Rather than speaking of "American Exceptionalism" as de Tocqueville described the experience, they applied the purely Palinesque definition of the phrase - in other words, the "dumbass definition."
The rally against the Kochs represented a dent in their stature and power and a validation of the unity and power the other 99% in this nation can have. With it, they can indeed take their democracy off the auction block.

Foch Kochs

Over the weekend Charles and David Koch, the Tea Party's silent financial backers, threw their annual confab. We were there in opposition!
Tune in to this post to watch the Uncloaking the Kochs rally live! (Image of the oily Koch can is courtesy of Oil Watchdog)
Everything is underway with this Sunday's protest against the Koch cabal in Palm Springs. The media is building as are the images, here are just some of them.
The Koch cabal is meeting this weekend in Palm Springs to plot their next steps to buy and control our democracy. Join an alliance of Progressives and moderates in exposing and protesting their destructive agenda.
In 2009, the director of the Northern Idaho Human Rights Education Institute was forced to move from Coeur d'Alene about 35 miles west to Spokane because white supremacists kept hassling her. Then in Spokane, she found a noose on her lawn.
“At one point, my son had $7,000 in a CD and I had to break it. That really hurt. I was saving that money for his college. I put $2,000 back but it’s hard."
For everyone who watched Keith Olbermann's show last night and saw his and Arianna Huffington's wanton and deliberate misrepresentation of President Obama's opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal, then you need to know that this is exactly the...
On this day of tribute to Rev. Martin Luther King, a consideration of how a new campaign for social and economic justice is greatly needed today.


The MyPillow Guy To Be The MyBankruptcy Guy

“The perverted ambition of another class of men, who will either hope to aggrandize themselves by the confusions of their country, or will flatter themselves with fairer prospects of elevation from the subdivision of the empire into several partial confederacies than from its union under one government.”—Federalist 1.

The Man Who Would Be Dictator

Trump said he would be a dictator on day one. Does anyone believe he will stop being a dictator at the stroke of midnight?