OK, Congress is mad at the President. I get it. They're mad because he didn't ask them for their permission to join two other permanent members of the UN Security Council in effecting a no-fly zone over Libya in...
The House Select Committee on Benghazi will begin in earnest after the November Elections to "find the truth" behind the act of terror that led to the death of four U.S. Department of State personnel. More than a decade later I wonder when the GOP (and the Democrats for that matter) will ask: "What if the Bush White House had taken the CIA briefings seriously?"
A young man, haunted by his life in Iraq and Afghanistan. He looks SO young but he does not smile. Empty eyes, and even in the midst of a crowd very much alone.
For the Right anything Obama does is grist for the mill and fodder for the fools. They are railing because Obama did not go to Paris, but what if he did....
We are now witnessing the inevitable consequences of going into a war in a nation that posed no threats to the US, was politically stable, sectarian, where Shiites, Sunni and Christians lived side by side in relative harmony and al Qaeda was viewed as an enemy by all sides.
Trump declared that it is important for the world to see the US perform its responsibility to appear as a moral leader and that he hopes they appreciated this performance...also mentioning that it's available same day on Blue Ray, DVD and pay per view.
November 27, 2009
Dear Journal,
I can't believe Brett Favre came back for another season. They're not even going to make the playoffs. Wish someone payed me $20 million to waste their fucking time for 4 months out of the year....
Who does ISIS have to thank for the deadbolts being broken on the doors to Iraq? They ought to commission a bathtub self portrait of George W. Bush out of gratitude.
Despite arguments to the contrary, President Obama's actions would seem to indicate that he is earnest in wanting military strikes despite his reluctance.
The GOP's vague alternatives to the Iran deal are dishonest and impossible but of course, they don't care. Like the nihilists they are, all they really care about is defeating every effort of their true enemy, Obama and Democrats. Not preventing Iran from having nuclear weapons.