Every weekend, free samples of the American consumer society are offered at your local Costco...along with five layer dip and gummy vitamins.
Now, six years later, he's back and running again for the GOP nomination. It reveals a sad state of Republican affairs in the Commonwealth when Allen's opponents for the Republican nod are a Tea Partier and a State politician who advocates Virginia minting its own currency and who manages to make Pat Buchanan look like a Progressive. In the world of the Republican blind, the one-eyed George Allen is king, at least in Virginia.
Then, I got curious. How the hell does anyone take advantage of someone who is, at least, intelligent enough to accumulate investment capital?
What does it take to convince a "savvy" person to get sucked into a scam? Apparently, not a lot.
She's a side show, a carnival barker, a hoyden of ignorance who's also skillful at subtlely reminding people of equal ignorance what differentiates between their real America and the Europhiliacs of coastal elitism, without offering any tangible solutions to these people's real problems
Here's how it happens.
No grills to light, hot dogs to burn, shopping or flag waving. Just you and your taking some time with your thoughts.
In one sentence, the strategic narrative of the United States in
the 21st century is that we want to become the strongest competitor and most influential
player in a deeply inter-connected global system, which requires that we invest less in
defense and more in sustainable prosperity and the tools of effective global engagement.
After the 2010 elections, with many governorships back in their hands, the GOP (a subsidiary of Koch Industries) got right to work on solving...
This weekend something happened in my life that I was NOT prepared for; didn't expect and has shaken some of my beliefs to the...
Last Friday, there were State of Emergency rallies at most Los Angeles schools to protest the looming cuts to education in the city which...