Displaying 0 To 0 Of 0 Comments Note to Joe Biden: You Need to Use Judo in the Next Debate We’re on the same page. Not only is it a problem And I share your feeling of helplessness on the But you, as far as I know, are the first person I appreciate your thanks; and no matter the Good luck and godspeed in spreading the word! » Posted By NoManIsAnIsland On October 1, 2020 @ 12:18 pm You’re very welcome, AdLib, and while nothing could be more appropriate for Biden to do in calling out Trump’s flaming psychotic behavior in subsequent debates — assuming there will even be more — Biden and his surrogates can and should speak about how Trump’s maniacal debate frenzy is proof of how demented and incapable of being president he really is. You’re quite right when you point out the futility of Biden “…playing it safe and just sticking to the issues… when (he) is just interrupted and talked over by Trump.” For all the traction Biden got from this — essentially none — he would have done just as well by speaking in tongues or even Trumpian gibberish. Biden would have done far better by making it clear in real time how Trump was presently displaying the dangerous and unhinged behavior that made it imperative for him to be voted out of office on Nov. 3. I hope you can get it around enough for Biden’s team to see it in time and get him to follow your inspired advice. I’m convinced if Biden has the sense and discipline to really adopt it, Trump will be utterly flabbergasted and may, if possible, come even more unglued in his desperation. While time is getting very short, if Biden does use judo on Trump as you so sagely suggest, it may boost his margin of victory in the popular vote well beyond what we can predict now. If this happens, Biden, the sane citizens of the U.S. and the rest of the world will owe you a great debt of gratitude. » Posted By NoManIsAnIsland On September 30, 2020 @ 3:03 pm Brilliantly said, AdLib, absolutely brilliant and absolutely on the » Posted By NoManIsAnIsland On September 30, 2020 @ 12:37 pm Trump Orders Hospitals to Use ICU Beds For Confederate Statues Brilliant, kesmarn — you’ve just provided the deliciously toxic icing to AdLib’s cake! » Posted By NoManIsAnIsland On July 5, 2020 @ 10:03 am Very well done, AdLib. But while you captured Trump’s disordered “discourse” On another subject, I’ve been trying to post to you and Murph on Vox Populi » Posted By NoManIsAnIsland On July 3, 2020 @ 8:55 pm The Question Mike Pence Couldn’t Answer: Is it harder for black Americans to make in this country? You’re most welcome, twilson 117. And while I must admit » Posted By NoManIsAnIsland On June 22, 2020 @ 11:56 am BRAVO, twilson 117 — Q.E.D.! Quod erat demonstrandum (What was to be shown). No greater proof of “Yes, it is harder for African-Americans to make it in this country” is required, and no greater proof of Pence’s racism and moral » Posted By NoManIsAnIsland On June 21, 2020 @ 2:28 pm Part II of My ADD Journey Through Life You’re very welcome. I hear you. I can understand why you still feel And I’d really like to know if you think “ARD,” for “Attention Regulation » Posted By NoManIsAnIsland On June 29, 2020 @ 7:57 pm Khirad, you’re more than welcome to play in my world — on your own terms — You have a great deal of insight into your condition, and I think what you’ve And as I have no idea if you got to read my response to your post around June “You’re welcome, and thank YOU for posting Jessica McCabe’s TED-X talk! My knowledge of the disorder notwithstanding, it was more than worth my time watching it. Not only do I agree with you and Ms McCabe that ADHD ‘is a terrible name’ for the disorder, hearing her say it gave me the idea for a much more fitting way to So since people who have it don’t actually have a deficit of attention but do have difficulty regulating their attention, why not simply call it ‘ARD,’ for ‘Attention Regulation Disorder’? If you think ARD is more appropriate than ADHD, please feel free to popularize it — and who knows? You may help change the name for the better.” * *If this has never been suggested and is ever adopted, I’m not interested in getting the credit for it. » Posted By NoManIsAnIsland On June 22, 2020 @ 3:40 pm Part I of My ADD Journey Through Life You’re welcome, and thank YOU for posting Jessica McCabe’s TED-X talk! My knowledge of the disorder notwithstanding, it was more than worth my time watching it. Not only do I agree with you and Ms McCabe that ADHD “is a terrible name” for the disorder, hearing her say it gave me the idea for a much more fitting way