Instead of letting the GOP get away with trying to create an anti-identity based solely on what they oppose and want to repeal, it's a good time to recognize who they really are as a party and what they truly stand for.
"Ares, you are so cute! We love everything about you and the awesome wars you bring us, it's like, so sweet and gets us so hot! All we can think about is Armageddon-it-on with you!"
This is a chilling event because these Republicans have demonstrated that they are willing do anything to obtain and to maintain power including undermining our constitutionally elected government as well as jeopardizing our international standing and national security.
According to Netanyahu, what's best for "all of us", is to not try to negotiate with Iran to stop them developing a nuclear weapon. So if they need to be stopped...and negotiating is foolish, what one path is left to stop them? War. And that's all that Netanyahu really wants.
Many are wondering, should Netanyahu's declarations be trusted? Thankfully, the diligent staff at PlanetPOV have assembled a list of Netanyahu's top ten most vehement predictions so that readers can make up their own minds about this.
Unfortunately, since religion is such a minefield for politicians, Americans have become accustomed to disassociating religious extremists from their religion so as not to offend mainstream religious voters.
For the Right anything Obama does is grist for the mill and fodder for the fools. They are railing because Obama did not go to Paris, but what if he did....
Republicans argued that the information in the Spanish Inquisition Torture Report was faulty, claiming that there was no torture but just "enhanced inquisitional procedures".
What we know confidently now is that torture did take place under the Bush Administration by the CIA, that it didn't work or help keep Americans safe, that it permanently undermined our nation's moral authority in the world and that there is absolutely no regret or apology from those who oversaw and committed it.
Many veterans are injured either physically or emotionally or by some illness brought on by (in my case) Agent Orange. We all carry memories that we wish we never had to.


Vox Populi – 02-21-2025

Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week's events begins tonight at 7:00PM PT. Hope to see you then! AdLib2 hours ago Hey Murph! AdLib2 hours...

Vox Populi – 02-14-2025

Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PT. Hope to see you then! AdLib3 hours ago Hey TW! AdLiban hour...

For Whom The Dell Tolls

Dell and many other corporations are having difficulty dealing with a workforce that is becoming obsolete with the advancement of AI technology, a problem most corporations ignored earlier, believing they have time or that they will always need the level of employees they have to provide the products and services they offer to the general public and their overseas customers.

Affirmative Action, D.E.I., Voting Rights, They Want It All – Addendum

These are not people who care about a democratic republic form of governance. For them, giving people rights is non-conducive to what they want to do, dominating and controlling everything they see in their sight line. They believe this will enhance their bottom line and make them even more decadent than they are currently.

Vox Populi – 02-07-2025

Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week's events begins tonight at 7:00pm PT. Hope to see you then! AdLib5 hours ago Hey CL! AdLib2 hours...