Nine months or 270 days until the election. November 3rd will be here before we know it. Two things will happen: the country will take a collective sigh of relief or scream in agony. If Trump* is reelected, the American Experiment is over.

Of the debates I have watched, I was not impressed. Frankly, they were mortifying. They need to fire their debate prep people. They’re not helping you.

The message must be around how they will defeat Trump* restore and shore up our democratic process by making sure our election process is strongly resistant to foreign interference. That’s what I want to hear from the candidates.

I want to know that when I cast my vote, there is not one iota chance of someone tampering with it. Too, many people who look like me died so I could have the right to vote. The fact that Trump* and Mitch McConnell are doing absolutely nothing to secure our elections, and the ballot is beyond troubling, it is a violation of their oath of office, for that alone both need to be booted from office.

Since his 2016 win, the Republican party has sold their souls to him, and the price was surprisingly low. All he has had to do is nominate unqualified individuals for judges, a tax cut that has run up the national debt, deregulation that pollutes our waterways and air, trade deals that did little but move us more toward isolationism.

Every day Trump* is in the White House is one where we are moving closer to the total collapse of the rule of law that will lead to instability loss of our checks and balances that protect our freedom, resulting in tyranny.

Candidates want to show they understand the kitchen table issue healthcare, a living wage, saving the environment an overall good and safe future for their families. I get that. But, when you listen, there isn’t a lot that separates them from each other.

Trump’s* message is a simple populist message. That is steeped deep in hate, anger, fear of immigration, and isolationism. Trump* sees it as the prophylactic; the country needs to remain safe from the onslaught internationalism.

Populism is simple. It just requires blind obedience. Whereas democracy is hard, one must work at it. Populism, simple, all it needs is a message of hate, which he can supply plentifully. Democracy, hard; it requires us to see others as our equals.

In 270 days, we will know if democracy and the rule of law win or if we’re on the road to Perdition.

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Spot on, Twilson 117!