to call it, and one that doesn’t include “hyperactivity,” as not everyone who has it is hyperactive. So since people who have it don’t actually have a deficit of attention but do have difficulty regulating their attention, why not simply call it “ARD,” for “Attention Regulation Disorder?” If you think ARD is more appropriate than ADHD, please feel free to popularize it — and who knows? You may help change it for the better. » Posted By NoManIsAnIsland On June 13, 2020 @ 10:29 am My son’s best friend has ADD but was never hyperactive. As he wasn’t diagnosed at an early age or ever given therapy which could be called adequate even for that time (the 1970s on),he’s never been able to live up to the potential he clearly had. And as a neuroscientist, I don’t have to guess why you “…HATE how ADD is associated with hyperactivity, and not treated as something deeper.” Even though the two conditions are often seen in the same person, I think it’s absurd for anyone to think hyperactivity causes ADD — assuming that is your point — and that ADD does not have far deeper roots. Part I of your story is as fascinating and informative as it is succinctly told and by itself gives very important insights into how ADD has shaped and affected you. I thank you for writing and posting it and look forward to reading future installments and learning even more from them! » Posted By NoManIsAnIsland On June 12, 2020 @ 9:58 am Very well said, Mr. Cunneff! If Steve Bannon believed Trump is actually capable of And even Lord Randolph Church in the delusional throes of his final illness may » Posted By NoManIsAnIsland On March 30, 2020 @ 5:04 pm PRESS RELEASE: Fox News to Launch Reality Series to Help Economy, “Dying For Dollars” I don’t know where you’re getting your information, but When Trump began to run from his own reflection, his In my case, a nightmare scarier than waking up and seeing I’m Donald Trump would be joining with you in But with the future of our country at stake, what else can I say but “Let George do it!”? George who? Maybe George Stephanopoulos. And if he doesn’t want to help, » Posted By NoManIsAnIsland On March 30, 2020 @ 4:51 pm I’m really sorry to have shattered your faith in reality TV, but if it took this to do it, well…. And speaking of your betting Trump has stand-ins for himself, he used to; but he finally scraped the bottom of the barrel and could no longer find anyone so debased to impersonate him. Do you remember when I said “And speaking of the fake Donald Trump, since I now realize he’s a fake president, the guy who talked to me may have really been him — not that it would have made any difference!”? Well, it actually was Trump. He thought he could get away with it by having me sign a Non-disclosure agreement; but as I was signing it, I yelled “Look, a squirrel!” And wouldn’t you know it, Trump screamed “WHERE?” and bolted off trying to find it. By the time he came back three hours later panting in exhaustion with his clothing in shreds, I had more than enough time to white-out the “Non-” in Non-disclosure; so I signed it with a clear conscience, making it a “Disclosure” agreement. And this is why I can tell you it really was Trump. And you’re so right about my hair. In fact I’m in hiding now because Trump was so impressed with my hair he offered me two billion dollars to grow several inches, gain 100 pounds, and have plastic surgery to look just like him so he could stop acting like the smartest and greatest president in history. He thinks he’s fooled everyone so far, but he’s really worried he won’t be able to keep it up and the strain is starting to get to him. And that’s why I’m in hiding now. I certainly wouldn’t stoop to pretend to be Donald Trump. While I might bend a little, I absolutely won’t stoop! » Posted By NoManIsAnIsland On March 27, 2020 @ 8:54 pm Um…um….Harrumph! Sorry, my throat is still a little raw And that’s what I thought for a minute or so when Donald Trump told me he was so impressed by my sacrifice that he pardoned me from my fiery death and restored me to life! But I’m here to tell you everything about the “Dying for Dollars” promo was fake — from the full-scale papier mache Mount Kilauea, to the glowing lava produced by billions of fake fireflies with orange neon in the lower part of their abdomens, to the smoke from the tons of dry ice vapor billowing from the fake crater, to the fake Donald Trump who said he had restored me to life. And what about the burning lava I swallowed in my plunge into the fake crater? It was just jalapeno sauce — and even it was fake, as the