On a graph, this looks like a steep hill that we are just starting to climb. It's very steep this time, and it will likely overwhelm our resources, medical and otherwise. That's when the war really starts.
Why have a basic understanding of cryptography? Take those Mayan priest-rulers for an example: they coded religious texts so that they would be the sole keepers of the knowledge. So that they could control people, 'en masse'. Their subjects didn't understand either the code or the process. They were virtual slaves, for their lack of knowledge.
Could we create complete models of super-viruses, and produce vaccines and cures in minutes? Could we make an interactive model of the Earth, and include every factor affecting global warming. Could we… create continent-sized energy networks, and exchanges, with a micro-macro philosophy. Could we have a fully accountable and individually auditable elections system? Wouldn't that be an interesting world?
When it comes to water and toilet paper, the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. Fear is a multiplier, the more it's widely accepted, the more it grows. While there seems to be no connection right now between Coronavirus and running out of Charmin, that connection has been made out of fear and ignorance. And now, the legit fear of not being able to buy the basics because of others' panic-buying, is justified and multiplies all other fears.
In the first place it's not a rule, but a state of being. Of a society. But, moreover, it is the achievement of an acceptably stable and successful state of existence where the law is trusted and consulted. Where people "have faith" in law. Where a substantial majority believe in the virtues of living in a law-abiding society, and the responsibilities entailed. "The Rule of Law" is an achievement. Of a People.
In Montana, Republicans are characterizing better schools and hospitals as "socialist" and a Republican chairman in Montana has just enunciated that anyone who votes for a candidate that he deems to be Socialist should the murdered. He claims that the Constitution says so.
Revolution isn't a war. It is an agreement. Revolution can never come from above, from "governments." War almost always does. Revolution is the only option when government fails to represent the basic morality of a majority, or consensus, of the people. When it fails to be accountable, and responsible.
Many media pundits struggle with object permanence when it comes to the normal, reoccurring process of primaries. Instead of a primary having trust falls and drum circles, the candidates are now actually criticizing each other so they can convince voters why they should be the nominee instead of any of the others. So they can run against Trump. Why is it so hard for them to see that 2 comes after 1?
There have to be limits on power. If there are none, then evil men and women will use fear, brute force, and nationalism to enslave us.
Trump has both sides promoting his propaganda. He doesn't care if it's simultaneously being condemned by Dems. There's an old Hollywood saying, "There's no such thing as bad publicity." For propaganda, that's especially true.