And what is the end result of this corrupt, survival of the wealthiest and their lackeys system we now see supplanting our government? Doing to the planet Earth what they did to the economy in 2008.
The most compelling problem with climate collapse/global warming currently being discussed by scientists is that while the progressive climb upward of c02 (or methane) in parts per million seems gradual, there are numerous feedback loops that have been set off by warmer temperatures.
The warming we've seen is setting feedback loops that guarantee higher levels of warming. The melting of the Siberian permafrost means thousands of gigatons of methane (more damaging as greenhouse effect than carbon dioxide) released into the atmosphere.
The disconnect between those Americans essentially supporting greater Climate Change and more frequent and terrible natural disasters that some of them dying in, is astounding. It's like blocking a national effort to prevent the spread of Black Plague simply because Obama wants to do it (no doubt a re-definition of Black Plague to them).
Our next contestant is 99942 Apophis. At half a mile wide, it could definitely do some serious damage no matter where it hit. the date for impact is April 2036
We have to be the first to take personal responsibility for our own carbon footprint. And it's probably not going to be a walk in the park--most other industrialized nations keep energy prices high for a variety of different reasons.
Everybody knows that carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas, but did you know that water vapour is a greenhouse gas? Surprised? Well, so was I.
"Look, I'm not a scientist so I can't say one way or the other if the climate is changing, I think the jury is still out on that," President Koch III expressed as he christened the new impervious dome constructed around the White House in a high security ceremony.
Another effect of Global Warming is Climate Change. Climate is defined as the set trends in weather patterns in an area over a long period of time. The increasing average surface temperature caused by global warming will have a ripple effect throughout this entire system, changing weather patterns drastically.
The stakes with stopping carbon dioxide buildup are huge. The value of the un-drilled oil and methane and coal is in the trillions and if you think the oil and gas companies are going to write off those investments without a huge fight, I have a bridge to sell you.