Vox Populi, our live weekly chat about the week's events begins tonight at 7:00pm PST. Hope to see you then! AdLib 4 hours ago Hey PPO! Happy Trump Loser Day! AdLib 4 hours ago Escrib!!! AdLib 4 hours ago How are you, E-cat? AdLib 4 hours...
There won't be any shutdown here tonight, we're hosting our weekly live chat about the week's events, Vox Populi, at 7:00PM PST. Hope to see you then! AdLib 3 hours ago Hey PPO! AdLib 2 hours ago Don't forget to say "Hi!" or...
This weekend's music thread is for songs that are optimistic, positive and look at 2019 as a year when bad things (and people) can be stopped and good things can happen.
You've blogged about important issues all week, you've earned a chance to relax and recharge. It's Music Time. So, this week's theme for this thread is all about putting aside the weight of the world's events for a while and...
Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week's events, begins tonight at 7:00pm PST. Hope to see you then! ...
Driving though the snow in a beat up Chevrolet, Through the aisles we go, pushing people out the way......
People are flying on on planes more, socializing and once again, going to the movies. So to celebrate what we hope is getting a bit on top of COVID and getting back a bit more to normal, this weekend's music thread is about movie music. Share your favorite songs from movies, are the titles of movies or are about movies.
Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week's events begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then! AdLib3 hours ago Hi Ad— Am I the first one here tonight? How are you doing? glenn 2 hours ago Hi Glenn. It is...
Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week's events begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then! AdLib 15 hours ago Howdy! AdLib 5 hours ago Hey glenn! AdLib 4 hours ago Evening, Ad, how are you? glenn 4 hours ago We missed you last...
Sunday Sundry edition--News and opinion from around US-opolis for Sunday, March 27, 2011.


Trump VP Hopefuls Byron and Scott – Pigs Will Fly First

It won’t happen for either of them. The first is they are of the wrong hue. Trump would love to have a large segment of the Black vote as a bragging right, but he will settle for whatever or whoever shows up to cast a vote for him. He will then lie about how thousands upon thousands of Black voters left Biden to vote for him.

Democracy Or Autocracy: Which Do You Want?

If Trump manages to win, Trump’s retribution will not be limited to what he does here in the United States. He will partner with Putin, Xi, and Kim Jong Un, and the world order as we currently know it will for sure become the despotic nightmares we read about back in High School in 1984, Fahrenheit 451, The Hunger Games, and Handmaid’s Tale.