Displaying 0 To 0 Of 0 Comments Open Letter to the New University of Colorado President I was born and raised in Boulder. I left when I was 18 then went back for a time in my 30s, then left again. What you describe is not just CU, it is Boulder, which is the whitest, most homogenous place I’ve ever been. It’s my hometown and it’s a beautiful place and it is uber-liberal, but I find it insufferable, even suffocating. I remember reading an article once in a local paper there, where the white writer was interviewing a Black student. The article was along the lines of “Gosh, what’s it like to be Black?” Just drive for 15 minutes to Denver and you’re in a different world. I’m obviously prejudiced about it for my own personal reasons, but I’ve always found the culture at CU to be primarily rich white fraternities and sororities, populated by rich white jerks who chose CU because they like to ski. I grew up feeling menaced by those “frat boys,” and the accompanying misogyny. Brett Kavanaugh looks very familiar to me. He is exactly like the classic CU frat boy, privileged and arrogant and unfamiliar with consequences. I have to wonder if maybe CU has one or more donors who are pushing that selection process. I know they have been under fire for being “too liberal,” partly because of the Ward Churchill fiasco some years ago. My own nephew, who is very conservative, was hired by CU to teach conservative philosophy (Plato) to students in the engineering department. They hired him specifically because he is conservative. Maybe you should send your letter to the Daily Camera? » Posted By escribacat On June 20, 2019 @ 11:21 am I’m still at “any rational adult” and whoever can pummel Trump the most effectively. I have to say, Biden’s pretty good at pummeling Trump. I do like that about him. I’m big on Inslee because he has prioritized climate change. I’m also very fond of Harris. But I like all except for two of them: Sanders and Gabbard. » Posted By escribacat On June 12, 2019 @ 12:23 pm At this point, I’m guessing Biden’s lead is simply a matter of name recognition. Ditto for number 2, Sanders. We’ll see how it looks after the debates, and this winter, when the campaign actually gets rolling. » Posted By escribacat On June 12, 2019 @ 12:20 pm Trump Luncheon With Queen Ruined As Entire Beef Wellington Disappears Hey there, CL. It’s good to see you. » Posted By escribacat On June 5, 2019 @ 2:09 pm Yeesh. I hit the 4th star instead of the 5th star. » Posted By escribacat On June 5, 2019 @ 2:07 pm I guess they couldn’t find anyone to check his pockets, eh? » Posted By escribacat On June 5, 2019 @ 2:05 pm I don’t believe the Senate GOP will ever vote to impeach. McConnell has already said so and I believe him. McConnell may not be a screaming goon like Trump but he has completely abdicated his separate powers as Senate Majority Leader. He does what Trump tells him to do. There is no separate power of the Senate right now. » Posted By escribacat On June 2, 2019 @ 12:02 pm Mueller clearly is trying to extricate himself from the role of savior, the role that we all want him to play. I find it frustrating and see him now as a bit too precious, yet at the same time I admire him and even feel glad there is still an adult operating in the arena. Remember when most people in government behaved like that? It wasn’t that long ago. Before Trump turned our country into a circus. I don’t think Mueller can save us with a hearing, but he could sure help. It’s obvious that very few people have or will read the report but hearing him speak the words feeds the important details back into the headlines. Still, other members of the Mueller team can be interviewed. And I have a lot of faith in Schiff, Nadler, SDNY, lawsuits, judicial decrees, journalists. The effort that has been mobilized against Trump is monumental. And to steal an annoying phrase from the fake president himself, it’s the greatest biggest most amazing effort in history! The other side is playing so dirty, it doesn’t even matter if it’s just Democrats pushing the investigations. TrumpCo dismissed Mueller’s team as “12 angry democrats” anyway. They will twist and turn it into “fake news” no matter what happens or who speaks up. Look at all the people who have already spoken up. His personal lawyer, the former FBI director, the former FBI attorney (Baker), the former AG, and on and on. None of these shattering public statements has convinced Republicans to find a spine and speak up publicly against President Caligula. Look at all the dirt that has come out about Trump. Look at the guy’s daily behavior. I accepted many months ago, long before the report came out, that we would have to get rid of Trump at the ballot box. It’s up to Nancy Pelosi and the House Democrats to frame the narrative over the next year and a half so that we can make that happen. I have faith in them. I can’t imagine the alternative. Of course, I couldn’t imagine the alternative back 2016 either. » Posted By escribacat On June 2, 2019 @ 11:45 am Welcome to the New PlanetPOV!!! I really like the new design, Adlib! » Posted By escribacat On June 1, 2019 @ 10:12 am Seven Reasons Why Democrats Should Impeach Donald Trump Warren made a succinct and intense case for opening and impeachment inquiry at her town hall. 1) We were attacked by Russia