I've mentioned Randi Rhodes a few times on this site. She's probably my favorite progressive broadcaster (Rachel Maddow is nipping at her heels). I...
While the subject of hate is complex, hate itself can be divided into two general categories: rational and irrational. Unjust acts inspire rational hate....
Rush Limbaugh:
"n Obama's America, the white kids now get beat up with the black kids cheering."
Glenn Beck:
"So here you have Barack...
Here is an interesting letter I received from AARP this morning:
If you and I don't act now – the future of Social Security and...
Well folks, now we have it, a bonafide all white basketball league trying to start playing as early as this summer. The league is...
Here's to YOU, Mr. Robertson,
Jesus turns his righteous back on you,
Whoo, whoo, whoo.
God hates you TOO, Mr. Robertson
Heaven holds NO place for you this...
California is in the early stages of legalizing marijuana use. New Jersey is probably going to legalize medical marijuana. Thirteen states will then have...
I recently wrote an article about the upcoming trial of Scott Roeder. There have been numerous responses to the article, and many have been...
I received an email this morning from CREDO's Becky Bond that announced that the trial regarding the constitutionality of Prop 8 will be published...
NEW JERSEY – The state Senate denied marriage equality to all its citizens. The marriage equality bill failed to pass in a 20-14 decision...