When it comes to the Bush Tax Cuts, the Devil is in the details...and the bargaining room.
President Obama is going to announce his plans for Afghanistan after Thanksgiving. It may be ironic that by then we will be done giving thanks. Word right now is that the military anticipates over 30,000 more soldiers being sent there. Pres....
Just as Republicans insisted that the 2012 polls were all wrong and Mitt Romney would win by a landslide, Republicans today are blindly and overwhelmingly confident that the Democrats and Obama will bend to their will and the country will see them as heroes...and they'll be just as right as they were on Romney.
  Let’s face it… We are our own worst enemy.. and we better acknowledge that simple fact that unless we confront this cancer as a unified front then the entire nation will succumb to the bagger agenda. We ALSO need President Obama...
A powerful thing happened at the GOP's Missouri Caucus and it had little to do with the caucus. I met a Democratic Psychiatrist who drafted an extraordinary statement about Obama and how his remarkable qualities seem to have kept Americans afloat emotionally through the worst times in recent memory.
Despite references to Putin as Hitler Reborn and rumblings ala 1939, most European leader remain unwilling to join together and with the United States in sanctioning Russian support for separatist forces
Americans Elect feels like a Koch-Brothers-type Tea Partying of the Left and Indies. Exploit the anger and frustration of the constituency and drive them together under a populist tent...that's in fact owned by the wealthy.
As I have been considering this "war" in Libya, I have been countering any number of arguments against the Admin's actions.    I would list them as such: 1)  The risk to our military.   Seriously.   Please.    If one wants to make...
Sarah Palin Launches Subscription-Based Online Video Channel. With expenses outstripping fundraising the newest venture continues her crusade to live well off of the anger and anxiety of others.
When someone is shooting a lot of arrows at you, don't try to catch each arrow, take his bow away. In the next debate, Obama should attack Romney as untrustworthy and use each question or response to drive that point home. It won't matter what lies Romney tells if he's not believed.


Watch and Chat Live: The Presidential Debate – Harris V. Trump 6:00 pm PDT/9:00...

Tonight is the first (and only?) debate between Kamala Harris and an orange stain on this country's history. It begins at 6:00pm PDT/9:00pm EDT and we are hosting a live chat via our Vox Populi app starting then as well as streaming the live video of the debate below so you can watch and live chat on the same screen. Ain't modern technology wonderful?