and their goal was to help elect Trump; 2) Trump welcomed the help; 3) TrumpCo did everything they could to obstruct the investigation into the attack. » Posted By escribacat On June 6, 2019 @ 10:51 am Donald Trump Has Built a Cave and He Will Pay For It Oops. Check this out: https://secondnexus.com/news/americans-legal-immigration-pac-ann-coulter-2020/ » Posted By escribacat On January 25, 2019 @ 6:28 pm Will Hillary’s Use of the Gender Card Backfire? Kes,I relate to your friend in a different way. I think Bernie has behaved quite well and don’t recall seeing any bullying from him. But I do think people pile on to Hillary. But I felt that way about Obama too. I think both Obama and Hillary have been treated unfairly by the left. If you want to see something very disturbing, check out the John Lewis thread over at rawstory, where the majority of Bernie supporters are now crapping all over John Lewis. I find it very disturbing. Racist comments even. One guy betting that Hillary will shoot herself in the head when she loses the nomination. Others saying Lewis is senile. SOmeone called him a “neeee-grow” or something vile like that. What’s going on? » Posted By escribacat On February 11, 2016 @ 4:53 pm Agreed. In the end, Bernie people will need to support Hillary or Hillary people will need to support Bernie. I will have no trouble supporting Bernie and might even vote for him in the primary, despite my own gender bias. If I think the email thing is going to sink her, I’ll definitely vote for him, despite the fact that I’m far too jaded to believe he can really pull off the transformation he seems to be promising. But how can you ever support Hillary if the need arises if you have such a low opinion of her? What evidence do you have that she is so cynical and corrupt? You say she is looking “calculating, less honest and more unlikable” but I’m pretty sure that’s how you feel about her. Why? I agree she hasn’t got much charisma but I don’t think she has really done anything to deserve the charges against her. It also occurs to me that if Bernie thought the “Jewish card” would help his campaign, he’d use it. He’s just as much a politician as Hillary, even though he is more likable. Perhaps part of the problem here is that our choices this year really aren’t that appealing to me in general. I’m defending Hillary here for the reasons I believe I explained — that I have a visceral reaction to attacks against her, probably from a history of defending her to my rightwing brothers. My dream ticket of course would be Liz Warren (with maybe Sherrod Brown). One can only hope that happens in the future. I’m not in love with Hillary but I still say the attacks against her aren’t fair and play into the hands of the GOP. If Bernie gets the nomination, there is going to be an onslaught of dirt. They’ve probably already started digging for it. They’ve been doing it to her for decades. As she said, we already know everything about her. Not so with Bernie. Even though the GOP slate looks like a real nutbag parade, if Bloomberg jumps in, he’ll drain votes from the left. I think the GOP has a chance to win. I think we should close ranks now and defend both our candidates. » Posted By escribacat On February 9, 2016 @ 10:36 am Nirek of course I don’t have hard feelings about your opinions. I am, however, disputing the narrative that Hillary is a corrupt liar and Bernie is all pureness and light. I’ve never seen any evidence to support these claims. If Bernie gets into office, he’ll face the same JUST SAY NO congress that Obama faced. Remember the uprising of disappointed Obama voters? Remember “Where’s my pony?” I am still worried about some nutbag GOPer getting in there, especially if Bloomberg enters the race. I think that dismissing Hillary as a corrupt liar helps the GOP. Call me cynical but to some degree, they’re all corrupt liars. Like I said, they’re salespeople. I’m watching Kasich on TV right now pouring coffee for people in a diner. It’s a performance and they all do it. Including Bernie! » Posted By escribacat On February 9, 2016 @ 10:27 am I don’t know if playing the “gender card” is the latest cynical HRC strategy (but of course everything Hillary does is a cynical strategy, right?) and I don’t really care. I don’t think “Bernie Bro’s” is a pack of sexist Bernie supporters and I doubt very many Bernie supporters are sexist. I doubt very seriously if Bernie is sexist. I like Bernie, except for the fact that he’s been bashing the democratic party and Obama for many years. That fact makes me dislike him, even though I agree with his beautiful speeches. I understand why people love him so ardently. I find I dislike him even while agreeing with him. He believes there is no difference between the democrats and the republicans (has said so) and I think there is a huge difference. So I disagree with him there. But I’m pretty much a socialist like he is. However, I can honestly say that, as a woman, I may just go ahead and vote for Hillary because I’d like to see a woman president before I die. I agree with her positions on the policies that are most important to me, including climate change & environment, health care, social security, immigration, et al. Sure, Bernie is further left. I’d like to see single payer but I haven’t seen any plan to make that