This weekend's music thread is all about the soothing power of music. Post your favorite instrumentals, Trumpets, Drums, Pianos, Saxaphones, Flutes, Clarinets, Harps, Harmonicas.....any style, era or genre.
This weekend's music thread is about cover songs. Some artists can take a song and really make it their own, through various creative styles and performances. So, think of some of your favorite cover songs and add them to this weekend's thread.
Share your favorite holiday songs and songs about joy, love, family and all those things that make this season so special.
As a tribute to Leonard Nimoy and the enduring character he played, Mr. Spock, this weekend's music thread is about about space, clips from science fiction films and tv series and any other songs dedicated to this unforgettable actor.
Vox Populi, our weekly live chat on the week's events begins tonight at 7:00pm PST. Hope to see you then! AdLib 7 days ago Hey Beatlex! AdLib 7 days ago Hey ad! Beatlex 7 days ago Getting a lot of Americans moving in up there? AdLib 7...
AdLib : Night Kes! kesmarn : Oh, and now I realize the last call came and went and the Hotel Vox Bar really is closing! Good night, all! AdLib : Sorry Kes! G'night! kesmarn : Sorryb b'ito! I've been fighting with my...
The theme of this weekend's music thread is song titles or lyrics that describe, refer to or nail the nutter that's in office for 3 years and 11 months ("Myah, I can do that time standing on my head, see?).
Hey peeps! It's time, once again for the weekend music thread. We had a weekend thread several weeks ago where people would post mini-themes, on whatever subject they wanted. There were some really good ones, let's do it again!
Turmoil in Egypt once again. The Fundie assault on abortion is heating up. Snowden is still evading the NSA, racism is alive and well, despite what some on the Supreme Court may want you to believe. Latino immigrants are...
This week Hillary got private email servered and the SCOTUS flirted again with being a death panel. So much to discuss tonight as we always do on our live Friday night chat, Vox Populi! It all begins at 7pm!...


Trump VP Hopefuls Byron and Scott – Pigs Will Fly First

It won’t happen for either of them. The first is they are of the wrong hue. Trump would love to have a large segment of the Black vote as a bragging right, but he will settle for whatever or whoever shows up to cast a vote for him. He will then lie about how thousands upon thousands of Black voters left Biden to vote for him.