The Tea Party mindset, which has devoured the GOP, bears a striking resemblance to another area of our culture.
The constant simplicity of things being either good or bad, the absolutes and extremes of their character, the exclusion of the real world from their awareness and being completely matter-of-fact about the absurd…
…they are just like cartoon characters…except not as complex.
Witness the lineup of GOP nominees for President and other prominent Republicans, most would seem right at home in the two-dimensional world of cartoons. Instead of describing the similarities at length, provided below for your consideration are GOP figures as they appeared in cartoons…before leaving that world for the far loonier land of Washington DC.
A number of the selections below were suggested by members, please feel free in your comments to add your own image for any of those listed below or any who aren’t included:
John Boehner
Mitch McConnell
Mitt Romney
Michele Bachmann
Newt Gingrich
Eric Cantor
Sarah Palin
Tim Pawlenty
Rick Perry
Rupert Murdock
Haley Barbour
Chris Christie
Scott Walker
Ron Paul
Clarence Thomas reminds me of the epitome of Uncle Rukus
That one is just about perfect. They’re both pretty goddamn crazy. I think Ruckus may have him beat on the self hating part though. But only by a little.
Rick Scott
Emperor Palpatine/Darth Sidious
Oh look, I got them mixed up.
Or did I?
Adonai – how can you tell? Is this a trick question??
O.K. go with me on this one:
Karl Rove
Nice one. If I may add one for Rove?
HA! Talk about obvious
Hey I like the Demon chick from Ugly Americans. I mean who else can get away with saying “Oh my dark Lord” while having fire come out of her nipples. Palin wishes she could keep it that classy.
“You betcha, Satan!”
Again, you decide.
(HT to AdLib. Watch out world)
“Th-th-that’s all, Baggers!”
Hey AdLib: There’s even a video on Youtube of Karl stuttering, interlaced with Porky stuttering. They repeat the stutters for faaarrrrr too long – watch only a few seconds. You’ll get the gist.
Very funny and as you say, it should’ve been a quickie! Now if only we could borrow Wile E. Coyote’s Acme charge card and launch him in a catapult to the moon.
Someone please tell me why great YouTube ideas like this are frequently repeated like that? Too much SNL? Like, we didn’t get it the first time and we have to squeeze all the good from it until viewers are adequately annoyed and slightly agitated?
I’ve see this many times. It’s as if they were so impressed with themselves – as right they should be – that they forget we have the power to play it again.
The work of amateurs who fall in love with their work and feel it’s soooo good, they watch it over and over again so everyone else will want to.
Bachmann, or Bat Boy? I post, you decide!
They’re clones! Absolutely chilling!!!
Hey there cyrano – yeppers. Every time I saw that photo of Ms. Bachmann, I flashed back to the cover of Weekly World News, with Bat Boy. Guess I wasn’t the only one…nice to find the side by side.
No offense ladies, but Bachman is one crazy bitch!
hey KT – watch your language! Sincerely, Alpha Bitch
AB, that is too funny! 😆
God, I needed that!
They are both Bachmann, it’s just the one on the right was taken during one of her “Migraines”
PMSL my favorite.
Hey KQ: you realize Bat Boy debuted in Weekly World News (as shown) in 1992, loooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnggggg before Ms. Bachmann? Eerie, isn’t it??? Enough to give you a migraine.
Don’t forget my Bachmann/Beppo the clown image:
Suh-weet! And the blue eye shadow (really???) is dead on. You are such a fashionista, AdLib!
Rick Scott
Perfect Khirad!! Right down to the shit-eatin grin 😉
It was either that or this
OK- probably gotta go with #2..
That’s definitely Scott!!
I go for this one as well.
O.K. Stay with me on this one:
Herman Cain
Professor Bunsen
For the life of me I was trying to figure out who to pair Dr. Bunsen Honeydew with.
HEY ADONAI!!! I Love Prof. Honeydew- that’s just wrong..!
Marvin- because Cain is dumber than a Martian (apologies to smart ones!)
Thanks to Alan Grayson, I found Cain!!
Didn’t James Carville become a Republican during the gulf oil crisis? What happened to him anyway? Poof! Here he is as “Scorpius” from “Farscape”, an Australian sci-fi series.
Whoa! Could be a Rupert image too.
Carville also reminds me of Alice the Goon in Popeye:
Spot on!! You nailed him!:)
So is the Michael Steele comparison off limits since Jon Stewart beat us to it?
Is this one a little too on the nose?:
I argue that we have to leave out Brainiac because no one in the current Republican field is that smart.
Newt probably sees himself as Brainiac. Maybe Paul Ryan as Sinestro?
Definitely Paul Ryan as Sinestro. Great call Al.
Newt Gingrich looks like the character of Masaru from “Akira.”
HA! That’s a pretty good one HH.
I hate to say it, but Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann sorta remind me of …. my avatar… (when she’s being naughty and goes a little crazy :D)
Sarah Palin and Haruko Haruhara!
Haruko (going really, REALLY crazy) and Michele Bachmann! Eeeek!
WOW! Very funny, Haruko!!! You nailed them!
I just scared myself!!! 😥
Honest, most of the time Haruko is cute. She just goes a little crazy sometimes.
Kind of like the way I really am! 8)
Waaay too funny and irresistible! Thanks for the post and the great stuff here! My additions:
John McCain as Joe BTFSPLK from “lil Abner” (who walks around with a perpetually dark rain cloud a foot over his head. Once he appears on any scene, dreadfully bad luck befalls anyone in his vicinity.)
Haley Barbour:
Entire GOP:
George Will: (self-appointed candidate selector)
Dick Cheney:
Sarah Palin:
Newt, Haley Barbour, Pat Robertson, and Jerry Falwell:
:LOL: What a great collection, Cyrano1! Great to see you too!
You’re gonna have to nix that Sarah Palin. I actually found that one hot.
Khirad! You are beyond Hope and Help. 😉
Thanks agrippa!