burning sensation lasted only a few seconds. And speaking of the fake Donald Trump, since I now realize he’s a fake president, the guy who talked to me may have really been him — not that it would have made any difference! And by the way, I saw the promo video before I told the crew what I thought of them and left, and my hair looked great. It really did, it was the best hair in the world. I don’t know if it really did look great, I’m not saying it. By everyone there was saying it looked great. All of them did, but I’m not saying it. » Posted By NoManIsAnIsland On March 25, 2020 @ 6:05 pm AdLib — you may not believe this, but my eyes teared up as I read your glowing review of the upcoming Fox series “Dying For Dollars.” In ordinary circumstances, I want to assure you my eyes would have teared up anyway at reading your tribute to the show. But in the interest of full disclosure, I can’t tell you how thrilled I am to have been chosen to be in the promo to represent all the grandmas and grandpas of America who will die in the volcano » Posted By NoManIsAnIsland On March 25, 2020 @ 3:10 pm Donald Trump Wants a Re-Election That You’d Just Die For They certainly wouldn’t be Republicans today. And as this is my field, I think I may say with some degree of authority that while not all members of the GOP are not even “probably mentally ill,” there’s no doubt many of Trump’s most hardened core of supporters are probably mentally ill; and others are actually mentally ill beyond any shadow of a doubt. All reputable mental health professionals and historians recognize that Hitler, with his evil charisma and mad rantings, led huge numbers of Germans into literal mass insanity. And there’s no question that Trump, though (thankfully) he’s but a pale imitation of Hitler, has also driven » Posted By NoManIsAnIsland On March 25, 2020 @ 3:58 pm I agree completely. They’re everything you say and even worse — were that possible. » Posted By NoManIsAnIsland On March 25, 2020 @ 3:36 pm It is indeed. It’s bad enough that Patrick and others of his ilk have this ingrained but indefensible feeling of privilege in the first place. But he’s so self-unaware he doesn’t even realize that in his utter arrogance, he’s actually calling out his own shamelessness and moral rot. » Posted By NoManIsAnIsland On March 23, 2020 @ 9:42 pm Thankfully I never had to go through anything like what today’s medical personnel are dealing with in Dr. Starkloff was a great humanitarian and one of the most outstanding figures in the history of public health administration anywhere. And he was even more of a real hero than you yet know, I’ll bet. Wikipedia has an excellent short article about him, which I link below; but since I don’t know if you’ll In 1896 in Dr. Starkloff’s first term as the Health Commissioner of St. Louis, “…the U.S.’s third most deadly tornado of record struck St. Louis, leaving up The city’s main hospital, City Hospital, was wrecked. Starkloff started to make his way to the hospital from his office at City Hall, when a falling pole knocked him over and broke his right arm. He improvised a sling https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max_C._Starkloff » Posted By NoManIsAnIsland On March 23, 2020 @ 9:26 pm Of course it doesn’t. It may sound harsh, but it doesn’t even apply to his wife, children, grandchildren, or ex-wives. His malignant narcissism and sociopathy run so deep, the only life he cares about is his miserable own. » Posted By NoManIsAnIsland On March 23, 2020 @ 8:45 pm Very well said, Dahlia Swan! Be well, too. And thank you for posting the link » Posted By NoManIsAnIsland On March 23, 2020 @ 8:40 pm Oh, brother! And will someone please tell me why I’m not surprised Lt. Gov. Patrick would say such a thing? /s » Posted By NoManIsAnIsland On March 23, 2020 @ 8:37 pm You’re welcome, AdLib! Even as a physician, it’s very surreal to me — and I think it must be just as surreal to the brave physicians, nurses, EMTs, and technicians who are on the front lines fighting Covid-19 with everything they’ve got! I’m staying safe at home and healthy, and I hope you are doing the same! Incidentally, although I never met Dr. Max Starkloff, who was responsible for St. Louis’ remarkable success in dealing with the great influenza epidemic which started in 1918, I am one degree of separation from him as I knew two of his grandchildren. You may be interested in reading my reply to Steppenwolf below. » Posted By NoManIsAnIsland On March 23, 2020 @ 8:30 pm As well as having seen the story about St. Louis and Philadelphia in 