happen. But her policies are good too. If you haven’t spent your life meeting up with glass ceilings and brick walls and sly innuendos every day in the workplace, maybe it’s really hard to understand and apparently impossible for some to imagine, that I might finally decide my vote based on gender. I’m not supposed to feel that way, I’ve been told. How shallow to vote for someone based on their gender (never mind all those men who would never vote for a woman.) For years, I’ve listened to my rightwing brothers bad-mouth Hillary Clinton, much of it aping crap they heard from Rush Limbaugh or other male rightwing assholes. When I hear from progressives how dishonest she is, what a dirty trickster she is, what a liar she is, how corrupt she is, how flip flopping she is, it stirs up a lot of very negative defensive feelings in me. It makes me think “Yep, that GOP smear machine has been pretty effective all these years.” It’s an emotional reaction, I know. But the truth is, I could barely stand to read your whole essay, Adlib, my gut reaction was so negative. I had to start skimming because I’ve heard all this shit before so many times — and you know full well I am a big Adlib fan. But it makes me mad. Rest assured, I’ve “known” you for a long time and know damn well you have zero gender bias, nor do the other Bernie supporters here, but it still makes me mad and upset to read those charges against her. You see, it’s not just Hillary carrying the baggage. It’s a whole lot of us progressive females who have been listening to Hillary-bashing for so effing long — it was her fault about Monica, you know? Guess what. When I read that she got $675K for speaking to the idiots at Goldman Sachs, I thought YEAH! Get what you can out of those bastards, girl! When I saw Hillary taking a relentless pounding from Trey Gowdy and the other goons on the “Benghazi committee,” I thought “Yea, girl!! You showed those assholes! They look like petty assholes, and all you did was calmly answer their petty questions.” I felt so good that day after watching her stay cool through that intellectual waterboarding. You see, to me, Hillary IS the underdog. I know everyone laughed at her when she said that. Those people just don’t get it. She IS the underdog because she’s a woman. Hillary is a survivor in a man’s world. She has been on the frontier of female power for a very long time — all unexplored territory in this country. She’s been almost alone there for a very long time too, which is disturbing. Yep, she has baggage. She has said some stupid things, made some terrible mistakes, voting for the Iraq invasion the biggest among them. I don’t know what the hell she was thinking. She went to Trump’s wedding, fergawdsakes. Her voice is unpleasant. Her pantsuits are yucky. But I forgive her. Maybe I shouldn’t but I do. Her stamina in that vicious man’s world has meant something important to me. Her mere survival. Of course she’s a bloody politician! How the hell else could she have survived this long with all the mud that has been slung at her? With all the mistakes she’s made? Maybe men can’t understand it. Maybe young people can’t understand. Maybe men and women who are more populist than I am (I’m not a populist) can’t understand it. Maybe people who haven’t been paid less than their male colleagues can’t understand it. Maybe people who haven’t been dismissed for being “that blonde” can’t understand it. But I feel strongly about this. I’m not one who likes to argue and really haven’t made much of an effort to defend Hillary against the flood of attacks I’ve seen against her in recent weeks from the left. I don’t see much point. I’m not going to change anyone’s mind and I don’t want to read any more about how corrupt etc she is. I’ve just stopped reading because my gut reaction is so strongly negative. Can’t help it. There is it. From where I sit, I really have no knowledge of who is truly corrupt and who isn’t. I pretty much assume anyone who wants to be a politician is weird and hungry for power, and the successful ones are good sales people, including Bernie. After all, they are selling something. » Posted By escribacat On February 8, 2016 @ 6:39 pm Why Donald Trump Absolutely, Positively Can’t Win the Presidency I’ve been thinking about this more — and more pessimistically. If I had to make a bet today, I’d bet that our next president will be Hillary. But I think there are several scenarios that could spell big trouble for the democrats and possibly hand the White House to Trump or worse, Cruz. Some events that could dismantle that guaranteed 249 EC votes: — Hillary wins the nomination. Bernie runs as independent, splitting the dem vote. » Posted By escribacat On January 12, 2016 @ 9:11 am Being a natural born worrier, I’ll keep chanting that magic number to myself. » Posted By escribacat On January 11, 2016 @ 9:28 pm Trump Sews a Swastika Onto The American Flag I think I’m more worried than you, Ad. He’s polling at 30%. So if GOPers are 30% of the populace, that’s 15% of the voting populace revealing themselves as fascists. Okay that doesn’t sound so bad, except that the Cruz supporters are the same, and I think the Rand supporters are also probably the same. Oh yeah, and the Hucklebee supporters and probably a good number of the Rubio supporters. Oh, I forgot — didn’t Jeb say we only want Christians to come in or something like that? I don’t think we have the economic turmoil to create a Germany in the 1930s, but if we had another financial meltdown coupled with jihadist terrorism, with a liberal president who doesn’t fix it immediately…. These Trump supporters scare the shit out of me. I don’t want them for my neighbors. » Posted By escribacat On December 8, 2015 @ 7:22 pm ISIS Signs Syndication Deal With Cable News Channels Well said, Adlib. I wonder if isis had to pay for those ads, because that’s what they are. » Posted By escribacat On November 19, 2015 @ 1:03 pm Hillary Covers Up Truth of Why Bill Clinton Signed DOMA We’re all able to post articles here so that’s probably why you’re seeing admin stuff on a limited basis, i’m guessing. but i’m not sure. Adlib is the techie guy and honcho — he’ll be around soon when the debate starts. You can join the chat room and discuss the mud being slung! » Posted By escribacat On October 28, 2015 @ 3:53 pm hello there enigma. i remember you from huffy days. good to see you. (my keyboard is messed up, not just being lazy). » Posted By escribacat On October 28, 2015 @ 3:43 pm As much as I enjoy watching the GOP thrashing itself to bits, it’s still worrisome, in the same way that the popularity of Trump is worrisome. I don’t like it when the hysterical screamers silence the rational voices, or in this case, apparently make them disappear entirely. Are there really no moderates left in the GOP? If there are, they sure are hiding under their beds. When they do speak up, they pay lip service to the extremists because they are cowards. Maybe that’s the problem — moderates are cowards and extremists will “do or die” for their ideology. Remember how much damage Joe McCarthy did. It can happen again. And it’s embarrassing. » Posted By escribacat On October 8, 2015 @ 9:03 pm HEADLINE FROM THE FUTURE: Pres. Trump’s Dome Around U.S. Smothers Entire Population Perfectamente, mi amigo Adlib. » Posted By escribacat On August 17, 2015 @ 6:08 pm Spaced Out Republicans and Their Star Trek Twins – Separated at Birth? 😆 Even more hilarious than usual, Adlib. I know all those characters except Overlooker. Balok actually turned out to be kind of sweet, you know. Unlike Cruz. Of course the tribbles were sweet too, and good at ferreting out Klingons. But you can’t deny, Trump does have a tribble living on top of his head. » Posted By escribacat On August 13, 2015 @ 8:23 pm The Bush Legacy 2.0: The Dissolving of Iraq Into Warring Factions Here is the text of Barack Obama’s speech against the Iraq war. He is one of the few who stood up against it. And now he’s being blamed for this mess???? http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=99591469 » Posted By escribacat On June 13, 2014 @ 6:56 pm The Weekend Music Thread-Come Rain or Come Shine Hey Kilgore — those are greyhounds!!!! » Posted By escribacat On June 14, 2014 @ 11:48 am No Longer Lost: Finding a New Home at Daily Kos and PlanetPOV Okay, thanks. I don’t think anyone thought it was an evil plot, but most of the “Huffugees” I’ve been talking to have a very low opinion of HP. I personally would question any claim of altruistic motives on their part. » Posted By escribacat On June 12, 2014 @ 6:30 pm Hey Murph, » Posted By escribacat On June 12, 2014 @ 5:05 pm The Republican Encyclopedia of Hindsight Deals Interesting. Apparently his quote was referring to the “Contras” in Nicaragua. They weren’t much better than the Taliban though, were accused of many human rights abuses. They weren’t good guys — unless you believe that a “communist” regime such as the Sandinistas should be eliminated by any means necessary. Forgot to add this link: » Posted By escribacat On June 12, 2014 @ 5:11 pm Was Pvt. Bergdahl Choosing Suicide? That certainly explains why his fellow soldiers are complaining about him now. He wasn’t one of the boys and they possibly knew what he said or thought about their behavior in Afghanistan. I think his “charges” about their behavior are more important than the Bergdahl story itself. Do American soldiers in Afghanistan go around running down children and treating the locals like sh#t? I’d like to know. » Posted By escribacat On June 6, 2014 @ 5:09 pmComments Posted By escribacat
Americans for Legal Immigration PAC Launches Campaign to Draft Ann Coulter to Run Against Donald Trump in 2020
— Hillary wins the nomination. Bernie supporters stay home, refusing to vote for Hillary.
— Hillary wins the nomination. Too much dirt comes out about emails or Bill or whatever.
— Bernie wins the nomination. He’s too far left (the scary “socialist”) for middle of the road Americans.
— Big terrorist attack or other exogenous shock. Frightened Americans vote for the saber-rattler (eg Trump) who will “protect” them.
A couple people (eg forpeace) have received an email, apparently from Huffington Post??, that quotes you as saying you are trying to organize some sort of alternative or that Huffington Post is trying to set up some alternative to the facebook posting. I saw the text of the email and it wasn’t clear who sent it or what it was really about. It was confusing. It gives your email address though. Forpeace was puzzled by it. Do you know anything about it?
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