8:27 am

Oh, I can play this game!

» Posted By Pepe Lepew On April 30, 2011 @ 8:25 am

Huffington Post: The Not-So-Sweet Smell of Success


I don’t even know what he does, but for some mysterious reason, I’ve been consumed with rage toward him for two years.

» Posted By Pepe Lepew On April 22, 2011 @ 12:54 pm

A Letter to the Arizona Legislature

Most states don’t even HAVE long forms. California doesn’t have them any more. I got mine in about 1985 or so, I still have it. If I wanted a new one, I couldn’t do it now. The COLB is the “legal document.”

And there is no hard and fast legal definition of “natural born citizen” anyway. There’s virtually no case law. I remember this came up over John McCain in 2008 because he was born in Panama.

Even if Obama WAS born in Kenya, many legal scholars still say that he could run for president because under many interpretations of law, he is still a “natural born citizen” because his mother was an American citizen.

That’s why I really wonder how many of these birthers have passports.

» Posted By Pepe Lepew On April 18, 2011 @ 1:19 pm

Here’s what’s so funny about this so-called “long form” of theirs.

If they are talking about the same kind of “long form” birth certificate I have … it isn’t even a legal document. It’s something they give your parents at the hospital when you are born with your baby footprints on it … and the doctor’s name who delivered you. It’s a SOUVENIR!

Not a legal document. I actually have a microfiche of my long form that I got from the county courthouse and I had to show it a few times when crossing the border from Canada. Those rules are completely different now. That microfiche worked 10 years ago, but not today.

When I first applied for my passport, I sent in my long form and they quickly mailed it back to me, telling me it was not a “legal document.” The “legal document” is the CERTIFICATION OF LIVE BIRTH, i.e, the SHORT FORM, which is kept in Sacramento. It’s the thing with the actual raised seal on it. That’s the actual LEGAL DOCUMENT, NOT what the birthers call the “Long form.”

I paid a few bucks and got that from Sacramento, then mailed that off to the Passport Office … then and ONLY THEN would they issue me a passport. Excuse my lack of political correctness, but that’s what I find so retarded about this whole thing with the birthers. Have none of them ever gotten a passport? The short form is the actual legal document.

That short form was also what Canada wanted when I became a Canadian citizen. I didn’t even bother with the microfiche of the long form. I knew it wasn’t going to be good enough.

» Posted By Pepe Lepew On April 18, 2011 @ 11:32 am

The Top PlanetPOV Posts of 2010!

Oh, no, Haruko won? 😯


She’s already insufferable!

» Posted By Pepe Lepew On April 18, 2011 @ 2:36 pm

The United States vs. Barry Bonds … a $5 million witch hunt?

Many years ago when I was a crime reporter, there was a case in which this 19-year-old guy just went berserk. First he beat up a linebacker for the high school team. Actually chased his car down the street and punched out the window to his car, pulled the guy out of the car and proceeded to beat the shit out of him. And this was an all-conference linebacker.

Then he beat up a clerk in a minimart for refusing to sell him beer. Then he beat up on old guy who came to the clerk’s rescue. Then when they came to arrest him, he beat up a cop.

At his sentencing, he said it wasn’t him, it was the steroids behind his violent behaviour. He was a really big, beefy guy. Obviously a body-builder. I never had heard of “roid rage” before. I looked into it, and talked to some doctors, and they claimed it was for real. I’ve had some steroid defenders tell me it’s all bullshit, but these people claimed it was for real.

All I know is this guy went berserk for something like three days and was beating up everyone in his general vicinity. I’ve always wondered if “‘Roid rage” is for real.

» Posted By Pepe Lepew On April 14, 2011 @ 3:51 pm

WATCH LIVE: Pres. Obama Speaks On Fiscal Policy – 10:35 am PDT

I also found out the hard way that some of those trolls are more than just assholes. Some of them are literally psychotic. I was an idiot.

» Posted By Pepe Lepew On April 13, 2011 @ 2:26 pm

Oh, man, I got completely caught up for a while in “blowing up trolls.” I got frustrated when how many of them suddenly showed up in 2009 and I took it upon myself to become one of the premier “trollslayers” at HP. I was good at it, too. Then after a while, I finally said to myself, “wait a minute, this is really stupid. I’m making an idiot out of myself. What a waste of time.” Like Adlib, I’m not proud of some of the battles I fought over there.

The trolls can have HP, as far as I’m concerned.

» Posted By Pepe Lepew On April 13, 2011 @ 1:57 pm

From the Muddy Banks of Rememberance

How interesting, we went to a Foo Fighters movie last night and they talked a lot about Cobain for about the first 30 minutes of the movie.

I saw Nirvana in the Salem Armory maybe five or six months before Cobain died. He looked terrible. He just stood in front of the mic barely moving and Pat Smear played most of his guitar parts. I know it’s easy to say now, but at the time, I thought, “that guy isn’t going to last much longer.”

His death didn’t affect me as much as John Lennon’s or even Stevie Ray Vaughan’s. To be honest, at the time, my reaction was “another dumbshit rock star who couldn’t handle success.” I was actually angry about it. I was angry at him.

Years afterward, I read his biography and I think I understood him a little better. He had a hard life; broken home, constantly moving and changing houses. He never really connected to anything, not to his family and not to Aberdeen. It sounded like for a brief time when he was sleeping on people’s couches in Olympia playing gigs for pocket money, he approached something nearing happiness. The only thing he connected to was music. I think he was completely lost, and in the end the music wasn’t enough. It was obvious he was deeply troubled and in a lot of pain (even physically, he had some painful condition with his gut), probably officially clinically depressed and maybe even bipolar, and instead of getting real help, he self-medicated with heroin. If you read Nirvana’s lyrics, most of their songs were pretty dark and grim, and you can see now the pain that drove those lyrics.

The funny thing is, I have all of their CDs, but I can’t even listen to Nirvana anymore. I just find it too depressing, especially after reading his biography.

» Posted By Pepe Lepew On April 6, 2011 @ 2:47 pm

The Daily Planet, Vol. 42

Man, that crap about “schools indoctrinating our children?” Where is that coming from?

I know it USED to come from the John Birch Society, because my dad used to rail about that crap 30-35 years ago. It was all code for schools teaching kids not to be racist. It just INFURIATED him that schools were teaching us that MLK Jr. and Lincoln were heroes and the Civil War was about slavery.

To me, the whole “public school is indoctrinating our kids” is code for something very dark.

» Posted By Pepe Lepew On April 2, 2011 @ 11:00 am

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