1918, I It was Dr. Starkloff, with the full cooperation of then St. Louis Mayor Henry While both Dr. Starkloff and Mayor Kiel were Republicans, they were a » Posted By NoManIsAnIsland On March 23, 2020 @ 8:30 pm Bravo, AdLib, for brilliantly exposing the depraved “reasoning” behind the And nothing could drive home the importance of your article more than the » Posted By NoManIsAnIsland On March 23, 2020 @ 7:41 pm You’re correct in every particular, Mr. Cuneff; and your article, Trump’s Pandemic, was absolutely spot on! It is a “bitter irony in the US…that those who might suffer most are the Trump loyalists foolish enough to believe him.” But more than that, I think it’s fair to say it would be an historic example of poetic justice as well. They who sow the wind, fully deserve to reap the whirlwind. » Posted By NoManIsAnIsland On March 25, 2020 @ 2:07 pm 270 Days, Democracy, or The Road To Perdition. You’re welcome. I’m really glad you happened to mention you’re currently reading I trust you will find it very absorbing and informative, as I did. And » Posted By NoManIsAnIsland On March 4, 2020 @ 3:33 pm Spot on, Twilson 117! » Posted By NoManIsAnIsland On March 4, 2020 @ 9:52 am You’re welcome again. It’s my turn to say “Wow,” because that’s my reaction to hearing you’re reading Stephen Ambrose. And why is that? It’s because I had the chance to meet and talk with him one on one for a while at a small dinner in his honor before he gave a talk at a university’s speakers series in the fall of 2000. I’d read a number of his books on World War II over many years but never thought I’d have a chance to meet him. And while it was already public knowledge he had terminal lung cancer, he was still well enough to keep working and meet some speaking engagements. But when Ambrose strode into a hotel’s private dining room, he looked so hale and hearty it was hard to believe his lease on life was nearly up! I introduced myself and told him the military history of World War II and those who fought it is one of my chief interests and that I have studied it extensively for most of my life. Then I said “I think your Band of Brothers is the most outstanding account of courage under fire I have ever read!” Before my last word left my lips, he extended his right hand very quickly to grasp mine, shook it slowly, and without uttering a single word, held it in his firm grip for about ten seconds, with his piercing, deep blue eyes locked on mine all the while — his poignant silence as eloquent as any spoken words could have been. We resumed talking after he released his grip; and while the entire experience was very memorable, the handshake we shared was a transcendent occurrence I’ll remember for the rest of my life. Stephen Ambrose, who was engaging and charismatic as well as an outstanding historian, died at his home in Bay St. Louis, LA less than 2 years after I met him. » Posted By NoManIsAnIsland On March 2, 2020 @ 2:57 pmComments Posted By NoManIsAnIsland
that longtime establishment Dems are running
Biden’s campaign, historically only the Republicans
have caused more problems for this country and
our so-called “democratic” processes than the
the Democratic establishment and the slavish
Democratic politicians who serve it rather
than work for the best interests of rank and file
Democrats and the country as a whole.
“idea front” in regard to the vile institutional
racism of uniformed and secret police attacks
on the George Floyd/BLM protests.
to think of judo as a way to get Trump to help
complete his own electoral downfall!
outcome of your efforts to first get Biden’s ear,
and then convince him to follow your plan,
there’s no way to overstate the ingenuity
you’ve shown and the potential magnitude
of the results it can yield if Biden employs it!
mark! Now from your lips to Biden’s (or at least his advisors’) ears!
to a T, it all hung together much too well and was too coherent for it possibly
to have been written by him!
for about 40 minutes, have sent an e-mail to Planet POV, but I haven’t seen
any of my posts appear yet. Of course you may not see this tonight, either.
it’s the first time I’ve ever written Q.E.D. at all, let alone in
a post, it’s still part of my vocabulary — having been firmly
planted there as a legacy of my six years of Latin classes
from the seventh through twelfth grade!
degeneracy is needed than his blatantly transparent failure to answer the
ashamed concerning your grammatical errors; and as a physician
and neuroscientist, I have what I consider an instinctive disdain of
confirming biases of any kind.
