What if ISIS was invading Jordan or Israel or even somewhere in Europe and on a genocidal march through the country, would President Obama be just as much of a hypocrite if he acted against them then? Are hypocrisy and conscience conditional based on what the latitude and longitude is of a terrorist-driven slaughter?
Despite references to Putin as Hitler Reborn and rumblings ala 1939, most European leader remain unwilling to join together and with the United States in sanctioning Russian support for separatist forces
Russian President Vladimir Putin’s meddling in Ukraine is starting to cost Russia dearly in financial markets. Observations from around the globe.
Was such a horrendous act that could galvanize The West against Russia inevitable? Was it only a matter of time until a brutal, militaristic dictatorship such as Russia would go too far to get what it wants that it shocks the rest of the world into turning against it in unity?
There are many myths about Australia and the people who populate it. Yes, we have the nastiest snakes, spiders, sharks, jellyfish and even birds who will kill you stone dead in seconds, but you normally don't find them in the suburbs of our main cities, where most of us live.
Suddenly, unaccompanied children are pouring across the border from Mexico. They are not all from Mexico but from Honduras and other Central American countries. Where do we start to end the crossings?
Comparisons between Iraq and Vietnam, between Baghdad and Saigon, are ubiquitous...and largely on the mark.
A young man, haunted by his life in Iraq and Afghanistan. He looks SO young but he does not smile. Empty eyes, and even in the midst of a crowd very much alone.
It all comes down to profits for those who have more to gain from war than peace. We have McCain in the Senate who never met a war he didn't like. Why, because he can line his pockets with considerations.
We are now witnessing the inevitable consequences of going into a war in a nation that posed no threats to the US, was politically stable, sectarian, where Shiites, Sunni and Christians lived side by side in relative harmony and al Qaeda was viewed as an enemy by all sides.


Happy New Year! It’s Going to Be a Wild Ride

Lucifer and Mazakeen are making plans for Trump's presidential visit.

Affirmative Action, DEI, Voting Rights, They Want It All Part 2

How different would this country be if not for the logic of Jefferson and the citizens of the fledgling country we call the United States, clinging to their views of their right to enslave people who were free in their country but kidnapped and brought here against their will as enslaved individuals, designated as non-human and doomed to the inhumanity of enslavement?

I Believe in God, But I Hate Religion Part 2

The thought of eternal suffering is a significant motivator for those who are strong in their religious beliefs. It is also conducive to those who push various religious doctrines on their congregants to keep them in line.