Disorder,” is a better name for the condition than ADHD or AD/HD.
and it would be very valuable and enlightening to learn how to play in yours!
written deserves to be read by an even greater readership than POV can provide. Have you ever met or been in touch with Jessica McCabe? If you haven’t, I think she would be very interested in knowing you and reading both parts of My ADD Journey Through Life — for a start.
23, I’m taking the liberty of re-posting it to you below in case you haven’t seen it yet:
call it, and one that doesn’t include ‘hyperactivity,’ as not everyone who has it is hyperactive.
following his advice, he must be as delusional as Trump is.
not have been more out of it than Trump is in his congenital malignant narcissism.
it’s surprisingly accurate.
staff simply removed the mirrors from their frames. But this didn’t help; for when he saw no reflection at all, he
thought he had vanished and howled so loudly wolves from as far away as Yellowstone National Park rushed to the White House to see who was raising such a ruckus. And they weren’t happy at all when they found out it was Trump. You don’t want to know what happened then….
your proposed plan and taking the risk of morphing into
him mentally as well as physically after the switch. Just looking exactly like him physically would be bad enough….
there must be lots of other Georges in the country, and I’ll be glad to help you choose one to make the switch at the right time.
from the lava I swallowed before it vaporized me. Now before I
say anything else, I wouldn’t be surprised if you think I’m speaking
to you from beyond the grave, so to speak, or more accurately, from beyond my cremation.
I’m obliged to tell you (with the clear understanding you won’t mention this to a
soul until after the debut of “Dying for Dollars”) that right now Fox is shooting a promo for the show on the Big Island of Hawaii. And at this very moment as I’m actually standing on the rim of Mount Kilauea, the smoke from the churning lava
is contributing to my eyes tearing!
to save the economy of our country and help re-elect our great Adolph — I mean Donald — Trump! I’d like to tell you more, but AIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEE….!
very poorly informed, resentful, and fearful people into the same mass insanity that brought Hitler to power and ended with him — and many of them, too — going to their deaths and the dustbin of history.
this catastrophic epidemic; but growing up as the
son of probably the last true country doctor in the
St. Louis area and becoming a physician myself, it
isn’t hard for me to imagine what doctors and nurses are facing now. And while my awe and admiration
for them is boundless, I don’t envy them in my retirement!
have the time to read it;I’m quoting two paragraphs which document a striking example of his physical
courage as well as moral heroism:
to a 3-mile-wide (4.8 km) swath of destruction in the urban core, and killing a couple of hundred and
injuring a thousand more, in addition to destroying 8,000 buildings.
and then traveled by ambulance to what was left of
the hospital. There Starkloff took charge of recovery efforts despite his injury. It was not until after several hours of work that his broken arm was set.”*
for the state Coronavirus stats.
live in St. Louis County and went to elementary through high school with a granddaughter of Dr. Max Starkloff, St. Louis’ Health Commissioner at the
time. I also knew, but didn’t go to school with — a grandson of his who
became an internationally recognized disability rights advocate years after being left a quadriplegic after a near-fatal car accident.
Kiel, whose draconian public safety measures during the great influenza epidemic resulted in St. Louis having by far the lowest mortality rate of all
major American cities.
different breed than the political vermin who call themselves “Republicans” today. Both of them would be spinning in their graves if they could see how
low that once somewhat respectable party has sunk.
Trump mis-administration’s evil plans to keep itself in power at the
expense of the health and safety of the American public — including, no
doubt — many of its own poorly informed and delusional followers.
poignant and powerful video of Tara Jane Langston, the recovering COVID-19 patient!
Stephen Ambrose’s The Supreme Commander. Otherwise, of course,
I wouldn’t have thought of telling you about my unforgettable
meeting with him and how he reacted when I told him how highly I
thought of Band of Brothers. And thus it’s likely you wouldn’t have
learned yet he wrote that book!
from what you’ve written about it, The Supreme Commander sounds
as if it adds a lot to our knowledge of former President Eisenhower
and his contributions in peacetime as well as in war.
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